How to live in ecostel: 10 useful household habits


Want to make a choice in favor of ecology part of your daily life? Wonderful: we have a number of important basic recommendations on this.

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How to live in ecostel: 10 useful household habits

1 less Musorim

A variety of garbage and its disposal is a serious problem of modern civilization. Think how you personally can reduce the amount of ejected. Several ideas:

  • Get yourself in the chopper of food waste;
  • Do not take extra: According to statistics, we discard 20-25% of purchased food (and there are still things that we never wear, as well as medicines and cosmetics, whose shelf life will come out earlier than we will touch them, and much more );
  • Buy goods in the cost-effective packages of greater volume.

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  • 7 available ECO products for storage products

2 Refusing a disposable plastic

This item is a direct continuation of the previous one. Disposable plastic objects contaminate our planet, do not decompose hundreds of years, are the cause of the death of a plurality of living beings - from fish, birds, animals. What can be done:

  • Refuse whenever possible from plastic bags (for purchases you can walk with a reusable bag, and the price tags are glued directly to some fruits and vegetables);
  • Choose products in paper and cardboard packages;
  • Buying coffee for removal, ask to pour it into your own thermocruise for multiple use;
  • Use paper garbage bags.

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  • 9 ways to reduce waste in your home and ... make the world a little cleaner

3 Let's give a second life textile

Instead of throwing a boring and slightly lost textile, think how to give him a second life. Perhaps it will turn into a decorative pillow, a blanket in a patchwork or stylish bag?

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  • 8 accessories from IKEA in Eco-style

4 update furniture

Instead of getting rid of old furniture and acquire a new one (making an overall contribution to redundant consumption), update and transform the existing objects of the situation at their discretion.

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  • 7 useful habits that will help stop the accumulation

5 We care

Careful attitude towards water consumption is another step towards life in ecostel. How can you adjust your household habits on this subject:

  • Use water in which vegetables or pasta are cooked for watering colors;
  • For the same purpose, water is suitable, which is merged from the aquarium (the Council for those who have fish);
  • Water in which you rinsed not too dirty things, suitable for washing floors;
  • Do not leave water to flow without affairs (for example, during the cooking or cleaning of teeth).

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  • 6 things in the house and 3 household habits, because of which you are sick (and how to fix it)

6 save light

Another useful habit (both for the planet as a whole, and for your budget in particular) - electricity savings. What can be done:

  • Do not leave the light turned on just like that;
  • Turn off the electrical appliances that do not use;
  • Get yourself switches with light brightness regulators;
  • Use the maximum natural lighting;
  • The backlight in the darkest corners will save you from the need to increase the brightness of the main lighting.

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  • 6 non-environmental household habits that you repeat from day to day (better refuse)

7 Choose natural materials

Life in Ecosil is unthinkable if you surround some synthetic materials. Try to always make a choice in favor of natural, natural: be it finish, furniture, textiles or decor.

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8 We sort the garbage

For residents of many countries, garbage sort is a common daily occupation. Many large cities of Russia also have reception items of various types of garbage for subsequent processing. Try it is not at all difficult, and the benefit for the planet is significant.

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9 Processing

However, you can "recycle" some household garbage and independently, giving him a second life. So, cardboard boxes can be useful for storing or children's games, and glass jars and bottles - become original and stylish vases.

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10 Observe the disposal rules

Be careful to what exactly falls into your trash can. Some subjects there is not there at all (for example, batteries, batteries, fluorescent lamps, empty spray paints from under the aerosol paint). There are special items of receiving such garbage, be sure to find out where the nearest one is.

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11 surround yourself living greens

And, of course, life in ecostel is unthinkable without living plants in the interior. Try to surround yourself with greens: such a move will not only make the situation more cozy and relevant, but also improve the microclimate indoors.

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