How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design


How to arrange a bathroom with ceramic tiles? We have gathered together fresh ideas and proven classics.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_1

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design

The best material for the design of walls and floor in the bathroom is a ceramic tile. According to its consumer qualities, she bypasses all other materials. It is universal, eco-friendly, durable and durable. A large selection of forms and colors provides the ability to create a unique image that will fit into the design of any apartment. We will tell you how to choose a bathroom tile and show photos of successful interiors.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_3

Parameters for choosing good bathroom tiles

Standard specifications include strength, thickness, water resistance, wear resistance, resistance to light. They are defining and affect the cost.

Before you decide on the choice, take into account:

  • Square of the bathroom - in a small economical to take ceramics of small sizes, since large formats with cutting give an increased percentage of waste.
  • Location of plumbing items - the laying scheme depends on this.
  • Design elements - sometimes unusual decor items (for example, stylish lamps) can set the key idea of ​​the entire design.

Break outdoor and wall plates. Manufacturers make it easier to buyers, releasing a bathroom kit, which includes both types performed in one style and color palette. But most often for each repair, an individual combination of materials is selected separately.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_4

The wall is indicated on the packaging of the palm icon. As a rule, it is thinner outdoor, so it is categorically not recommended to lay it on the floor. Outdoor strong due to thickness and has a non-slip surface. Indicates on the packaging of the footprint icon.

The surface of the finishing material is glossy or matte. The glossy is covered with icing, so water splashes, hidden, leave noticeable traces on it, but it is easier to wash it. On the matte due to the porous nebestil surface, the contamination is not so visible, but it is much harder to quarrel.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_6

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_7

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_8

Choosing a tile, you need to know that depending on the raw material it varies by type.

  • Ceramics - Mix of clay, sand and quartz. It has good strength, and the variety of shades makes it the most sought-after finishing material.
  • Clinker - Mixture of clay and mineral oxides. Differs in high strength and waterproofing. In appearance, the outlines of the brick repeats, the color scheme is also represented by brick shades.
  • Ceramographic - Hit recent years. Consists of clay, kaolin, sand. Contrary to the title, does not contain granite, but it looks like it in all characteristics. It has the lowest percentage of water absorption, resistant to abrasion. In addition to standard colors, there are options imitating wood, natural stone, sandstone.

All varieties are both glossy and matte.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_10
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_11

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_12

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_13

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_14

  • 5 types of floor tiles (and tips that choose)

The size

Thanks to the large number of manufacturers and a huge range of their products, you can find a ceramic finish of almost any size. To simplify searches, you can select groups claiming standards.

Small squares

Their parameters 60, 90, 120 mm. Thickness 7 - 10 mm. Applied for outdoor and for wall design. Bathroom, decorated with their help, looks elegant.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_16

Medium and large squares

Their parameters 180, 200, 240, 300, 400, 600 mm. The greater the square, the thicker. This ensures strength on the break. The thickness of these models ranges from 10 to 15 mm.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_17

Narrow little rectangles

With their help lay out the pattern repeating the brickwork. For the walls, the glazed brilliant variety is chosen, and for the floor - rough, resembling a real brick. Another popular pattern is a Christmas tree.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_19

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_20

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_21

  • How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_22

Big rectangles

Their size begins from 200x800 mm and higher. Such ceramics laid on a special seamless technology of the joint in the joint. Due to this, the surface looks monolithic.

Brilliant gloss reflects CEE

Brilliant gloss reflects color, so even dark colors look noble.

Choosing the size, oriented on the room area. A large tile is better taken for spacious premises. There you can most fully estimate its format. At the same time you need to remember about the big weight. For outdoor models, this is not critical, but for walls is important. For them, you need to choose adhesive with enhanced adhesive characteristics, which will provide a more dense clutch with the surface.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_24

What is the size of the tile to choose for a small bath, depends on the taste preferences of the owners. In small bathrooms will harmoniously look at the ceramics of small sizes.

You can combine them - the foundations & ...

You can combine them - the main drawing is performed using the middle model and dilute inserts from small fragments.

It is appropriate here a mosaic. The option of using it is to issue a part of the main panel, and lay out the side parts larger squares. The main thing is that the tile is combined in color and style.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_26

  • 4 Important parameters for selecting perfect tiles in the bathroom

How to choose a bathroom tile shape


Tried classic time. It can be put in checker, deploy at an angle and make a pattern of rhombuses.

Beautifully look at squares in C & ...

Beautifully look at squares in the style of patchwork and oriental ornament.


