How to make a headboard with your own hands?


Heads needed - try putting furniture in the middle of the room without a back. Pillows risk falling on the floor, there is no support, sleep is inconvenient. Therefore, it is impossible to save on the reference design. We offer ideas for self-embodiment.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_1

The full bed is expensive. Even if you choose from the models of the mass market or popular IKEA - together with the mattress less than 20 thousand rubles it is difficult to find a suitable model. Save - for example, make part of the furniture yourself, and buy the frame and the mattress in the store. We tell how to create a soft headboard for the bed with your own hands, as well as what will be needed for incarnation. And you suggest cool ideas, how to independently arrange part of furniture in budget ways.

The article will like the one who places an apartment independently or lives in removable accommodation - when you want to add comfort, but there is no possibility or desire to invest. Let's start!

How to make a soft headboard bed: step-by-step master class

Prepare the items from this list in advance.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_2

1. Fabric. In the example - olive velvet. If necessary, use another material. When choosing, focus on the fact that it should not be too heavy. And the velvet is good because it is pleasant to the body and easily cleales.

2. Wooden boards. The author of the idea chose a 5 cm chalkboard in width, 3 cm in thickness, and 3.5 meters long. The dimensions are chosen so that the resulting model walked along the wall with a window that has furniture. Do not repel from the specified sizes, take others - for example, in the width of the mattress or furniture frame. In order not to mess with the saw, ask to cut the desired size of the boards in the store. For it will have to pay extra, but there will be no dirty chips in the apartment, besides, without skills, the saw is dangerous without skills. You can harm yourself.

3. batting. This is a special material that will be a "gasket" between the upholstery and filler. Size choose depending on what length and width of the board.

4. Filler-foam. Better if it is volumetric. Due to the foam, the resulting design will become soft and acquires the shape of the rollers.

5. Scissors. We will need to work on cutting velvet and batting.

6. Stapler with brackets or other tool for stitching. Use automatic too.

7. Screwdriver or drill. The tool will need to collect boards together. If there is a drill - excellent, it will be easier and faster. But with a manual screwdriver it is not difficult to cope.

8. Screws. We need traditional screws for wood, the length of which will not exceed the thickness of the wooden board, so that the edges are not sticking out.

9. Metal crossbar is needed to connect the resulting panels among themselves.

Let's start work.

Soft headboard with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

Step 1

As soon as the board is cut to the desired length (or take ready), fold the materials in the following order. First, the velvet face down, then batting, after the filler foam, and at the end - a tree.

Step 2.

The cloth needs to close the outbreak of the board. Therefore, tensioned it tightly on both sides and adjust in places where foam is laid. As soon as you define how much material is needed, make segments.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_3
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_4

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_5

Step 1

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_6

Step 2.

Step 3.

Secure the velvet stapler. Start on one side of the board, and after on the other, tightening the material. Do not waste time to make aesthetical brackets. No one will see offend.

Step 4.

In the corners fold the velvet on the principle of paper - remember how to pack gift boxes. Then secure this part.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_7
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_8

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_9

Step 3.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_10

Step 4.

Step 5.

Make a side. This is not necessarily, but if you want to use the design as an additional shelf, use the Council. Nothing new for this will not need. Put the velvet face and top on it - a tree. Secure around the fabric in the same way as in the instructions above. To join this side to the resulting design, metal corners will need. Attach the corners of screws.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_11
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_12
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_13

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_14

Step 5.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_15

Step 5.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_16

Step 5.

Step 6.

Now it's time to collect soft panels together. Make sure that they are alone, the right and left side are smooth, no sticking angles. After creating the panel from the wrong side with a metal crossbar.

Step 7.

Final barcode - fastening the side.

The photo shows steps 6 and 7

The photo shows steps 6 and 7

Ready! If you are not afraid of handmade, the process will become exciting.

Take a note next few tips.

  • The same cloth can be dragging Bed base so that the composition is formed. Well, or initially choose the upholstery suitable in color and texture.
  • Or play on the contrast - do what you like.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_18
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_19
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_20
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_21

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_22

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_23

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_24

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_25

And now consider more ideas for inspiration.

