What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes


The main requirements for the bathroom door are stability to the charge, good soundproofing ability, moisture-resistant cladding and the presence of a lock with a lock mechanism. We tell more about the choice.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_1

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes

High humidity and temperature, splashes of water and soap foam - not only the floor and walls in the bathroom are exposed to all these aggressive impacts. Under the threat and the door of the bathroom - while in the catalogs of manufacturers with photos, special models for wet zones are rare. In such cases, it remains to buy ordinary serial products - it will also help create an actual interior. After all, according to modern design canons, the doors should be the same or weathered in one style.

Which door is better for the bathroom

We choose the material
  • Lamination
  • PVC
  • EcoSpon
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Glass

We choose the design

  • Swing
  • Sliding
  • Folding

Extra options

When developing technology, most manufacturers take into account that their products will be operated including in wet premises. However, this does not mean that any of the models presented in the market is suitable for a wet zone. We tell what to pay attention to when choosing.

What material is better for the bathroom and toilet door

To begin with, consider which materials are used at all.


It is made as a base and a layer of paper and glued to it - this is called the lamination process. But it is not glued on the usual glue, but by the help of special resins. But still the gaps remain in which humidity can penetrate. Perhaps one of the few options devoid of this shortage is laminatin. It is characterized by a greater thickness and its top covered with varnish for better protection. Thus treated cannons withstand humidity up to 60%.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_3

PVC coating

In such models, the base of MDF, and the coating on top of PVC. It is water-repellent, and even can be washed with household chemicals. Benefits include a wide variety of colors and textures of these interroom doors - the bathroom and the toilet will easily choose the favorite. But there are disadvantages - the canvas can smell from too high humidity. And at the increase in temperature in the PVC paving, chloride can be released - those who seek to live in Eco-style, it is better to abandon this type.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_4


Modern material, which is produced from waste woodworking and polymer plasticant. Despite the complex name of the latter, it is environmentally friendly. The ecoschpon is difficult to distinguish from natural material outwardly, but in quality it even exceeds a real veneer. Among the advantages - resistance to moisture, aesthetics and environmental friendliness. But bad noise insulation can be an argument not in his favor.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_5

Tree (veneer)

Natural tree is too capricious, and it is unlikely to show itself well in the bathroom. But if you choose a product with a high-quality varnish, it can be installed. The framework of veneer products are made of soft breeds or chipboard, but the outer side is already covered by natural wood rocks.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_6


Perhaps, if you are looking for an answer to the question, what door to put in the bathroom and save the budget is your option. The raw material is inexpensive, therefore the finished product is available. Plastic is not afraid of no temperature drops, nor moisture, as well as resistant to mold. And noise insulation of such models, as a rule, at the height.

But do not rush to do an unequivocal conclusion - especially if aesthetics are important for you. Plastic products are rarely beautiful, and they are still manufactured with a standard form, and any deviations are impossible. And this is not an eco-friendly material.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_7


Glass structures of absolutely waterproof, but the thickness of the canvas should be at least 8 mm, otherwise it will not be possible to provide sound insulation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the products decorated with sandblasting (matte and matte pattern) become transparent at moisture, and any relief pattern (laser engraving, fusing) will complicate the surface of the surface.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_8

It is better to give preference to hardened structures with a color ceramic coating or triplex - a monochrome color, with a pattern or photo printing. Glass products will serve in the bathroom longer than any other, while it is easy to choose the option corresponding to the style of the apartment.

So, what material is still better? Pay attention to the alternatives to the tree: EcoCampon, plastic and glass. And only if the room is quite spacious and well ventilated, you can think about laminated, from natural wood (veneer) and with PVC coating. When the latter is selected, it is precisely the type of coating on the web and the edge. If the joints are leaky, the moisture and the product will be spoiled in this place.

  • Installation of doors in the bathroom and toilet: how to do everything yourself is not worse than

What door to choose in the bathroom

There are traditional options - swing and other designs. Consider every.


The classic that is used in all rooms. It has a standard frame: a box, platbands are put. You can also put the thresholds, and this improves sound insulation. The standard swing type opens inward or outward, and should be a place for this. If inside - in small rooms there may be problems with this.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_10


The design of the coupe very much saves the place that again is useful in small-size. But when installing between the floor and the web, the gap remains, and this means that heat and sound insulation will be reduced.

You can make a compromise and establish a model that shifts into the wall - this is possible only before the start of the capital, as it will be necessary to stick the wall. These sliding options have shortcomings minimized.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_11


Constructively divide on a book and harmonic. In the first case, the canvas is divided into two parts, and in the second - three or more. In the folded version, they will take place in the opening, so the savings of space are essentially insignificant.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_12
What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_13

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_14

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_15

6 moments to solve before buying

1. Availability of decoration

Pilented designs are made from the wood massif, according to the generally accepted opinion, are unsuitable for the bathroom. However, this is not always true. If the frame frame is made of glue bars, and the fililenies are from the wood-fiber plate of high density (HDF), and at the same time the canvas has a multilayer coating (high-quality polymer enamel or varnish), then the water is nicking. The probability of steaming and formation of cracks is minimal, and the decoration will withstand and high humidity, and frequent washing.

And the panel (smooth) canvas, as practice shows, are quite capable of withstanding the conditions of "home tropics". Such models are distinguished by a stable geometry, because their framework (usually made from ordinary coniferous bars) is protected from moisture to the trim. But the service life of the latter depends on the type of decorative coating.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_16

2. Transparency

The presence of matte or tinted glass often causes questions. From aesthetic point of view, it looks beautiful and good, but how practical and is it suitable for the bathroom? The fact is that the sound insulation is good only if the glass is dense, of several layers.

3. Size selection

Usually, the standard dimensions of the doors in the bathroom and the toilet should be around 194-196 cm in height and 60 cm in width. Meanwhile, the minimum standard of the height of the door block in many firms is 204 cm. The design of the required size can be made by order (it will cost 10-20% more expensive, and it will be brought hardly before after 2 weeks). Another option is to cut the cloth, first clarifying the manufacturer, how to do it. Typically, shielding canvases can be cut off 100 mm both from below and on top, but then the strapping bar should be glued.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_17

  • Standard Dimensions of Interior Doors with Box: All Options and Table

4. Practicality

On a dark canvas with glossy or semiam coating, the tracks from water splashes are more noticeable. It means that this choice will require more thorough care and, possibly, the processing of solid wax-based protective means.

5. Availability of the castle

As for what kind of castle take. In close room there is always a risk to be injured about the protruding metal detail, on the other hand, the safe round "Nob" is inconvenient: it is difficult to turn wet hand. The most practical way is the pressure handles of the simplest form and with rounded ribs.

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_19

6. The presence of an exhaust

In the bathroom there is always a hood. Moreover, in many apartments, it is designed to serve and adjacent premises. And it will normally function only if you leave between the floor and the closet of the clearance of at least 8 mm. But such a gap will adversely affect the sound insulation, so it is better to build a ventilation valve with a noise absorber in the door (approximate price - from 1,200 rubles).

What door to put in the bathroom: species, materials and standard sizes 8172_20

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