9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house


What kind of furnace install, how to properly organize ventilation and what are the materials for finishing to choose? Respond to the main questions about the arrangement of the sauna in the country house.

9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_1

9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house

The sauna home in winter is much easier to protrude than a separate bath. You can do without forced frost walks, it is easier to equip next door to the shower poir and there is no need for a rest room - the living room will cope with this role.

Only a few, mostly specialized companies ("Your Couples", "ITS-Sauna" and others) have experience in arresting saunas. Construction firms of a wide profile and private masters in the production of such work often make mistakes, as a result of which the sauna is not comfortable, and the microclimate impairs and reduces the service life of the building. So that our readers do not marry, we made a selection of questions asked on the forums of the bath themes, and answered them.

The wood oven has a lot of advantages.

The wood-burning oven has a lot of advantages, and yet in the home sauna, electric heaters are installed more often

1 Is there a single set of rules that can be guided by the sauna in the house?

Alas, it is not. SP 55.13330.2016 "Houses of residential one-quarters" sends us to Sanpin This standard contains the requirements for equipment and maintenance of public bath - it is practically useless in private construction practice. Separate requirements for ventilation, electrical equipment, selection and installation of the Kamenka furnace are scattered along different documents: already mentioned SP 55.13330.2016, SP 7.13130.2013 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning ...", Pue 7th edition. Also, during the arrangement of the sauna, instructions of materials and equipment manufacturers will help.

Cabin can be melting & ...

The builder can be installed in one of the residential buildings at home.

2 What are the optimal dimensions / volume of the steam charges?

The Sauna is relevant for two to four people, each of which should have at least 2.5 m3 of the volume of the room. When choosing can be focused on the standard sizes of factory cabins: 140 × 170, 150 × 180, 170 × 210, 180 × 220, 220 × 220 cm. The ceiling is advisable to make low, so that the room is faster.

With single-level shelves, its optimal height will be 200-220 cm, with two-level - 220-230, three-level - 230-250 mm.

9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_5

The illumination "Starry Sky" will cost at least 70 thousand rubles. (taking into account installation). Traditional lamps are less spectacular, but more reliable and also cost a few times cheaper

3 Is it possible to locate the sauna on the second floor or in the attic?

There should be no obstacles for this, unless you want to get a birch with a brick or a stone stove. The mass of fencing is small (no more than that of ordinary frame partitions), and the compact metal furnace of the factory manufacture with a capacity of 6-9 kW along with the stone laying weighs no more than 100 kg. Such a load will endure not only reinforced concrete, but also a wooden beam overlap. There will be no problems with ventilation on the upper floors, since the sauna is always equipped with forced exhaust.

The sauna in the attic is better

The sauna in the attic is better to build a building in a building in order to avoid the gap at the inclined wall. When buying a finished cabin, ask the possibility of repairing / replacement of wooden lining and flooring

4 What makes the walls of the steam steam?

The main requirement for them is a good thermally insulating ability. The basis of the fence can be erected from the same material as the remaining interior partitions in the house, but the masonry (any, including foam block) must be additionally insulated with a layer of basalt wool, such as Light Batts (Rockwool), Extra (Paroc), " Classic plus "(IsOVER). The minimum thickness of the insulation on the masonry walls of the sauna is 50 mm, on the floor and ceiling - 100 mm. The frame fence is performed from dry (humidity of no more than 8%) of antiseptic coniferous bars and boards, filling the emptiness of the same stone wool with a thickness of 100 mm.

  • From what to build a bath: 8 suitable wall materials

The insulation must be protected from wet air saunas with a layer of vaporizolation. Usually before finishing the framework (or doom), along with the insulation, is tightened with aluminum foil or foil paper. This material does not secrete volatile compounds and reflects the heat rays, which contributes to the rapid warming of the sauna. It is also possible to use insulation with a foil layer glued at the factory. The joints of vaporizolation (including in places of the walls of the walls to the floor and ceiling), as well as holes from the mounting brackets, joints with built into the walls with equipment (valves, lamps, etc.) It is necessary to seal aluminum scotch.

Sauna with kami attached to her ...

A sauna with a fireside attached to it will create a cozy interior

5 Is there an alternative to traditional lime and aspen lining when finishing a sauna?

Today, the so-called ecopagles (wall and ceiling) lined with veneer are gaining popularity. In their production, fiber tropical wood and adhesives of new generations that do not contain formaldehyde are used. Material withstands strong heating and high humidity. The panels are produced up to 1250 mm wide and mimic a variety of wood species (Klyon, Merbau, Fir, Paduk, ash, etc.).

Decorate the interior of the sauna will help inserts and functional elements (head restraints, lampshairs) from the Japanese and Canadian cedar, offered by Woodrow, Woodstock, Wood & Wood, etc. In addition, one or two walls of the steam room (usually adjacent to the furnace), it is advisable to bind stone Tile (better from talco chlorite, serpentinite). This will make it possible to achieve a decorative effect, and besides, reduce fire indents from the furnace (they depend on the power of the heater and are determined by the manufacturer).

