How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention


We tell you what can be done if the water began to linger in the sink or does not leave at all, and in the kitchen there was an unpleasant smell.

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_1

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention

All ways to eliminate traffic jams:

Ways to eliminate simple and complex blockages

  • Soda, salt, vinegar
  • Household chemicals
  • Vantuz
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Cable, soft shaft, metal ribbon
  • Disassembly of siphon


What to do with a blockage in the sink in the kitchen? We have collected all existing ways to solve this problem. It happens that and these ways to eliminate the problem is difficult. This suggests that the pipes have been hammered by garbage and fat due to mechanical damage or improper installation of plumbing. In such a situation, a specialist will be required.

But in most cases everything is possible to eliminate on their own. When there is no strong tarnator, and water is only a bit delayed in the sink, there is enough of the girlfriend or even simple boiling water from the crane. This is the first thing you can do is turn on a hot crane for 10-20 minutes. The thin fat layer on the walls should be dissolved. If it does not work or not such an opportunity, go to the following options.

For plastic drain, the water temperature should not exceed 60 °. In the metal you can pour boiling water from the kettle.

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How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_4

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_5

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_6

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How to eliminate a zoom in the sink in the kitchen by handicrafts

In general, all methods can be divided into chemical and mechanical. First we will talk about first and begin with folk tips. How to be if you need to act now, but there is no opportunity to buy a special tool? Use what is almost in every home.

Soda, salt, vinegar

They help break through a completely small plug and remove the unpleasant smell. There are three recipes.

  • Mix one mug of soda and half the mug of a rock salt, dissolve them in water and fill it all into the pipe. After five or ten minutes, turn on the strong head of hot water.
  • Dry the sink if a lot of fluid accumulated in it. Put the glass of soda into the drain, fill the glass of 9% vinegar on top. Close the drain and leave half an hour. After the break, everything must be washed with boiling water.
  • Put salt and soda overnight so that water does not fall on them during this time. In the morning dissolve them.

Instead of soda, lemon acid can be used.

Remember that the plastic siphon is the effect of high temperatures contraindicated.

What if it did not work out to solve the problem? We tell how to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen in this case.

  • How to save pipes clean: Review of types of blockages and tips on their elimination

Household chemicals

In stores for sale a lot of means to eliminate traffic jams. They are dry, gel and liquid. It is necessary to choose a suitable solvent based on the characteristics of the material to be cleaned and the degree of contamination. Some of them can not be poured into plastic. This information is specified on the package.

The most popular brands are "Mole" (you may need several procedures and two bottles), "Buggy Pothan", "Sanoks Clean Stock". They are sold in different forms, but more often in liquid. Other names: "Treet Turbo", "Sanfor", "Selena", "Chirton". Good Deboucher reviews. The liquid does not damage fragile materials, splits fat and softens the solid waste, it works for several hours and is economically spent.

With Pothana granules manufacturers advise to be particularly careful and to move away when using them. They have a very caustic smell.

The algorithm is simple: the necessary amount of means is poured or falling asleep in the drain for an hour or at night. At this time, it is impossible to use the sink. After wash off what remains.

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How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_10

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_11

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_12

When working with household chemicals, follow the rules

  • Previously, over 20 minutes, clean the pipes with boiling water (steel) or hot water with a strong pressure (plastic).
  • In the process, you must put on the gloves, open the window or the window to ensure that the room is well ventilated.
  • If the composition falls on the skin - immediately rush it with a large amount of cold water without soap.
The following method is used separately or in addition to the two listed. But it is better to work in the complex.


Another thing that is probably in every home is. It is not necessary to hope for him if a dense stopper formed in the drain, but small contaminants can be cleaned without problems.

So what to do with Vanatuz if the sink clogged in the kitchen

  • Pour some water in the sink and close the drain hole with a veil tightly. If two sections in it, you will need two vents at the same time. If there is no - the second is well shut up with a damp cloth and stick with your hand.
  • Overflow hole, if it is, is also closed with a rag and hand.
  • Press the Vatuz several times and pull it out sharply.
  • Check the speed of water drain and repeat the procedure if necessary.

You can use a conventional glass as a tool. True, it will work only for very minor pollution.

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How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_14

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_15

Overflow, which needs to be closed

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_16

A vacuum cleaner

This method can be called experimental. There is no confidence that he will work. So that everything happens, you will need a powerful vacuum cleaner with the function of blowing. The pipe must be wrapped with a cloth, put in the drain hole and turn on the device. According to the plan, the plug must collapse from the pressure created.

Plumbing tools

The sink in the kitchen can be clogged so hard that none of the previous ways are suitable. In this case, it is not without a more complex procedure.

  • Cable. The most common device. It can be bought in a shopping store or make yourself. We need caution in cleaning plastic parts - they are easy to damage.
  • Flexible shaft. Thick and long cable, wrapped in a spiral. Suitable for wide pipes. Apply to destroy the solar pollution formed in hard-to-reach places.
  • Wire. Little diameter wire with nozzles. She can get the subjects fallen in stock and eliminate traffic jams. Deformed when turning, therefore it is considered an impractical and disposable tool.
  • Metal tape. Unbroken strip 2-3.5 cm with a small tip. Well pierced long pipes, comfortable and durable.

How to use cable

  • Take the adaptation for the handle and push the inside, turning clockwise.
  • When stumble upon a blockage, increase the intensity of movements.
  • Pull out the garbage, and then skip the water into the hole. First, the pressure must be small.
  • Before you start, check the integrity of the cable and the handle and nozzles are kept hard on it. Instead, you can use a metal hanger. It is cut off with impressions so that the end was a small hook.

Open the window or the odor - the smell during operation can be very unpleasant. After carrying out the processing of household chemicals to wash out fat.

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How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_20

Disassembly design

Sometimes this is the best way to eliminate the problem. The garbage can accumulate in the siphon, and it can only be cleaned by separating from the rest of the plumbing or after a partial dismantling. The corrugated pipe also collects fat on its surface, it makes it difficult to work out the operation of the sewage.

To disassemble all this, do not need special skills. You will need a wrench, a bucket or a basin, a rag, a screwdriver, a fixture for pushing the plug and the means for dissolving contaminants.

How to disassemble the design

  • Put the capacitance for the siphon. It is filled with water and it will turn out as soon as you remove it part.
  • Unscrew the cover of the cleaning hatch cover at the bottom, if you have a standard model.
  • If it is a bottle form, remove the sump.
  • Get all the garbage and rinse under running water.
  • The tube cork is usually eliminated without problems using a cable, and fat is dissolved in boiling water with household chemicals or soda.

Sometimes the siphon does not imply the possibility of partial dismantling. In this case, it is removed completely by unscrewing the upper and lower mounts.

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How to clear the sink in the kitchen: 6 methods and advice on prevention 8791_24

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Prevention of traffic jams

The car wash can be clogged every month, if you do not take any warning measures. The most simple one is to skip every week into the drain of boiling water from the kettle or hot water from the crane for 15-20 minutes. So you dissolve fat fir tubes on the walls. If the problem occurs on a regular basis, together with boiling water, you can pour household chemicals or soda with vinegar.

Sitechko, which does not give to leaning in draining food waste - mandatory kitchen attribute. The siphon also needs a grid for filtering waste. Do not shake into the washing of crumbs, tea brew, do not pour out fat food. Sometimes you can meet the Council about the installation of the shredder for food residues. In fact, it does not eliminate the possibility of a blockage, since small particles still stick to the surface.

Finally, a visual video structure, which tells what to do if the sink was scored in the kitchen, how to clear the drain. This is the most operating way of all that is. Especially if the water no longer leaves the washing.

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