How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device


We will tell about the basic principles of the device of the garden machine and how to choose it for which criteria.

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device 8404_1

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device

Principle of work lawn mower

The principle of action of the lawn mower, whether it is an electric or gasoline model, the same: the engine is located on the platform with wheels, it leads to a movement knife, which, rotating, cuts grass. The same knife creates a powerful airflow, guiding the bevelled grass along the distribution sleeve in the grass collector. The management of the lawn mile is carried out by handle. The ability to regulate its length allows you to achieve the required ergonomics.

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device 8404_3

Types of grassbaths

Some models have the ability to emissions of beveled herbs to the ground or back. Such mulching for the lawn is useful in very limited quantities. Otherwise, the lawn will be spoiled. Therefore, most lawn mowers are equipped with a grass collector.




They are comfortable to unload, just wash. Such grass collectors provide better ventilation, and on her, in turn, the density of laying bevelled grass depends. But if the ventilation holes are clogged, problems with the ejection of grass in the grass collector begin. Designed for 30-40 liters.


Light and compact. In most cases, such bags are installed on powerful gasoline models. Since the fabric is clogged with grass, it affects the power of the air flow. You can compensate for this minus only the motor of high power. Designed for volume up to 90 liters.


Light, hold the form, provide good ventilation. Such grass collectors are cleaned easily, but the aggregates of only several manufacturers are equipped with such capacles.

Scarifier electric 2 in 1 1300 W

Scarifier electric 2 in 1 1300 W

5 290.



Special attention deserve trimmers. Lawn mowers are indispensable in large areas with a smooth surface, and for a haircut of complex landscapes, it is rational to use trimmers. They are network, rechargeable and gasoline. The main advantages and disadvantages of these models are similar to lawn mower.

The width of the mowing varies from 20 to 42 cm. Weight - from 1.5 to 9 kg. Can work with a cutting knife or fishing line. Diameter of the fishing line - from 1.4 to 3.3 mm.

Trimmers with the lower and upper engine location have a different design and ergonomics. The first are not intended for long-term work, therefore, they are usually no additional devices that increase comfort. Therefore, it is worth estimating the weight of the trimmer and the convenience of the handle: whether there is a deepening for fingers, the softness of plastic. Preferences need to be given devices with a relatively powerful engine with minimal weight.

Evaluating the ergonomics of the trimmer with the upper engine location, it is worth paying attention to the design of the handle, shoulder suspension, the length of the rod and the device balance. The devices with a j-shaped handle are inferior in convenience models with a "bicycle" handle. The first is more suitable for work on small (up to six acres) sites. Models with a "bicycle" handle more convenient when processing large areas.

Benzotrimmer Stihl FS 55 C

Benzotrimmer Stihl FS 55 C

Also worth paying attention to how the handle is in hand and from which plastic it is made. Hard plastic reduces comfort and increases the risk of corns.

An important role is played by the design of the shoulder suspension: models with "Ranger" belts are more convenient models with one shoe belt. The length of the rod and good balance also affect the comfort. If the length of the rod is insufficient, the load on the back increases.

Too heavy lower or upper part creates an additional load on the arms or back.

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device 8404_7

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For which surfaces are used

Choosing a lawn mower, you need to know exactly what exactly it needs and who will use it. With the right approach, it will be happy to please not only the result, but also the process of cat.

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Power type

By type of power, the lawn mowers are divided into gasoline, network and rechargeable. As a rule, the most productive and powerful - gasoline models. The cheapest and lungs are network mowers. Battery models are mobile, like gasoline, and practically silent, like network.

Lawn Mower Petrol Sterwins BS300

Lawn Mower Petrol Sterwins BS300

12 340.


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An important indicator is the power of the mower. The productivity of the unit depends on it. With this indicator, the width of the mowing is closely connected, according to which the technique is mainly and choose. The table shows the recommended parameters.

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device 8404_12

Adam Stanislav Kvyatkovsky, hands & ...

Adam Stanislav Kvyatkovski, head of the direction "Garden", "Lerua Merlen"

The choice of lawn mower depends not only on the complexity of the relief, but also from the area of ​​the site, as well as on the type and condition of the grass. The monoblock design reduces the mobility of the device, so when choosing a lawn mower for a plot with a complex relief, it is worth abandoning low-power models with a small diameter wheels.

It is also not necessary to choose an electric gas mower with a power supply, since the power wire further reduces mobility. Models with battery powered only for complex sections of a small area - up to 8 acres. For a plot area from 8 to 15 acres, the optimal choice is a lawn mower with a gasoline engine with a capacity of 3 to 5 hp If it is necessary to handle a plot of a larger area worth staying on the model more powerful. The choice also affects the individual features of the landscape. If there is a lot of small irregularities on the site, it is worth choosing a model with a minimum width of the mowing, since this parameter affects maneuverability. If we are talking about a plot with a large inclination or ravine, it is advisable to stay on the self-propelled model.

The article was published in the journal "Tips of Professionals" No. 5 (2019). You can subscribe to the printed version of the publication.

How to choose a lawn mower: we understand the types and functions of the device 8404_14

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