According to SP 55.13330.2016, electric furnaces used for the sauna must have automatic protection and a shutdown device after 8 hours of operation

6 What oven install is wood or electric?

The optimal for the home is the electrocamenka, it is more fireproof and does not need chimney. In addition, the operating electrical appliance practically does not require attention and maintenance: turning it on, you can return to your business. There is no need to wear firewood into the house, breed the fire, straw ash and sweep the floor from the wood bark and sinters. Finally, modern electric furnaces are more functional: they support the specified temperature, capable of storing heat heat in thermos mode for a long time, they can be turned on remotely. However, the connection of such devices requires a large dedicated electrical power and high-quality wiring, and models with a power of more than 9 kW, as a rule, it is necessary to voltage 380 V.

7 What are the requirements for lighting and wiring in the sauna?

In the steam, it is allowed to install lamps with spray protection (for example, with IP44 marking) with conventional incandescent lamps and special LED ribbons, designed to work at high temperatures.

Abazhur from Birch Suwel M

Birch suwel lampshade can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles.

Plafones makes sense to close with lattble spreadshells, as the risk in close room is a great risk of smashing the glass or burn, accidentally touching the hot glass.

Fashionable glass doors and sauna walls poorly isolate heat - you have to increase the power of furnaces and home climatic equipment.

The wiring, according to Pue, should be hidden, in heat-resistant insulation, withstanding heating to 170 ° C (used wires and cables, PRP, PVKV, RKGM). All chains need to ground and protect the circuit breaker and a protective shutdown device.

Tile cost from Himalays

The cost of tiles from the Himalayan salt (b) - from 6500 rubles / m2

8 How to ensure efficient sauna ventilation?

Most professionals recommend to equip a steam-exhaust ventilation system that can provide at least a fivefold air exchange within an hour.

In practice, the diameter of exhaust and supply channels in the sauna volume of about 10 m3 is usually chosen equal to 100 mm, 16 m3 - 120-150 mm, 24 m3 -200 mm. Accordingly, the performance of the fans in the first case should be at least 50 m3 / h, in the second - 80 m3 / h, in the third - 120 m3 / h. The trimmed channel is introduced into the cabin through the wall or the floor next to the furnace, and the exhaust is embedded in the ceiling or the wall at the maximum distance from the furnace.

Ideally, an exhaust (natural or forced) should be equipped with a room with a steam room. In accordance with the standards in three-storey buildings (where the fire resistance limit is normalized) the ventilation channels must be equipped with fire-fighting normally open valves.

Space over the ceiling cab

The space over the cab ceiling can be left open, but in this case it is necessary to provide for the output of ventilation through the wall

Why it is worth abandoning

When operating the steam saunas inevitably penetrates out when the door is opened. Air humidity in the adjacent room, and sometimes on the entire floor rises to 60-80%. And it takes at least an hour before the operation of the ventilation system will reduce this indicator to the norm (about 40%, if we are talking about cold season).

In order not to breed the dampness in the rooms, it is advisable to moderately press water on the stones and stretch the broom. Ideally, it should be limited to a sucho-hearted regime characteristic of the modern Finnish sauna. The furnace should be without water tank, the optional option will be the steam generator with automatic adjustment of the humidity level. Next door to the sauna, a bathroom should be located with a shower.

Is it possible to equip a traditional Russian bath or Turkish Hamam in the house? I guess, yes. But on this path, it will be necessary to apply heavy-duty exhaust equipment, present specific requirements for materials, structures and their installation, which will result in a multiple increase in costs.

Designer trend of the latter

Designer Trend of Recent Years - Kamenka and Decorative Water Capacles Built in Shelves

9 Is it worth choosing a ready sauna?

Today, many companies (for example, Harvia, Tylo, Klafs, "95 °", "ITS-sauna") offer team-boiled saunas of factory manufacture. Foreign firms produce basically standard cabins, including for self-assembly (for example, Harvia Capella), domestic - work mainly on request and can make a sauna of arbitrary sizes (but in a typical configuration).

Buying a ready-made sauna, you are released from the need to develop the design of walls, gender and ceiling, plan the inner space of the room and choose the equipment: everything you need, including shelves, door, furnace, lamps, wiring, ventilation valves, and even (sometimes) hygrometer and thermometer, already Included. But to pay for the set of shields and its installation will have to be at least one and a half times more than for the materials and manufacture of cabins by a building.

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9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_19
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9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_23

Sauna, closed with bar counter - Practical

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9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_26

Wooden lining is less durable than stone tiles

9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_27

However, the tiled cladding will cost more, besides, heating cables need to be paved under it

9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_28

Once every 2-3 years, the lining should be covered with special varnish or wax, and the shelves are soaked with oil. Then the wooden elements of the sauna will serve dozens of years

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9 questions and answers about sauna in a private house 9797_32

Corner sauna - saves place

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