  • Decorating the headboard bed: 8 beautiful and unusual ideas

Head of the bed do it yourself: ideas and options with photos

1. Back Fashion Gold

To repeat the example, neither fabric, no scissors need nothing but self-adhesive films. And yet the reasons that plan to use as a back. For example, the old headboard, a piece of plywood or wood - what you want. The design process is simple. Clean the base, degrease the surface and gently glue the film. Ready! It is convenient that you can choose another film at any time and change the mood of the room.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_27
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_28
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_29
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_30
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_31
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_32

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_38

2. Composition from wooden bars

Half of bars the author offers paint, for example, white paint. As a base, a sheet of plywood is used - pick up the corresponding furniture size. In the example, the bars are cut. The author of the idea writes that it used for this a fraternizing saw. If there is no tool, not scary. Bruks will look good and without trimming. Stick them to the base and install the resulting model instead of the back.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_39
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_40
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_41
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_42
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_43

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_46

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_47

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_48

3. Wicker panel

Replace the solid base with an improvised composition - for example, from wicker napkins and wall tracks. They can be found in stores for home - tracks and napkins are used for serving a dining group. With such a panel, the room will acquire the features of the booho style and the ethnics.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_49
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_50
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_51
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_52
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_53

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_56

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_58

4. Plywood sheet with shelves

Make a straight plywood design. And so that it does not look boring, attach the shelves from the same material. It is convenient to put the phone on them, put books or decorate another decor.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_59
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_60
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_61

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_63

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_64

5. Painted part of the wall

Another way to transform the bedroom is to paint the wall of the wall above the bed. To do this, you will need a greasy tape to separate the smooth rectangle on the wall, as well as paint and roller. Color paint - at your discretion.

The minus of this solution is such an improvised back will not be durable. If you constantly rely on it, paint swears over time. To delay the abrasibility, choose high-quality finishing materials brands. But even if the trouble happens, the surface can be slightly tinted.

Instructions, how to work - in this video.


6. Self-made model with a carriage screed

The principle of operation is similar to the one that we described in step by step instructions above. It will take a wooden base, filler, as well as fabric. Styles will give a carriage screed that needs to be done using buttons in the color of the fabric. And if you decorate on the sides Perforation - it turns out even better.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_65
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_66
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_67
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_68
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_69
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_70
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_71

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_78

7. Macrame-Panel

Macrame's weaving looks authentic and give the aesthetics room in ethno-style and boho. It is suitable if the bedroom is minimalist and in the interior there are no details belonging to the recognizable style. Otherwise, it will be a mixture of a different decor.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_79
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_80

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_81

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_82

8. Figure back

Take the same Faneur and saw - and the stylish bedroom decor, which cannot be bought in the store. To make the design look more interesting, paint it - the brilliant paint will add chic.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_83
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_84
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_85

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_88

9. Head of Pillows

The soft surface on which it is pleasant to rely on, the easiest way to make it easier from pillows and metal crossbars. It is enough to sew a loop and pick up covers for pillows that fit the style of the bedroom.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_89
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_90
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_91
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_92

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_94

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_96

10. From pallets

Put the construction pallet instead of the back - pre-sashing it and coating with varnish. The option will fit the bedroom in Loft style or if you want to add brutal notes to the interior.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_97
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_98

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_99

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_100

11. New Upholstery of the Old Foundation

Apseakling in fashion. Restore the old furniture and use it today prefer Scandinavian style adherents and retro. In this example, the old base was decided to reinstate a cloth with filler.

By the way, if the tree does not look new, cover it with a special whitewash. It will give him a shape, and the bedroom is retro notes.

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_101
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_102
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_103
How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_104

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12. Composition from JCEA

TRONES - JUBBY OF THE FAMOUS BEDSE BRAND. Attach 3-4 shoes to the wall and make a functional addition of the bedroom.

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How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_110

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_111

How to make a headboard with your own hands? 9865_112

How to choose the desired option?

Now that we told in detail how to make designs with their own hands, explain how to choose the desired model. Options from our list can be divided into 3 types: soft, rigid and unusual shape.

  • Instead of headboard: 11 steep design techniques


It is suitable for those who spend a long time in the bedroom in the evenings or in the morning, loves to rely on the back to read the book, work or watch a film without getting up. For such cases in our selection of several ideas.

It is important to choose the upholstery material correctly. It is better if the fabric is wear-resistant and easily washed. Beware of natural wool in the composition - the surface will be barbed. Modern upholstery are suitable, such as velor, flock, jacquard.


This is the choice of those who primarily take care of the design, and not about comfort. Choose a tree, plastic or metal. Sometimes a rigid back is used as a shelf - such options are also presented in the article.

Unusual options

An ideas that are not attached to furniture are considered unusual, and perform the wall decor. And here the fantasy space is huge: from ordinary paint to woven panels. It depends on what is suitable for the style of the bedroom and will be prettier than owners.

In this article we gave step-by-step instructions, how to make a headboard with their own hands - now it's easy to repeat this idea. And to choose from, there are still 12 options worthy of them to inspire.

  • Decorating the headboard bed: 11 beautiful and unusual ideas

Write in the comments, what style like more: classic soft versions or exotic?

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