9 key trends in the interior design of the living room in 2021


Color-Blancha, Vintage and minimalist furniture - tell about these and other trends in the design of the interior of the living room in the coming year.

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9 key trends in the interior design of the living room in 2021

In the interior of the living room of 2021, they were reflected both macro and microtrends. The first concern the stylistics: wall decoration, floor and functionality of space. The second is small trendy trends that appeared recently or have a crapper effect. These include trends in decoration and trendy colors. Consider all more details.

In the video briefly told about all trends

1. Advanced feature of the room

2. Color Blancher

3. Achromates + Color

4. Furniture on thin legs

5. "No" is superfluous

6. Marble in decoration

7. Wooden panels

8. Vintage

9. Furniture from natural materials

1 Advanced Room Functional

This is just one of the trends, the demand for which appeared in 2020. He is global, and concerns not only Russia.

Mainly on the interior of the living room influenced a pandemic, or rather - work online. We had to spend at a computer or laptop for eight or more hours a day. And not everyone turned out to be a workplace.

In 2021, designers, most likely, will pay more attention to the living room functionality. It is not enough to highlight the recreation area or dining room - this is just a classic story. It is necessary to provide and convenient place to work. And it is also desirable to leave space for sports. The more functional zones - the better.

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  • Fashionable curtains in the living room in modern style (52 photos)

2 Blankets

It cannot be called new phenomenon, but it will not lose relevance in the next few years. Moreover, not everyone knows the use of the Blancher. The essence in combination of color spots in the interior of living rooms and other rooms.

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Formula Simple: You need to highlight some large elements and add them parts. Big color spots can be a wardrobe, sofa, carpet or accent finish. And complement their chairs, a dining room and decor. In this case, the prints are used very slightly, it is accessories or the same carpet. But they are selected in accordance with the style - most often it is geometry or uncomplicated abstraction.

  • The most fashionable colors in the interior 2021 (spoiler: there will be a lot of beige)

3 Achromates + Color

Another idea of ​​working with color is the dilution of achromatic design with bright stains. Black and white and gray seating in the past seasons were at the peak. But it seems we are all a little tired of strict cold interiors. Therefore, designers began to add indigo tones, pink, mint, light yellow and so on.

It is also convenient. Basic finish remains the same: light walls, dark floor. But accents become brighter. Sofa saturated color, carpet or even one chair - if you get tired of this spot, the subject can always be changed, and the upholstered furniture is covered in a new way.

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Be sure to include in the design of the cold gamut. Because it will be fashionable in the coming year. Blue, Pantone last year's favorite, no doubt holds leadership and in 2021. You can add a blue and green mixture called Aegean Teal to it - Benjamin Moore paint brand is put on it. On the contrast will play no less relevant terracotta, close to her brick tint and beige - base for all times.

  • 9 original color wall design options (without full painting)

4 Furniture on thin legs of geometric shapes

This minimalism today is the geometry of forms, the game of textures, monochrome schemes and design items (including decor and lighting). The design takes into account the features of the very space, and the furniture is usually carried out to order. Pay attention to its form: Thin legs of the case and strict shapes are the main differences between modern sofas and chairs. They are not covered with covers, skirts from textiles and stands.

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  • 7 key trends in the interior design of 2021

5 "no" by superfluous decor

Minimalism can also be viewed as a refusal of unnecessary purchases and spending trend for reasonable consumption and protest against Shopogolism. In the interior of the living room, this trend can manifest itself as a deliverance from unnecessary accessories. This, by the way, many have done during self-insulation.

Disassemble your favorite souvenirs from trips, free the shelves, spread the books to reduce the color noise, "even such trifles will help to refresh and facilitate the design of the apartment.

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  • 5 Actual solutions in the design window in the living room

6 Marble in Finishing

The accent decoration with natural materials is still fresh. Usually thus highlight the zone near the TV or the wall at the sofa. The most popular option is under the stone. It is most expensive to use in the design of Sleba - real plates. But you can replace them with a patchwork with an appropriate print.

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  • Noble luxury: 51 photos with marble in the interior

7 Wooden panels

If you are tired of stone, look at the tree. It will perfectly fit into modern and minimalist design. Especially good options in Dark color. Replace the MDF tree - these panels look at no worse, but it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

Sustainable competition in the struggle for decoration can be a traffic jam. This is not a novelty, the material, tested by time, today is also found in the photo. True, more and more often in Western projects.

What is the brick and concrete - Loft style finishes, then it is relevant. And it is impossible to call it trend. Wallpapers are also not used as a base, but they are easy to find use in the accent part.

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  • 9 beautiful and stylish wall finishing options for TV

8 Vintage as a trend in the interior of the living room

If you planned repairs, do not hurry to buy new furniture. Perhaps you have a Soviet low cabinet under TV from the 1970s, Babushkin polished chest or her favorite sofa? In the extreme case, you can find used. After all, vintage furniture is one of the key trends in the living room interior.

See how great and unobtrusive designers fit it into any design: from modern to minimalism. The relevant models made to order can be at times more expensive than real authentic things. So why not save on it?

If you do not like the color of the cabinet or its texture, it will help the restoration. You can paint it yourself. The main thing is to save the form. High legs, thin lines and angular shapes inherent in Soviet design, today definitely found a second breathing.

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  • 6 examples when old furniture in the interior is better than new (restore, and do not throw out!)

9 Furniture from Natural Materials

Even in fashion items from rattan or bamboo, such as chairs, chairs or cabinet under TV, especially in combination with black or white finishes. Moreover, it does not always carry out the design in the tropics or eco. In modern style, such elements look very very organic.

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