Checklist: 10 things you need to take with you when moving to the country


We have prepared a useful list of things and devices that will be useful when moving to the country - for holidays or on summer holidays.

Checklist: 10 things you need to take with you when moving to the country 8597_1

Checklist: 10 things you need to take with you when moving to the country

We will not stop on what you need to collect from the clothes, because it is individually. But let me tell you to take the relocation to be comfortable, and the set of things did not occupy a lot of space.

  • 9 items of technology that will be useful to you in the country to feel comfortable

1 Electric kettle

If there is no full-fledged kitchen in the house, the electric kettle is one of the main helpors by the economy. It will help to prepare uncomplicated dishes or semi-finished products.





2 Dishes and appliances

Prepare a set of dishes. You will need several types of plates, saucepan, as well as knife, forks and several spoons. This is quite enough to feel comfortable. If, of course, there are no dishes in the country that you left from last year.

Set of devices

Set of devices



3 pillows and blankets

Even if it is not a removable cottage, and you come to the season in your own home, pillows and blankets could be referred to from last summer. If so, prepare a set of pillows and blankets - by the number of family members. It is better to take another 1-2 about a stock in case if the guests want to stay with the night.



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4 bed linen

Of course, except pillows and blankets need bed linen. Textiles, which was not kept correct, could spoil and absorb the smell of dampness. Therefore, it is better to bring new affiliation to the cottage.



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5 Portable hangers and hinged shelves

If you do not have time to think over the storage system in the country, it will help out open storage, namely, rack hangers and hinged shelves. Buy immediately a set of such things - as they usually use them together.





6 Vacuum packages

And these household helpers will help transport things to the cottage in a more convenient format. A vacuum package will help reduce the volume, which means, in the boxes, suitcases and road bags will fit more. Bed linen, pillows and blankets can be folded into vacuum bags, and clothing - but only if you are ready to smooth out things or take advantage of the steamer.

Vacuum seal bags

Vacuum seal bags



7 Household chemicals

Of course, you can wash the dishes of soda or prepare homemade household chemicals from undergraded means, but is it necessary? It is better to make a list of the necessary items, buy and take to the house. If you do not use everything at once, domestic chemistry can be left in the house until the next reason come - it is hardly spoiled.

Means for washing dishes without odor

Means for washing dishes without odor



8 Means from insects

Mosquitoes and other living creatures are not at all uncommon in nature. Take care of the means against them in advance so as not to suffer from allergies to bites.

Environmental agent against mosquitoes and mosquitoes

Environmental agent against mosquitoes and mosquitoes



9 Outdoor furniture

The folding table and the pair of folding chairs will fit in the trunk of the car, but will become excellent help on the summer holiday. There will be much easier to equip the summer kitchen with a dining area. But it will also be needed from the following item.

Folding chair

Folding chair



10 mangal

What summer vacation or May holidays without food at the fire? We could not bypass the side of this item.

Portable Mangal.

Portable Mangal.

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