Garden furniture for summer cottages: how to choose and correctly care


We tell about the peculiarities of garden furniture made of plastic, metal, wood and rattan. And also suggest how to update it without difficulty and special costs.

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Garden furniture for summer cottages: how to choose and correctly care

Dual garden furniture is not limited to sun loungers and swings. Put the table and a couple of chairs and a summer dining room next to the grill. Remove the chair to the open veranda - it will be a personal account for work. Material, equipment and even furniture dimensions depend on where and how you will exploit it.

1 Plastic Furniture


Material is inexpensive, light and unpretentious. Plastic chairs are easy to wash and transfer to different corners of the garden if necessary. Unfortunately, plastic is afraid of direct sunlight, quickly burns out. Over time, it is thinned, becomes brittle.

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Where to install

Plastic furniture is not afraid of water and dampness. Therefore, it can be placed near the artificial ornamental ponds and pools. And this is an excellent option for improvised recreation areas. For example, when guests got into a hot day and everyone wants to stay in the shade.

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2 Furniture from wood


Comfortable to use, always looks good, but more demanding in terms of care. It should not be washed with a wet cloth, but you can wipe with special means for polishing wooden surfaces.

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Where to install

Under the canopies - in a gazebo or on the veranda. Wooden furniture is sensitive to raw and wet weather. Therefore, it is better to find a dry ventilated room for it. In good weather, you can take a lawn, but be prepared to quickly cover it from the rain.

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3 rattan furniture


Rattan is a very flexible grungy material from which braided furniture is made. It's not afraid of moisture, no wind, no sun.

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Where to install

Anywhere: on an open veranda, under a canopy or open-air. The very rare case when you can give the will of fantasy.

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What you need to know: rattan is natural and artificial. For the first characteristic specific rough surface. The second is smoother, but the furniture from it looks no less effectively.

4 Metal Furniture


Forged furniture can also be used by Street. It is monolithic, and then he will serve not one ten years. We meet with wooden elements. But in any case, it is the most durable and reliable option from all existing ones.

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Where to install

Metal furniture is heavy. It is difficult to move on the site, so immediately determine the place in the gazebo or on the garden site.

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How to quickly update outdoor furniture in 3 stages

1. Prepare the surface

To do this, it is treated with sandpaper, if it comes, for example, a tree or metal, or thin grinding paper with small grain, if we work with natural or artificial rattan or plastic (yes, plastic can also be painted).

Why it is necessary

The better the surface is prepared, the better the enamel on it. The meaning of staining is not only to update the material externally, but also to protect against water, corrosion, rotting. If the paint is falling off with parts - there is no point in such a staining.

2. Apply a primer

This is a special composition that aligns the absorbency of the surface and provides it with more reliable selection with paint.

Why it is necessary

Any material (especially if we are talking about street furniture) exposed to many factors: it mocks, heats up, dumps, scratched and all in different places and at different times. It leads to this to the fact that on the same plane, the paint can fall in different ways, for example, pieces. The primer is invented in order to maximize all these moments and bring the material to the general denominator.

3. Apply Enamel

For staining of street furniture, especially not the simplest form, it is better to use aerosol enamel. She will pronounce better small details, and falls more evenly and smoothly. On perfectly with this task, quick-drying alkyd enamel VIXEN. She is sprayed from the can, so it's easy to apply it and, most importantly, there is no hard-to-reach places for it - the aerosol will get everywhere, which you can not tell about the brushes.

Why it is necessary

Universal enamel Vixen forms a solid glossy coating on the surface of the furniture and gives it subject to high decorative properties. It is not afraid of the sun, wind, rain, does not penetrate and ensures furniture reliable protection. In addition, Enamel retains the bright color for a long time due to the fact that it contains special UV-resistant pigments.

Enamel is applied in several layers. Between the application of enamels, it is necessary to withstand 15 minutes (drying from dust - 30-40 minutes). Keep in mind - Vixen has a very high content of coloring pigments, so for a complete painting of a complex surface you need to apply two times less than the layers. Due to its versatility, the enamel is suitable for staining any surface, but in order to get a quality result, the enamel should be applied to the soil).

In the photo: Universal Soil Vixen and ...

In the photo: Universal Soil Vixen and Universal Enamel Vixen Ral.

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