What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical


We give recommendations for choosing the right shade and tell what paint is better to paint the facade.

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_1

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical

Before the summer season, it is time to update the facade of a country house. We suggest, in what color to paint the house outside and show photos of beautiful examples. Practical and aesthetic factors affect the choice.

What color to choose for outdoor finish:

What you need to consider
  • Features of the site and at home
  • Roof
  • Facing material

Coloring options

Types of Kraskov

Criteria for selecting the color of the facade

First we will tell about aesthetics. Rules are reduced to the strength ability of the material and its durability. Dark paints have less consumption, due to which the cost of work is reduced. In addition, they attract heat, so it is better to use them in a cloudy, cold terrain.

If it is important that the wall slower burns out, choose a light dye. On the surface painted, dust is less noticeable, it will retain saturation longer. Faster all the red and all its shades. The maximum length of brightness is 5-7 years. Before talk about successful combinations for different sites.

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_3

At the first stage, you can use various online services for the selection of the palette. Download special applications or look for sites. You can use the official services of Pantone. It is also important to consider several factors that we will tell now.

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Plot location

  • In the southern regions usually do not use black tone and dark palette. In the north, in the mountains, brown, gray, bright walls look well. Proximity to the sea is played with pink, blue, turquoise, beige shades.
  • Rustic and country houses suggest a greater space for creativity. Cottages, located within the city, are usually painted into something neutral corresponding to neighboring buildings.
  • The structure of a simple form without elegant details decorates a bright facade. It will help distract attention from the shortcomings of construction.
  • On the contrary, if the construction has bas-reliefs or other decorative details, the neutral background will be appropriate.
  • The building must stand out on your site. Green cladding is lost against the background of high shrubs and trees.
  • Interior. Some styles (for example, Victorian, Classic, High Tech, Modern) logically apply both outside to keep a holistic picture.
  • It happens that there are no certain stylistics in the design of the rooms, but there is panoramic glazing. In this case, you can also be repelled from the inner design of the walls, gender.
  • Bath, household buildings, gates and everything that is on the plot plays a role in choosing paint. The task is to create a single project.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_6
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_7

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_8

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_9

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_10

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Roof color

Usually this part of the house differs from the facade. It is desirable that they are combined with each other. For example, how color to paint the house, if the roof is brown? In this case, it is recommended to use white, beige, shades of brown, blue. Summer tile or slate can be combined with orange, blue, darker gray, burgundy, white, green, blue walls. Red roof - with gray, brown, black, yellow. Black - with light paints.

There is another rule: the brighter the building - the more unnotines the roof should be. And vice versa.

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_12
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_13
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_14
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_15

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_16

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_17

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_18

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_19

Other elements of construction sometimes allocate other elements. For example, platbands, drainage pipes, eaves, doors. Another option is to comply with several variations of the same color. In this case, use the combination rule: a dark base, a slightly lighter roof and paint of medium saturation for the walls.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_21

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_22

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_23

Facade material

Wooden private cottages and cottages are usually covered with antiseptic translucent or coating impregnations. The first retains a drawing of a bar or logs, the second is only his relief. If the facade is made of stone, brick or unpainted wood, you need to highlight decorative elements, roof, frontoth.

To find a harmonious combination, look for it in the texture of these materials. Splitting on the stone or knots on wood is the best source of inspiration in this case. Brick is beautifully combined with brown, white, red, green and their derived shades.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_25

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_26

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_27

These are general moments that it is advisable to consider when choosing an outdoor design. After you find your color, paint your big watman or drywall leaf into it and attach to the building. Go to the long distance and rate how this option looks. It is even better - to do it right on the wall, as the paint shows itself on different coatings in different ways. During the day you can understand how the structure will look like with different lighting.

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Which color to paint the house: 6 best shades

We list the most popular finishes options.


Classic option for suburban housing. Associated with warmth, comfort, proximity to nature.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_30

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_31

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_32


White, like yellow perceived elegant, joyful. In addition, he perfectly harmonizes with greens. Deciduous trees next to the building look openwork, and for bright plants is one of the best backgrounds. True, in the winter it will merge with snow. Therefore, it is better to combine it with black, brown, red, blue, pink, blue. All of the above applies to beige facades.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_34

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_36


The restrained palette may seem boring, but it is not. Together with snow-white or brown inserts, it creates a cozy, elegant picture. This embodiment is very practical - dust and dirt are noticeable on the surface. If you are thinking, in what color to paint outside the wooden house, and I do not like the option with transparent mourn - pay attention to the gray gamut.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_38

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_39

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_40


Use it only if there are few trees nearby. Suitable for cottage and cottage in the city. This is simultaneously bright and calm.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_42

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_44

Light, gray-green shade, relevant this year. He is neutral, but at the same time incompatible. Combined with dark blue, gray, red-orange, coffee, marsh green, white. In each of the combinations, the sage will look like a new way.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_46

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_48


Bright canary or gently yellow are associated with freshness, sun, warmth. Paint the house and even in the offseason, the site will not be gloomy. White platbands, brown roof, successfully look at this background.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_50

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_51

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_52


Deep ruby-red is not so often used in the finish of houses and quite in vain. Such a color emphasizes the beauty of landscape design on the plot, stands out against the background of other buildings, it looks great in any season. Minus one - he quickly burns out. Beautifully combined with wood.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_54

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_55

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_56

Look a selection of photos with beautiful examples of outdoor painting.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_58
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_59
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_60
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_61
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_62
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_63
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_64
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_65
What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_66

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_67

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_68

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_69

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_70

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_71

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_72

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_73

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_74

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_75

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_76

  • Hydd guide for wooden surfaces

Types of paints for different facing

By type of finisha

For external walls, facade paints are usually used, resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. They are matte, semiam, glossy. If the house is located in the sun, select a matte version.

By texture

The sale of textured formulations resembling decorative plaster. They included small granulate, which makes the wall of the grainy. This mixture is suitable for cases when you need to hide facing defects. It is applied with a thick layer and therefore a thorough alignment of the surface will not need.

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What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_79

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_80

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_81

By way of action

Frame and other structures made of wood are more often covered with transparent and applied antiseptics, alkyd, oil or acrylic paints. The latter are more preferable for a number of reasons.

  • It is easier to work with them. You can breed with water, pour into any color (you just need to buy a white foundation and pigments).
  • No unpleasant smell.
  • Fast drying.
  • Parry permeability.
  • Elasticity. The layer is not cracking during the deformation of the facade.

Oil compositions are very resistant to weather conditions, durable, but long dry and do not possess plasticity. Alkyd mixtures withstand low temperatures, but quickly erase. Antiseptic impregnations are the most suitable option, as they retain the beauty of wood and protect it from moisture and insects.

What color to paint the house outside to be beautiful and practical 8311_82

The plastered walls builders are recommended to be covered with water paints - acrylic and silicone. They are eco-friendly, non-combustible, waterproof and long retain their color. They are applied with rollers, brushes or splashing. If the wall has already been painted, an old finish is removed from it, the appeared defects are put off, the surface is stuffed and then stained.

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