How to Store Frying Pans: 10 Fresh Ideas


We tell about simple, comfortable and stylish storage ideas for your kitchen.

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How to Store Frying Pans: 10 Fresh Ideas

1 shelf with hooks

The shelf with hooks will help conveniently and compactly organize the placement of pan, saucepan and skewers. And also perfectly fit into the concept of open storage and will suit those who resolutely refuses the upper closed cabinets of the kitchen headset.

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2 pull-out drawer

A deep, spacious pull-out drawer is a great place to accommodate the necessary dishes. To find the right frying pan did not make difficulty (and so that it is not difficult to support the order at all), pride special dividers inserts.

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3 Perforated panel

Perforated panels (strapping) are a relevant, flexible and multifunctional solution that allows you to organize your own storage system for almost any purpose. They can be complemented with hooks, containers, railings and other accessories.

Why not use such a move and to place pan in the kitchen? You can fix the strapping on the wall surface or supplement them the retractable element headset (using the maximum benefit even a very narrow space).

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4 retractable organizer

Supplementing the cabinet headset with a special retractable accessory-organizer, can be carefully and stylish solve the problem of storing pan. And also more efficient use of available space.

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Stainless steel rack

Stainless steel rack



5 Multi-tier organizer

If you prefer to store frying pan in a horizontal position, you will fit a special multi-tier organizer. It is not very expensive and allows you to abandon stacking storage in favor of faster access to the desired dishes.

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Organizer for storing dishes

Organizer for storing dishes



6 Organizer for drawer

If the idea with delimiters for a drawer did not have to do with you, there is another option of a convenient location in it in a pan. A special organizer allows you to quickly find and get the utensil you need, without rearring everything in place and not spending time looking for necessary among stackable utensils.

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7 Desktop Organizer

If in the cabinets headset is determined there is no place for storing pan, can help the desktop organizer. By the way, it is not necessary to have it precisely on the table top (especially if it does not make it up with an area): You can place on the wall shelf, on the microwave, refrigerator or windowsill.

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Holder for frying pan and covers

Holder for frying pan and covers



8 Ceiling module

The idea for bold is a special ceiling module designed for storing pan, skewers and other utensils. It will be especially appropriate to look at the kitchen island. Minus: This element of the situation visually climbs the space. Therefore, referring to it, it is better to minimize the rest of the open storage and not to get involved in the wall decor.

Ideally, if the ceiling module and the selected tableware will look in one whole and serve as a highlight of the interior.

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9 Reiling

Raliga familiar to many owners can help organize and place pan. By the way, it is possible to use them not only for open storage, but also for the organization of space inside cabinets headset.

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10 Retractable baskets

Turn the lower cabinets headset to a place for a comfortable placement of a frying pan and other dishes will help retractable baskets. They can be found almost from any manufacturer of kitchens and storage systems: here you will see how convenient and faster it will be necessary to find the necessary accessory.

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