What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips


Cement, gypsum or polymer - disassemble the features of each composition and recommend that you choose.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_1

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips

Smooth significant irregularities and deviations from the vertical of walls and ceilings (from 5 to 60 mm), plastering cracks and seams help. It creates a solid, smooth, but slightly rough foundation for further work. And smoothness achieved due to the thin-layer equalization of the plated paste. We will deal with what putty to choose for repair.

All about putty pastes



  • Dry or ready
  • Purpose

Putty for finishing

  • Splice under the wallpaper
  • Puttooth plasterboard

Putty for different foundations

  • Wood
  • Plasterboard

Features of choice

What makes the shtamy mixtures

The product includes three main components. First, the binding powder substance. After the positiveness of the water, it goes into a pasty, and then into a solid state. Secondly, the filler, which most often protrude grind marble, limestone, chalk. And thirdly, modifying additives that improve the properties of the solution. By the name, you can immediately understand which substance in this product is a binder: in cement - cement, in gypsum plaster, in polymer - polymers.


Cement solutions create a robust waterproof reservoir, and therefore are good when designing facades, walls and ceilings in the bathrooms, pools and other rooms with high levels of humidity. They will become a reliable basis for cladding from ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. It becomes clear which putty to choose for the bathroom. However, the cement layer often gives shrinkage or cracks in the drying process, especially with violations of the work technology.


Gypsum pastes, in contrast to cement, are afraid of moisture and do not like temperature differences. However, they form a smoother surface, quickly dry without shrinkage and cracking. Gypsum on the walls and ceilings is well passed air. Such an aligning mass is suitable for dry rooms. It is used under wallpaper or under staining.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_3


Polymeric solutions combine the advantages of plaster and cement. They create a solid and smooth surface, are used for the same purposes as gypsum - at the final stage of preparation of the founding of walls and ceilings in dry rooms before sticking wallpaper or coloring.

Due to the high plasticity, polymeric tools are easily distributed on the plane and level its smallest irregularities even when applying a very subtle reservoir (up to 0.2 mm). When choosing an equalizer, the operational features of the coating and the type of finishing finish are taken into account.

The polymers form the thinnest and smooth leveling reservoir, since they have minimal filler fractions (0.05-0.2 mm). They are divided into formulations of basic, finishing alignment and universal. The first minimum thickness is 1 mm, the second is 0.2 mm.

For example, Saint-Goben specialists recommend using a finishing polymeric product Weber.vetonit LR + for final alignment of walls and ceilings. So that the base has become absolutely smooth - Weber.vetonit LR PASTA (after drying is treated with a grinding skin (grain - P320-P400 and smaller). The thickness range of universal means is wider. So, the solution of KNAUF polymer finish can be applied with a layer from 0.5 to 5 mm. and apply as a basic or finishing formation.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_4

Polymer pastes are used to level a variety of reasons: monolithic and precast concrete, plaster and gypsum blocks, cement, cement-sand and cement-lime plasters, plaster plaster, designs from hydro-fiber sheets (GWL), glass adhesive sheets (SML), plasterboard sheets ( GLC). Polymer drugs are not always well leveled by the joints of GLK. Some manufacturers recommend to apply specialized mixtures for this purpose with increased cracking resistance, such as gypsum KNAUF-fugen or polymer Weber.vetonit JS.

After induction with water, polymer pastes retain the stated properties incomparably longer than cement and gypsum. They can be used within 15-24 hours. And storage time is 7 days, like the "CP Pro" (MC-Bauchemie) and Litofinish Fine (Litokol). Of course, with long interruptions in the work, the capacity with the mass must be closed tight. If the solution became viscous (within the viability period), it is thoroughly stirred without adding water. Keep in mind: the manufacturer of drying time may vary under the influence of different factors. Let's say under reduced temperatures it increases. Finishing works are carried out after drying the leveling layer.

Benefits disadvantages
Plastic and convenient to work. Suitable only for internal works.
Thixotropic. As a rule, unsuitable for operation in wet


It has high adhesion to various bases. It is more expensive than gypsum and cement formulations.
Great smoothes the smallest irregularities.
Quickly dries.
There is no shrinkage.
Not cracking.
Environmentally safe.
Does not require mandatory staining.

Types of material

Mixtures dry and wet

Putty materials are produced in the form of dry powders or in the form of a finished product. In the first case, the contents of the package are poured into water tank, observing the proportion indicated by the manufacturer (usually about 0.3 l per 1 kg of powder). Then stirred by a construction mixer on small turns before receiving a homogeneous mass. It is possible to brew 5-10 minutes and repeat the procedure to obtain a uniform, not containing lumps of solution.

