8 interior trends that are relevant to cottages


Use a wooden finish, refuse excess decor and add retro items - tell how to make the interior of the cottage stylish.

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8 interior trends that are relevant to cottages

Most modern trends make a reference to the whole natural and natural, so to enter them into the interior of the cottage is easy. We tell what trends in the design of spaces are ideal for a country house.

1 Natural textures

With the help of natural materials, you can create a harmonious neutral interior. At the same time, it will not look freshly due to the mix of different textures. At the cottage, they look very often, become a unifying link between the interior of the house and the surrounding nature. You can use natural materials in textiles and finishing, natural references in the decor, as well as put wooden furniture.

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2 bedroom plants

The trend on the landscaping of the interior is gaining momentum. And if in the urban apartment, the presence of different plants may not be appropriate, then at the cottage they will fit perfectly. Nevertheless, it is not worth abuse of indoor flowers and put them everywhere. Such a decision is detrimental for the interior: it makes a space similar to the jungle, deprives him of air and strongly litters. Therefore, the room is better to accommodate either one large plant or several small.

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3 Ecology

Natural materials, reusable use, reasonable consumption - all this is just as suitable for the design of giving, like apartments. In a country house, perhaps, many ecodims are more appropriate. For example, reusable use: Some items may be polyfunctional. This is especially true of a variety of tanks and factory packaging. They can be used for storage, seedlings and even cooking.

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4 Retro

Retro elements fill the interior of the story, create an individual character and make the design in unique. At many of us, many of us have furnished items from the past, this is an excellent source of inspiration. Some of them are enough to simply clean, others can be given to the restoration and then include in the interior.

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5 Multifunctional premises

The trend on the multifunctionality of each room is gaining momentum. And in the country, these trendy trends are the inevitable realities of the design of space. In the country houses often lack space for equipment of full zones. Therefore, for example, a living room is usually in the kitchen, and sometimes a sleeping place. In the interior of the bedroom, as a rule, the cabinet or children's zone fit.

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6 Refusal of excess decor

The minimalist interior in the country is unlikely to be able to organize because of the need to include many functions and details in a small space. But to give up extra things for everyone. For example, reduce the amount of decor and remove all items in the cabinets. In the country, as anywhere, the idea of ​​racking space is relevant, because many unnecessary things accumulate there. If you get rid of them, it will be much easier to issue a minimalist space.

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7 Tree in Finishing

Interior design with wooden panels or other materials imitating this texture is a popular idea for giving. To integrate this trend into the space of a country house, sometimes it is not necessary to make efforts at all, because many cottages are originally built from wood.

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8 Authentic prints

Motion curtains and tablecloths in the summer interior resemble a country style or rustic. They are much easier to enter into a typical country interior, because they are well combined with natural textures, dilute a non-market palette and look great in the rays of the bright sun.

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