Why the toilet microlift breaks and how to fix it


Often the microlift on the toilet lid quickly breaks. We tell why it happens and how to solve the problem.

Why the toilet microlift breaks and how to fix it 9519_1

Why the toilet microlift breaks and how to fix it

The device provides smooth lowering of the toilet cover. It is not only convenient, but also practical. First, there are no loud sounds when closing the cover or lowering a toilet bowl. Households can sleep well! Secondly, there is no risk of chipping due to stool strikes about the bowl. Thirdly, it is hygienic. It's enough just to push the rim, and he will begin to descend, he will not have to hold him.

The toilet microlift has long been no longer a novelty. You can meet it in many houses. Another question: Does everyone have the mechanism remaining workers? And it turns out that some device quickly lost the function Soft Close ("smooth lowering") and is used in manual mode. Let's deal with why this happens and is it possible to solve the problem yourself.

Shape and size of the rim must

The shape and size of the rim must strictly fit the form and size of the toilet. Missing can lead to a damage to the microlift mechanism

Causes of breakdown

Choosing between plastic or douroplast products, you should give preference to the latter. Such a rim is not afraid of scratches and will last much longer plastic.

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During the installation of the design with microlift, it is important to comply with all manufacturer's instructions. It is necessary to carefully adjust the position of the rim and the lid to avoid the distortion.

The lowering of the brine of the toilet or the closing of the lid is so familiar and honed, that we never think about exactly what we do. With microlift, you have to act differently - with almost one touch. Pushed and wait. It is this "otherwise" and is the main cause of the breakdown of the mechanism. The fact is that the microlift can not be treated, but many of the habit are pressed on the rim. Thus, the mechanism quickly fails.

In addition, the microlift can be broken through the reasons independent of users. Sometimes a lubricant comes to the mechanism. It can burst or lose viscosity. It happens that the composition is distributed unevenly, and then problems begin. Scripping while working says that the mechanism is time to lubricate.

Why the toilet microlift breaks and how to fix it 9519_5

If a clearance is detected between the base with the closer and the shelf of the bowl, most likely we are talking about the fastener breakdown. In this case, it is necessary to replace the bolts.

Another reason why the microlift ceases to work is worn out of parts. But for this, naturally, it takes time.

If the seat is equipped with additional functions, for example heated, microlift repair should be especially careful not to damage the system of systems. In some cases, it is reasonable to appeal to professionals.

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How to fix microlift

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to repair a broken mechanism. The fact is that there are two types of microlift devices.

The first consists of a row for fixing, spring, providing balancing design, and a hinge microlift mechanism, which provides the movement of elements.

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In the second instead of springs and rods installed pistons and cylinders. The device is intimidate, although there are craftsmen who are releasing such structures.

If the spring is broken or the stock came, the microlift will not work. In this case, it will have to replace the entire mechanism.

The article was published in the journal "Tips of Professionals" No. 2 (2019). You can subscribe to the printed version of the publication.

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