15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands


Those who like Scandy design, this selection charges with inspiration and makes think about updating the interior.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_1

1 hanger-stairs

The staircase hanger is a trendy, stylish, multifunctional accessory, which can be placed in almost any corners of the apartment and use in a wide variety of purposes. Here are just a few ideas on this:

  • towel hanger;
  • Stand for storing logs and newspapers;
  • Organizer for plaids;
  • The basis for mounted porridges and containers.

Well, make a similar accessory with your own hands - it's easier for a simple: pick up a few ridges with each other and color the selected color in the appropriate technique. If special stability is needed, reflect the floor and wall - and enjoy the trend scandy decor.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_2

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2 styling board

A stylistic board is a useful object and a very relevant decor element. The cost of the finished board is often unreasonably high, but in building stores Special paint is sold to convert any surface in the stylist.

If the cost of such paint also does not cause you delight, you can make it yourself: To do this, mix the usual paint with cement, focusing on the ratio of 1 teaspoon of cement by 50 grams of paint. Between the layers, if necessary, pass the fine-grained sandpaper to smooth out the irregularities.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_4

3 mat

If you have a slightly dense tissue with a scandinavine style pattern, you can use it with mind and interior use. For example, sew a small stylish rug.

For greater density, make it bilateral, and inside, put on another cut of any suitable tissue. Treat the edges on overlock, tumping the fabric to each other and creating a kant. Decorate with tassels or any other way like the way.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_5

4 leather handles

You think that this is how to create with your leather belt (bag, belt, jacket, etc.) with your leather thing (bag, belt, jacket, etc.)? How about new stylish scandins for your furniture? Everything that will need is to carve out the stripes of a suitable size, folded twice and attach to the door or drawer a large characteristic bolt (in the construction store you will find suitable without any problems).

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_6

5 Polygonal Figure

Although large polygonal figures from paper are already unlikely to surprise someone, nevertheless, this version of the scand-decor still remains relevant. You can purchase a ready-made set for creativity, and you can find on the Internet schemes and instructions - and make a similar masterpiece "from scratch".

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_7

6 Unusual kashpo

The most common core cans (for example, from catfish) can become original kashpo.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_8

7 Decorative Pillow Cases

Paints on fabric or a special marker, stamp or stencil - and ordinary monophonic decorative covers turn into a stylish scandinity accessory.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_9

8 Vigvam

Wigwam - an incredibly actual decorative accessory in Scandinavian style. Make such for your baby - and the joy will not be a limit.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_10

If there are no small children in the house, you can please the Wigwam Fluffy Pet; Agree, it looks very stylish.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_11
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_12
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_13
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_14

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_15

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_16

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_17

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_18

9 Garland from photos

Get a trend décor, please the second half and give the interior of the individuality will help the garland from photos. Bonus: The idea is budget and simple performed.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_19

10 hours

The clockwork is inexpensive and sold at any home store home. Well, and the dial you can make it yourself (or paint the blank in the Scandinavian style).

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_20

  • How to turn furniture and decor from the mass market to a real masterpiece: 9 delometa ideas

11 Cardboard volume letters

From dense cardboard, you can make volumetric letters and shapes and decorate their emptore corner. By the way, in the network you can easily find ready-made sweeps, it will only be transferred to cardboard, cut and glue.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_22

12 "Cacti" in a pot

The most unpretentious scandy- "plants" are such cacti in a pot. Scroll through the pebbles running with water and make a composition!

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_23
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_24

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_25

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_26

13 Rug sheet

Look at what an incredibly stylish rug. But for its manufacture does not need neither complex patterns, nor special skills.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_27
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_28

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_29

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_30

14 poster with an inspirational phrase

Print poster with an inspiring phrase can even far from creativity. Well, if you have minimal art skills, you can write suitable text from hand.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_31
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_32
15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_33

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_34

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_35

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_36

15 Paper garland

All sorts of garlands are accessories that are currently in trend. Why not create one (or even a few) independently? For example, from paper. You can even attract the process of the most young family members.

15 decorative scandinavian style accessories that can be made with their own hands 9459_37

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