Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment


We find out how to count the living and total area of ​​real estate and whether you need to pay for a balcony for utility bills.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_1

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment

The architectural element is often used as a pantry and especially attention does not attract. Exactly until the moment comes the overestimated amount for utilities. How to understand whether a balcony is included in the total area of ​​the apartment? Tell me in the article.

Will the balcony in the apartment area

How to count a member
  • General and living: differences
  • Is a balcony

How to increase space

Tips for those who buy real estate

Rules for private houses

What is included in the overall

To begin with, we define what the difference between the concepts. One of the main documents to which the explanation should be referred to - SNiP from 2.08.01-89.

Total interpretations are two.

  1. A built-up room with or without glazing, which is not associated with housing electrical and water supply, as well as without a heating system, is a balcony. He is not at home.
  2. An attached room with a combined electrical wiring is a loggia. According to this document, it is part of a residential building.

So, how is the situation in the construction market today. A few changes have been made to the housing code, they primarily relate to the cost of living space. Today the apartment price is calculated already taking into account the size of additional meters.

What can be boldly attributed to the residential premises? It is natural, rooms: bedrooms, living rooms, and so on. Additional premises include storerooms, dressing room and kitchens. There is another item called the project space, it includes the parameters of the balconies. These figures are taken into account when the building is at the construction stage. The most important question that worries all the happy owners of apartments is what will be included in the account for a communal service?

In practice, all this additional metrah is included in the total size and is taken into account when calculating housing and utilities services.

Although according to the law, if the extension is not heated, its presence does not affect the accounts. Very many unscrupulous developers neglect the requirements of legislation and calculate the final cost of housing on their already existing coefficient.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_3

Differences with residential and total real estate

The living space is all the premises that are used to stay people, in a simple room. That is why the extension will not be attributed to the overall residential area of ​​the house. It is important to distinguish and consider when checking measurements. Pay attention to the fact that the bathroom is also not included in the concept of residential meters. By the way, the same applies to the kitchen.

Be careful - very many sellers distort the real state of affairs, entering the living area Bathrooms or kitchens in the residential area.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_4

How is the total area of ​​the apartment with a balcony for documents

To answer this question, we will deal with what is a common metrah by law. This figure includes all sizes of rooms that are included in the borders of the apartment. Previously, the extensions were not included in this group, and, accordingly, their dimensions were not taken into account. But today the situation is different. Many buyers prefer to bypass similar nuances with dimensions and calculations, but in fact these figures will be very useful in the future, when you will be charged the amount of light, gas and overhaul, based on the total area.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_5

Is it possible to increase the apartment at the expense of the balcony

You can, but you need to do it right. Your plans can be great to spoil the harsh reality - namely the irrational use of additional meters or incorrect coordination of work in BTI. For those who want to increase housing size by means of a balcony if several recommendations, how to make it legally.

  1. Determine the functionality. For example, additional space from the kitchen can be used as a dining room, storage room or a TV zone. In the bedroom you can equip the office or dressing room.
  2. Remember about the rules. It is completely forbidden to carry out batteries. If you want to spend heating - put a warm floor, but only electric.
  3. Consider all work. If you are going to demolish the separating wall, it is necessary to coordinate the project in advance with BTI and make a heat engineering.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_6

What to pay attention to the purchase of an apartment with a balcony

Many things are concerned about the question: the total area of ​​the apartment includes a balcony or not? Before buying housing, it is necessary to clarify the developer, as square meters are considered in his accommodation. Will they affect the calculation of the cost of services housing and communal services? It should be carefully familiar with the documents - if the developer indicates the actual metro station when calculating utilities, it comes illegally. Even if the method of an extension is included in the total, it is paid according to a different scheme - reduced, with a discount. Specify, with which the coefficient is the area - it should be 0.5.

If you are going to resell real estate, make redevelopment or simply execute square meters in the property - it makes sense to understand all the intricacies of the counting of a pattern. This is important and when paying services. If you do not want to overpay - be sure to check all the numbers in the sale contract and monthly accounts.

Is the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment 8102_7

Rules for private houses and cottages

If your target in the real estate market is not apartments, but a large private house, then the size of the balconies is doubly important. Because, first, communal payments for the house are completely different numbers, they are more than an apartment. Secondly, the size of the architectural elements is also greater than that of the standard balcony in Khrushchev.

All together it can significantly change the cost of services of housing and communal services. In addition, it is very important to correctly record housing parameters, it will affect the assessment and further real estate implementation. How to check unscrupulous realtors? Be sure to remove the measurements and check the documents. Enjoy the support of the law and proceed.

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