How to primer walls before putty: Simple instruction and tips on the choice of material


We tell why you need to progress the walls, deal with the types of different mixtures and find it use.

How to primer walls before putty: Simple instruction and tips on the choice of material 8534_1

How to primer walls before putty: Simple instruction and tips on the choice of material

Ground walls before putty

Why do you need a primer?

We choose the material

Cooking the walls to the primer before putty

We are promoting popular myths

The decoration of the walls occupies almost the most important stage in repair. And choosing different finishing materials for surfaces from wood, drywall or bricks, many think, and whether the walls are needed before putty. This is told in our article.

Why do you need a primer?

Opinions on how to primitive walls before putty and whether this step needs this step in the decoration of the apartment or at home. Some masters assure that this item in repair can be skipped, others are frightened by terrible consequences. To make an unambiguous conclusion, whether it is necessary to prick the walls before putty, we'll figure it out in the functions that the soil takes over.

So any material has the SV & ...

So any material has its own special structure. Each of them in his own way is porous and has small microcracks and chips. Primer can fill all these shortcomings to fill out, there is the most strengthening material. In addition, the priming helps to improve the adhesion with the plaster or substance that you will spit, at the expense of your components. And in the future, finishing materials will not appear in the future or crumble.


After drying, this solution forms a solid protective film that does not miss any stains and lower. Thanks to this solution, the putty will go to bed more evenly and easily distributed. Also priming gives protection against excess moisture, fungi, mold and various insects.

After studying all these features, it can be concluded that the surface is not just needed, but necessary. There are cases where the solution has to be applied in several layers. So, for example, it happens with porous bricks or concrete, which absorb the first applied layer.

We choose the material

Choose based on what you will cover, and what properties you need. Formulations are divided into three types.
  • Concentrated
  • Dry mix
  • Ready

In the construction market, an acrylic species was always in great demand. He is universal, a newcomer will cope with work. And also acrylic does not have a strong smell and dries about three days.

By type of surface

There are specialized substances that help to achieve a certain effect. For even concrete, a solution is suitable with a sand content that will create a rough texture and thereby improve the adhesion.

Tree is better to process races

The tree is better to be processed by a solution that repels not only water, but also prevents the occurrence of pests and penetrate them into the material.


Metal should be covered with a mixture that prevents rust occurrence. The alkyd soil is suitable here, which includes chromate and zinc phosphate. But consider that it can dry it around 16 hours.

It is necessary to primitive and drywall. For him, the universal coating is well suited. As this "strengthet" you can use the wallpaper glue. But on its packaging, there must be an inscription that it is suitable for such work.

By type of room

It is worth paying attention if you make repairs in the bathroom, basement or any other room with high humidity, then acquire an antibacterial composition.

For internal works, it is not worth ...

For internal works, it is not necessary to acquire polyvinyl acetate, glyphthal, perchlorvinyl, bituminous and polystyrene species of mixtures. They are very poisonous and dangerous to health. They can be used exclusively for the outer decoration.


In bloom

ATTENTION must be reversed and on color. Usually, primer mixtures are made or colorless or white. However, there are color options. It is important here that its color does not differ much from the finish coating.

Before buying a finish, learn reviews. The universal solution is a substance with a high degree of penetration. He will not hurt anything.

In addition, buy goods of the same brand to avoid misunderstandings due to the inconsistency of the compositions.

Cooking the walls to the primer before putty

1. Cleaning the old finish

Clean them from pollution and old coating if it is already falling off.

According to the old paint, which keeps quite tight, you can walk emery paper. If chips and cracks can be seen on it, then it is also necessary to remove it. This will help a metal brush or a special solvent.

The surface must be absolutely dry. If we apply a substance on a wet wall, then you risk a lot of violating the process technology.

2. Prepare the mixture

Next, proceed directly to the preparation of the composition. This should not have difficulties, since the clear instruction of its dilution is always indicated on the package.

Thus, the dry mixture is bred by water in certain proportions, the concentrated compositions need to be diluted, and the ready-made only pour into a convenient container. Pay attention to the consistency of the mixture - it should be clean without lumps.

3. Protect your hands and face

Do not forget about security tools. Put the mask and gloves, if the soil smells greatly, then you will need a mask.

4. Select the tool and start working.

There is no specific tool for the solution, so you can choose what will be most convenient for you.

  • Roller - it will allow you to quickly apply the composition. At the same time, it is easy to remove the surplus of the solution.
  • A wide brush - with her work can be tightened a little. However, she has a very good advantage, such as the ability to get to the most hard-to-reach places. These are usually joints or angles. In any case, this tool perfectly replaces the roller.
  • The sprayer is mainly used for large premises. But it should be borne in mind that the composition is very poorly removed from any surface. Therefore, skin and clothing must be protected.

It is very important at this time to monitor the temperature indoors. Temperature can adversely affect the density and properties of the applied substance.

If we talk about how much cool ...

If we talk about how much the primer is driving on the walls before putty, it depends on the number of layers of the applied substance. One layer of shallow penetration leaves about 6 hours. The drying of more durable materials is about 12 hours.


Collect myths

The greatest misconception of newcomers is that the drywall is not required for the primer of the walls under putty. No, it is not. This is especially true when the surface is prepared for sticking wallpaper or laying tiles.

This is a pretty heavy finish, to ...

This is a pretty heavy finish, which may eventually "slip." Therefore, drywall must provide a strong clutch with facing. In addition, do not forget to handle the side walls and shelves. Otherwise, the putty can turn to them.


Also, some believe that the primer of already trained surfaces is also optional to be applied. This opinion is also not entirely correct, because this layer also needs hardening. Therefore, the finishing layer of primer will only strengthen the already applied mixture, makes it durable and resistant to damage.

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