7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself


Get rid of insect pests without shop.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_1

Listed all recipes in video

1 garlic slices and decoction

Garlic has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, suppresses the fungus and mold. But besides this, it can be used to deal with aphid, if it often appears, for example, on rose bushes. Just stick the cloves of garlic into the ground around the base of the shrub. Its smell will scare all the pests that move on the ground and under it, including the TRU.

Another recipe for a pesticide is to make a decoction of garlic. Lower garlic head in 500 ml of water per day. Then heat and cook on high heat for 20 minutes. Let cool, break into the sprayer and handle the trunk and leaves of plants. This tool should also be used as prevention of the appearance of Tly and other parasites.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_2

2 decoction of tomato tops

There is a Solan in the leaves of tomato - a substance that helps to fight fungi and pest insects. To do this, cook a decoction of them and sprinkle the plants on which the TLA and other parasites settled. For the brave, you will need 400 grams of crushed leaves and liter of water. Fill the leaves with water, wait three hours and boil 30 minutes. Let it be cooled and spread the water in proportion to 1 to 4 before use.

Another small lifehak: if you plant tomatoes around the perimeter of the garden, parasites will be much smaller on it.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_3

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3 onion infusion

The infusion of onions will help combat fungal diseases, such as false torment. And with the tool and other insects who eat the leaves of plants. Fill with boiling water a pair of large bulbs, without removing the peel. Give the infusion to cool for 4-5 hours and treat them plants. Onion infusion can also be used for prophylaxis.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_5

4 Infusion from Sage

Even some types of butterflies, such as apple and plum and plumbers, a ringed silkworm, a chip and wood, can carry a threat to crop. A decoction from Sage will help with them. Take 150 grams of sage and fill with 10 liters of boiling water. After cooling it will need to be breeding with water. For one part of the brave from Sage, you need to take two times more water. Spray plants two or three times a week.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_6

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5 Solution with oil and soap

Mix the tablespoon of rapeseed oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Add this mixture into a liter of water. This solution needs to be treated with leaves that are captured tool, ticks and trips. He will destroy even the eggs pending insect, as it will block air flow.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_8

6 Natural Essential Oils

Essential oils with a sharp smell knock off insects and help to prevent. Dilute a teaspoon of rosemary essential oil, mint, cloves, lemon or eucalyptus in water and spray plants from the pulverizer.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_9

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7 decoction of flowers chrysanthemum

Collect a half cup of fresh flowers in chrysanthemums and boil them in a liter of boiling water 20-30 minutes. Let it cool and treat the decorative plant suffering from insects. Be careful: the pesticide contained in chrysanthemums is quite powerful, so it is necessary to work in gloves, avoiding branching into the eyes or on the skin.

7 natural pesticides for the garden that you can do yourself 9613_11

Cover photo: Kaboompics

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