How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters


We tell about the standard sizes of cabinets and advise how to choose the best option.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_1

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters

When choosing a closet, you need to find a compromise between its capacity and size of the room. It is not simple. It may turn out that the spacious furniture will take too much space, and in the one that it will be good, everything is necessary. To make it not happened, you need to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet. We describe the possible options and tell how to make a choice.

What depth of the closet to choose

Standard dimensions

Minimum and maximum parameters

How to choose the optimal option

- Choose installation location

- Decide that keeping

- Decide which this storage system

- Select Fill

- Calculate depth

Standard Cabinet Depth for Clothes

Standard Storage System Depends on Design. So, for models with swing doors, it is 60 cm. For built-in and separate wardrobe - 70 cm. Differences are associated with door dimensions. Swing doors are thin, their thickness is only 16-32 mm. It depends on the material: chipboard, MDF or LDSP. Sliding structures always take more space: they account for 50-100 mm.

The remaining distance is enough to make clothes comfortably. The length of standard hangers - 50 cm. They freely fit on the horizontal barbell, and the clothing placed on them does not prevent the doors to close freely. For children's models are different. Swing models - 45 cm, coupe - 55 cm.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_3

Minimum and maximum parameters

If there is little free in the room, you have to look closely to narrow options. They "get up" well in the smallest premises, but at the same time their functionality may suffer.

The minimum depth of the wardrobe is considered to be 45 cm. Considering that the sliding mechanism "Eat" about 10 cm remains only 35 cm. This will be enough to place inside the shallow shelves for storage. If it is supposed to store clothes on her shoulders, put a retractable bar, which is placed in parallel lateral walls. It is less convenient than the familiar horizontal: to take a thing, you will have to go through all those hanging in front of it. But there is no other option for models with a depth of less than 55 centimeters. If it allows the length of separation, such a rod can be set several.

For models with swing doors, the minimum values ​​are similar. Taking into account the thickness of the door it will be 38-40 cm. A small width does not mean that the furniture will turn out to be non-functional. If desired, an additional storage zones are inside. For example, long shelves from above or under the podium. If this is a wardrobe for an entrance hall, you can store shoes in the lower sections. Free space over the shelf is provided for the placement of bags, shoe and clothing brushes, other little things. Save the place and convenient for storage oblique shelves, baskets, etc.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_4
How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_5

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_6

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_7

There are no restrictions on maximum size. Especially if the furniture is embedded and is made under the order. But here there are also some nuances. Too deep branches are uncomfortable. The average length of the human hand is 60 cm. That is, to those objects that are located deeper, it is difficult to reach. Cut and maintain order on too deep shelves will be difficult.

Deep compartments will not be suitable if it is supposed to use standard filling modules: tie hangers, trousers, baskets. They are designed for a depth of 50 cm. If the separation is much deeper, the space remains blank, that is, used inefficiently.

It may be convenient to be the location of hangers with clothes, but there are features here. It is believed that a slight dress on her shoulders takes 50 cm. Outerwear volumetric, so each hanger "adds" a length of 5-7 cm. Thus, for convenient use, the depth of the cabinet for clothes under the shoulders should be at least 60-65 cm. You can More, but not much. In some cases, dimensions allow two rods parallel to each other. It is also not quite comfortable, because it is difficult to get to the woven on the wall of things.

In the bedroom or hallway often there are niches in which the wardrobes are built. It turns out a comfortable and spacious mini-dressing room. Usually, in this case, the depth of the embedded cabinet is much higher than the standard one. If it is more than 100-120 cm best planning several storage areas. Their number depends on the size of the resulting wardrobe. For example, in two side sections there are retractable baskets or boxes, different shelves in size. Middle is given under the clothes rods. There may be two of them, then the elements are parallel to each other. Or one, then the rack or shelves are placed on the wall. If you correctly design the filling, non-standard dimensions from the lack will turn into dignity.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_8
How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_9

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_10

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_11

  • How to make a dressing room yourself: Tips for placement, planning and assembly

How to choose the optimal option

Determine the depth of the cabinet in the hallway or any other room is not difficult. We have prepared a list of steps to do for the right choice.

1. Determine the place for the cabinet

It is necessary to make accurate measurements in width and length to calculate the minimum and maximum possible dimensions. Be sure to take into account the location of interroom doors, the availability of free space in front of furniture. This will help choose the type of door: swing or coupe.

2. Choose what we will store

Options can be a lot. In the hallway usually store upper clothes, shoes, perhaps road or sports bags, some economic accessories. In the bedroom, besides things, bedding and table underwear can be stored, blankets, etc. Mentally or on paper Make a list of things.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_13

3. Determine the users

That is, who will keep their things here. If the module is designed for the whole family, it is desirable to be made as much as possible. It is also good to highlight your storage zone for each user, even if small. So it will be easier to find your things and keep them in order.

4. Select the desired content

In order to most effectively organize the space, select the filling. It depends on the age and gender of the owner. It is believed that women need the shelves under knitwear and wrapping brackets, men - trousers hangers and rods under jackets or shirts, children - small shelves and organizers for things.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_14

5. Calculate depth

It remains to carry out simple calculations. If the planned module should have horizontal rods under the hangers for light dresses, the desired result is 52 cm and more. For storage, the coat and jackets will not be enough, it will take at least 57 cm, better. Retractable bracket hangers are fitted into narrow furniture. But the depth of the cabinet-compartment is less than 45 cm undesirable.

The dimensions of children's modules are determined with the fact that the length of the hawp is another. According to the standard it is 30 cm. Therefore, too deep compartments are not needed. 60-70 cm will definitely be too much. Another thing, if it is assumed that children and adults will enjoy using furniture. The best way out of the position is to order a multi-level construction so that everything is convenient. If it is impossible, when choosing orient on an adult wardrobe, which takes more space.

How to choose the key to choose the depth of the cabinet: rely on 5 parameters 8962_15

The selection of depth determines how comfortable to use furniture. It is convenient to decompose and spend things in the too narrow module it is impossible. But it is not necessary to chase over maximal parameters. Instead of a large capacity, you can get uncomfortable storage and permanent mess.

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