The finished mass is stirred in production in special homogenizers, which guarantee the homogeneity of the solution, the absence of lumps, noncrossures, clots in it. By the way, for the manufacture of the product uses a filler of the smallest fractions (0.02-0.1 mm). When it is applied, the thinnest, smooth layer is formed, which ensures optimal consumption.

If you use inexpensive options, sometimes when combining the already covered plot with a new one can form a noticeable and hardly processed joint. High-quality solutions are distinguished by high plasticity: the mixture reaches behind the spatula and is easily smoothed. The masters appreciate them for the convenience of applying and the perfect mixing of the layers, which subsequently guarantees a uniform and economical paint distribution. All tools that are used during shovetaking should be made only from stainless materials.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_5

  • Putty walls under the wallpaper: how to perform work yourself and get a good result

Purpose of material

Each product is designed to solve certain tasks. Based on this, the compositions are distinguished.


A large grinding filler is used. The solution is able to close the largest flaws of the base, can be laid on brick or concrete surfaces. It is applied to one or more layers at the thickness of each order of 10 mm. To increase the adhesion strength between the formations, it is recommended to mount the reinforcing grid.


The fine-grained material, the main task of which is the final leveling of the plane. It is superimposed by a rather thin layer of 3-4 mm. Large defects are not able to close. Used after starting coating or on the base without noticeable flaws.

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Combines the possibilities of the finish and starting mass. Can be used instead of any of them. It is applied very simple and dries quickly. As a result, it gives a solid, smooth coating. The price is higher than that of the analogues.


Used only for certain sections of work. For example, for plasterboard shocks and concrete floors, to fill the "problem" cracks, and the like. The composition is selected based on existing conditions. Applied in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_8

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The better to put the walls under the wallpaper and paint


The base for decorative panels should not have nervousness, even the smallest. Therefore, in any case, the putty is necessary. You can choose a material based on any binder. Cement is better to use for wet rooms, where the temperature differences are frequent. In the recommendations, what to choose a putty for the kitchen or bathroom is always present cement.

Gypsum is better suited for dry rooms, because it does not tolerate moisture. It is very plastic, easy to work is completely safe. Therefore, it fits in children's rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, etc. Universal option - polymer pastes. They are plastic, durable, not afraid of moisture. Well align the foundation, fall on any base. More often used under the paint, since under the wallpaper you can find a cheaper material.

Determine the better to put the base under wallpaper, it is necessary based on the state of the surface. If significant defects are present in the form of cracks, dents or chips, optimally use the cement mixture as the level. She will cope with such flaws. On top it will need to be separated by the gypsum composition. If the basis with minor irregularities is suitable for a universal agent on plaster.

What putty to choose for walls and floor: overview of different types and useful tips 9954_10


Pastes can simply fill the depressions and irregularities without the formation of the layer. Such alignment is a superfine usually necessary before applying glossy paints, which are manifested by even minor defects of the shipments. Therefore, when doubt, what putty to choose to paint, it is better to take polymers.

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How to choose a putty for different bases

Base material is important. Not all pasta is equally well idle on different basics.

Than processing a tree

For example, a problem, what to choose a putty on the wood is better to solve in favor of polymers. The product is characterized by good adhesion to any surfaces. It is important to handle wood with an antiseptic to protect the wood to protect against rotting.

Better to put plasterboard

Inexperienced masters believe that there are no additional processing on drywall surfaces. This is a serious misconception. The seams and caps from fasteners will be noticeable under thin cloths, especially under painting. In addition, if a bright decor is assumed, the base can be shifted through it. Therefore, the putty is necessary. In addition, upon subsequent repair, it will facilitate the removal of old cloths.

For drywall, it is important which finish putty to choose. Start or universal are not needed. Be sure to select a suitable paste. At first, the joints are made, they can be additionally reinforced. After drying, it is placed in a solid layer. If this is not enough, one or two is superimposed. Each of which should dry well before the next one will be applied.

What putty to choose for walls and ceiling

The main criterion for the selection of the drug is the condition of the surface where it is to be set. The plane for further finish should be smooth, without the slightest dents, cracks and other defects. In addition, a few more recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Dry formulations worth choosing experienced plasters. Beginners are better to choose a lot of ready for putty. True, it will be higher.
  • If there are doubts about choosing a type of material, buy a universal coating. It is well suited for any work.
  • It is advisable to carefully consider the product carefully. The presence of inclusion unusual ones is talking about low quality.
  • The color of the coating is also important, especially when a light finish is assumed. In this case, the powder or paste must be only white.

We figured out what putty to choose for the ceiling or walls. It is necessary to do this, guided by the condition of the draft coating. The optimal choice is usually mixtures based on plaster or polymers. They are plastic, simple in laying, well fall on any material and economical in consumption. According to reviews, they are most in demand.

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