How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house


In order for the foundation and other underground construction of the houses prematurely from atmospheric and groundwater, and the drainage system uses geotextiles. We tell me what the material is and how it is used.

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_1

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house

What is geotextile

High-quality waterproofing of the foundation, walls of the ground floors, basements are not effective enough without a drainage system. Its important part is geotextile. This is a canvas made of polymeric fibers (polyester, polypropylene, polyamide and their combinations).

How does he work

Geotextile shares the soil layers, prevents them mixing and leaching. At the same time, it passes water, providing normal drainage work and preventing the removal of soil particles.

We produce material in rolls 2-5.2 m roll, 30-130 m long. Cost 1 m² - from 20 to 100 rubles.

Concrete slab foundation lying

The foundation concrete slab lies on the XPS insulation layer, which does not allow to water the soil and prevents its bent; Below is a layer of rubble that performs the function of the base and drainage, and two layers of geotextile. The top protects the XPS plates from the jurisdiction, the lower does not give a crusher to love and clog into the soil

  • All about the device and installation of pipes for drainage on the plot

How to apply it

The scope of the application of geotextiles is determined by its density. The more denser the material, the stronger and more durable.

For waterproofing foundation

For example, with the arrangement of slab foundations, when the house is built on unstable soils or clay soils with a large depth of freezing, geotextiles of different density are used: 150-300 g / m², focusing on the mass of the house. The canvas, placed on top and bottom of the crushed stone layer, contribute to the uniform distribution of the load and prevent soil deformations. Because of which the foundation becomes more stable, more stable and reliable.

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_5

To prevent freezing

Avoid the deformation of the walls, the appearance of cracks, the breaking of the foundation and other sad consequences of the freezing and increasing the volume of the soil helps the system of a seated ring drainage with geotextile density of 150-200 g / m².

For wrapping drainage pipes

To wrap drainage pipes, the dense material does not fit. It will gradually bother the soil particles and will cease to effectively pass the water. In this case, the optimal is the durable, but thin geotextile of the minimum density of 50-100 g / m².

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How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_7
How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_8
How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_9

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_10

The drainage well is installed in the draeling well shockped and pasted

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_11

Ensure geotextiles on the bottom and walls

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_12

Put the drainage tube with perforation and a filter from geotextile and cut it into the well

How and why use geotextiles for the drainage system of the house 8486_13

After that, the trench falls asleep by rubble, carefully close its contour geotextiles and then embroidered sand over the cloth

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