How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes


Healthy sleep begins with good bed linen. We tell how to choose the perfect kit.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_1

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes

All you need to know about the choice of bed linen:

the cloth

  • Views
  • Density indicator

Dimensions and equipment

What else to pay attention to?

What fabric is better for bed linen? The first question when buying a set. It is clear: poor-quality material may even provoke the development of allergies. And it is itching, irritation, peeling of the skin and even difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is so important to take the choice seriously.

Let's start with the main one.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_3

What material is better for bed linen?

The answer is obvious: natural fabrics. They are eco-friendly, breathe and absorb moisture. But it's not so easy to figure them out. For example, only cotton exists more than three species! Add more density, strength, heat protection properties, and the choice to complicate repeatedly.



Pure cotton is the most popular material. Practicality, durability and at the same time low price is all about him.

There is also an option with an admixture of polyester - polycotton, which has high wear resistance and does not matter. However, the air permeability of such a material below, it is easily rolling and accumulates static electricity.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_4

Bed linen "Beach"




Durable flax is able to withstand more than two hundred cleaning! Someone, he may seem coarse, but over time Luck becomes more pleasant, softer. He breathes, it cools in hot weather, and in the cold, on the contrary, heats. In addition, it has bactericidal properties and does not cause allergies.

However, it requires careful care. Linen products are not recommended to dry and press the typewriter. They smooth them for a couple or in a not saturated form, so as not to get the chances, because Lon is very easy.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_5


Flying Batist is a thin cotton. It is loved for ease, softness, tenderness. As a rule, such kits take on travel, they are not suitable for long-term use. Wash the batter is often impossible because it is continuing.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_6

Bed linen "Stephanie"

1 490.



Inexpensive cotton fabric, although popular, in fact, the wrong choice. Already after several styrics, the material will certainly lose the form, will thread. In addition, he quickly lines.

If you still liked the product from Citz, pay attention to the manufacturer. Before buying, learn reviews about its products.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_7


The calica almost does not mind, it is easy to smooth - to care for her just. The wear resistance of this cotton fabric depends on the company. The better than the fiber, the greater she withstands it. The same applies to density. Tight fabrics will serve not one year. But note: the calico is susceptible to fading.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_8

Bed linen "Sophie"

2 390.



Smooth, light and pleasant Silk - lovers of interiors in a classic style. It does not matter, I miss the air well, cools - advantages can be transferred infinitely.

But behind the flush it is not easy to care: it requires a delicate washing mode and drying, neat smoothing.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_9


The younger brother Silka, satin is actually a kind of cotton. Special weaving gives him shine and smoothness, therefore, it looks like Silk. The main advantages are low price and strength: satin withstands up to four hundred styrenes and does not even sit down.

Semi-silent bed kit

Semi-silent bed kit

7 999.



Another type of cotton fabric, or rather the method of weaving - Poplin. Differs good indicators of wear resistance, ventilated and absorbs moisture.

Outwardly, Poplin reminds satin, has a light glitter.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_11


Perkal is also the name of the method of weaving. It is based on both cotton and polyester. The composition is indicated on the package. Cotton percal will serve not one year with proper care. His feature is a light crunch at the beginning of use, which over time passes.

Bamboo fiber

It appeared relatively recently, but no longer won a dozen positive feedback. Bamboo Feels softer cotton. It perfectly provides air circulation, has an antibacterial and hypoallergenic effect. Moreover, the bamboo does not accumulate static electricity as, for example, silk or satin, and also does not lose tones, does not melt even after a few dozen styrices.

True, it is difficult for such a fiber to care: the water temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees, it is impossible to dry and press it in the washing machine. And the bamboo becomes easy, some reviews point to bad moisture absorption.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_12


Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic flannel perfectly proven itself for children's sets. It saves warmth well, but it breathes, and with each cleaning it becomes even softer.

The appearance of rods on the flannel speaks of poor-quality raw materials or weaving. In addition, many celebrate the fast loss of the color of such textiles.

Bed linen Euro

Bed linen Euro

7 600.



This weaving method has a unique property: the drawing is overflowing at different angles, the print is obtained by textured, relief. For the production of Jacquard takes Silk, cotton and satin. What bed linen is better at a ratio of price - quality?

Most Popular - Satin-Jacquard. Such textiles absorbs the liquid well, is characterized by soft, durability, unpretentious in care, maintains heat for a long time. There are also options with the addition of synthetic fibers, they are cheaper. But then the main thing is that their content does not exceed 40%.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_14

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This indicator is one of the key when choosing a product.

Linear density denotes the number of threads per square centimeter, and the surface is the weight of the fabric (in grams) per square meter. These data manufacturers must point on the package.

Linear density Approximate amount of threads per 1 cm2 View
Low 20 - 30. Batiste
Below average 35 - 40. Biaz
Average 55 - 60. Luna, cotton, sitts
Above average 65 - 80. Poplin
High 85 - 130. Slim Satin, Perkal
Very high 140 and above Some types of satina, jacquard, tight perkal

To say unequivocally, what bed linen is better: dense or light, it is impossible. On the one hand, there is a simple rule here: the more dense textiles, the more stronger, and, it means, will serve longer. But, on the other, this indicator also affects heat-conducting functions. Sleep under a dense satine in the summer - not the best idea, in hot weather you choose lighter materials.

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Dimensions and equipment

Adult single set today is difficult to find today. On a change, he came from the first-time sets: a duvet cover, a sheet and pillowcases, how many will be - one or two - depends on the specific manufacturer.

Two or four pillowcases are already offered in double sets, and the size of textile components is greater.

A new type of euro-type sets consists of these same items, but even more. This set is designed for wide sofas and beds.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_17

If the pair prefers to sleep under different blankets, it is suitable for a family kit. Here are two duvette and two sheets, each of which is designed for a one-hour bed, as well as two or four pillowcases.

The size of the linen depends on the specific manufacturer, there is no single standard, so they may differ by 20 cm. So check each kit for compliance with the parameters of the bed or sofa.

How to choose Bed Linen: All about fabrics and sizes 8714_18

  • How to care for natural fabrics: useful guide for 5 materials

What else to pay attention to?

  • New underwear should not smell paint or chemistry, it should be a neutral smell of textiles. If there is a "chemical" smell, probably the product will quickly overtake.
  • Take a look at the wrapping: the face pattern should not be very different from the inside.
  • Packaging also talks about the quality of textiles. Not only its accuracy, but also fullness of product information, size data, as well as care instructions are taken into account.
  • Dense fabrics are appropriate in the cold season, light - in warm. But the materials of a density of less than 60 threads are unlikely to serve for a long time.
  • Carefully consider the product in the store, everything must be sewn neatly. The edges of double seams are hidden inside, flat lines. The threads from which additional parts of the type of frill are manufactured and, for example, embroidery for decoration are not sticking out, are invited.
  • The seams are not allowed in the middle, if this does not provide for design. Sheet and duvet cover must be single.
  • The price is also important: cheap kits are unlikely to differ in quality and wear resistance.
  • Washing at 30-40 degrees though refreshes textiles, but does not destroy the dust tick. Allergologists warn: pests are dying only at a temperature of more than 60 degrees. Also, experts advise twice rinse products to remove particles of washing powder.
  • Famous manufacturers do not produce models of screaming colors with curves. This is a sign of a cheap product, and perhaps in general, fakes. At best, such a kit simply will not last long, in worst - may cause the development of allergies.

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