The most common variety. Due to different ways of laying a rectangle can visually change the geometry of the room. The vertically located tile lifts the ceiling, and the horizontal - expands the space that is relevant for small bathrooms.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_30

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_31

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_32


Enjoy special love of designers. Remembering bee honeycombs, they smooth out sharp rectangular lines of the room, create comfort and give the interior originality. Hexagon decorates not only the floor, but also the walls. Unusual form gives a wide scope for creativity. Stylishly looks drawing, laid out until the middle of the wall.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_34
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_35
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_36

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_37

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_38

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_39

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_40

In addition to these species, models of unusual silhouettes began to appear: rhombus, ovals and circles in a set with elements that fill empty gaps. For wall coating, you can find convex options.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_42
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_43

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_44

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_45

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_46

  • What tile to choose for a small bathroom: tips and 60 photos

What a tile is better for the bathroom: choose the design

In the building materials market such a variety of textures and shades, which choose some one species becomes a problem. To systematize, it is customary to divide them by type of design.


The most interesting design features. It can be put on a specific pattern. And if you correctly pick up neighboring shades, you can achieve a saturated deep color finish.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_49

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_50

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_51


Suitable for design wall panels and floor. Most often has a square shape and non-repeating color pattern of the total subject. It is not advised to separate all surfaces with patchworks completely - it will look too much. It is better to make an accent wall. But laid out on the floor, it creates a feeling of a cozy patchwork carpet.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_53
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_54

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_55

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_56

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_57


The tile has a smoothly painted surface without transitions. Despite the simplicity, with the help of such squares, you can lay out a juicy pattern, pick up the contrasting shades. Or find suitable colors and make a gradient from them.

It is important to choose models, one ...

It is important to choose models that are the same in shape and size.

Natural theme

This includes drawings in the form of flowers, leaves, tree branches. The accent wall is originally decorated with a floral pattern. For greater effect, the convex embossed pattern is chosen.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_60

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_61

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_62

Marine themes fit the bathroom better than others. Create the right mood will help the corresponding drawings, as well as the entire color palette from the gentle-blue to turquoise.

White with blue - excellent slander ...

White with blue - an excellent combination for trimming bathrooms.

Under a stone

It looks natural, it is almost no different from the original. The imitation of marble, granite, travertine and onyx is particularly popular. This finish is well combined with the imitation of the tree.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_64
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_65

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_66

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_67

Under the tree

The bathroom, trimmed under the tree, looks luxurious. Manufacturers produce models that simulate not only shade and drawing, but also the structure of wood. Options are possible, repeating both longitudinal and transverse cut. Such models are well combined with warm floors, then the visual effect is supplied with tactile.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_69

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_70

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_71


The classic view of the brick wall is relevant at all times. This design is universal. It is suitable for different styles through simplicity, rigor and variety of color solutions. The dimensions of the bricks differ - from small for small bathrooms, to large canvases for spacious premises.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_73

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_74

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_75

3D tile

An excellent way to decorate the room, as well as the ability to visually increase the space. Large images are better to choose for large rooms, because they visually reduce the room. In small well, paintings will look at the prospect, leaving the distance.

From hexagons you can lay

From hexagons you can fold the volume pattern.

Among the volumetric static patterns appeared unusual models: color gels with a shade varying when pressed.

Such an option is suitable for the & ...

This option is suitable for the design of the floor and horizontal surfaces.

The tile with the phosphor accumulates the charge of light and then gives it in the dark. It will be wonderful to look at the walls and on the floor.

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How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_79

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_80

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_81

  • 55 Beautiful Bathroom Interiors with White Tiles

How to choose a tile for a bathroom and toilet: Combination rules

It happens that the material is good, but in a specific interior in connection with other types of finishes, it looks ugly. In order for the result of the repair with the expectations and invested means, it is better to think about the combination of colors in advance.

  • Smooth transitions. Here you choose a few shades of the same color. They flow from one to another or distinguish between the border. At the same time, the dark shade should be below. Outdoor coating repeats it or is slightly different.
  • Contrast. Here take the colors that successfully look together. Classic couples: black-red, white-black, red-gold, blue and white, sandy-brown. With this method, the room is well zonied.

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_83
How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_84

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_85

How to choose a bathroom tile: compare sizes, color and design 9919_86

A variety of models allows you to create an original, unlike other interior. Applying proven schemes and complementing them with their ideas, you can bring the dream bathroom in reality.

  • How to put a tile in the bathroom: the whole process from surface preparation to the grout of seams

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