6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment


We select beautiful plants that do not take a lot of space, but will attract attention.

6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment 808_1

6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment

1 succulents

Succulents are an ideal find for a small apartment for those who have no time for complex plant care. Let the succulents are very miniature, but they meet a variety of species and look very interesting in the composition. To emphasize their beauty and, often, alien look, choose the original pots for them.

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6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment 808_4

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2 Sansevieria

A plant that is different is also called the language language, very unpretentious. It will not perish if you forget it to pour, and will not work without bright sunlight. Therefore, it can be placed not only on the windowsill, which in a small apartment may be too narrow or forced, but also in the depths of the room.

If you want the Sansevieriya to remain miniature, transplane it when the root system fills the pot and do not make fertilizer too often.

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6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment 808_9

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3 Moss

On a small area, you can resort to vertical landscaping. The easiest way is to make a panel of stabilized moss. It is treated with harmless drugs of moss, whose life is slowed down, and the appearance is no different from the soft and beautiful moss, which you will find in the forest.

You can settle at home and ordinary moss - it will not take a lot of space and becomes a spectacular addition to the interior. But the fact is that in nature Moss lives in very raw places, and it is simply impossible to support such climate in the apartment. Therefore, you will have to settle it into a glass vessel. It can be a bottle, aquarium, bank or even a kettle. Drainage is laid out on the bottom, and then fresh moss. Polyberry is produced, and the container is sealed. It is necessary to put it on a sunny place and do not forget to regularly spray moss from the spray gun, maintaining the level of humidity.

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4 Dracaena Marginata

Drazena is a miniature tree with a lush beautiful crown that is suitable for a small apartment. This tree grows quite slowly, in most cases preferring to grow new leaves, instead of increasing the trunk. So that the crown was volumetric and the leaves are not falling out, do not forget about watering and put the pot into the sunny part of the room.

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6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment 808_19

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5 chlorophytum

If the window sills and tables are forced, you can highlight a narrow shelf under plants or even consolidate the hook in the ceiling for suspended porridge. In this case, you will need a flower like a chlorophytum, which will drop your shoots from the pot down. It is very easy to care and does not require a lot of sunlight. Therefore, it will be suitable, for example, to ride a narrow corridor or decorate the wall behind the headboard.

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6 spectacular indoor plants for a small apartment 808_24

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6 Orchid

Orchids require regular irrigation, spraying from a pulverizer and a good solar place without drafts. But at the same time they have enough pot sizes with a mug, as they grow up, spending strength on flowering and new leaves. Therefore, they are ideal for the room where there is no excess place, and their bright unusual flowers attract views. Regularly feed orchid fertilizers, and they will bloom often and for 2-3 weeks.

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