How to repair a plastic window yourself


We tell how to solve problems with drafts from the window, born or a jamming handle, sagging or faulty double-glazed windows.

How to repair a plastic window yourself 996_1

How to repair a plastic window yourself

Beautiful and functional metal-plastic window designs are very reliable. They serve for a long time and trouble-free. But still sometimes require repair. It is not always necessary to invite a specialist. We'll figure it out how to repair the plastic window without a professional master.

All about independent repair of plastic windows

What is needed for repair

Problems and ways to eliminate them

- draft

- broken handle

- Covering the knob

- Schedule Sash

- Spicy glass package

Prevention of faults

Preparation for repair

A set of necessary tools is small, all can be found in the store or even at home. This is a hex key for 4 mm and several different in the size of straight and cruciform screwdrivers. The WD-40 fluid is needed so that it is easy to cope with rusted parts if necessary.

To replace the accessories, it must be bought. Important moment: It is best to buy details and consumables from the official representative of the manufacturer. This ensures that all elements are suitable in size and form. If it is impossible, you need to dismantle the item and go to the store. It is so easier to choose an analogue.

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Possible malfunctions and their elimination

Not all problems with the window must correct a specialist. Some works are completely able to fulfill themselves. We have collected a list of common problems and instructions, how do you repair a plastic window.

Problem 1. blows from the window

An unpleasant influx of cold air appears due to the weak clamping of the seal. To begin with, the sealing cord must be inspecting. If the sash presses loosely, you can spend adjustment. If the cord has come into disrepair, that is, it has lost elasticity and deformed, it is replaced.

Adjusting Eccentrics

For climbing frame to the sash, pinings or eccentrics are used. These are small protrusions that come to metal plates on the frame. The change in their position changes the degree of pressure of the sash. There are two types of details: Round troughs and oval eccentrics. The first are adjustable with a screwdriver, the second pliers. But the principle of adjustment is the same. The procedure for such.

  1. We find all the protrusions. They are located on the outer and on the inside of the sash below and on top.
  2. We change the position of each shut-off protrusion. Oval eccentrics climb the pliers and turn parallel to the windowsill, turn the round troughs with a key or a screwdriver before offseting to the left.
  3. We put all the locking elements in the same position. It is important, otherwise the frame turns.

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Replacing the sealing cord

Lost elasticity or deformed sealer does not protect the room from the flow of cold air. It is replaced by a new one. It is important not to be mistaken when buying a new cord. Different manufacturers have a profile form significantly different. When installing an element of another form, the tightness will not be restored. Another important nuance: the item to replace must be solid. Composite cords do not provide tightness. We will analyze the sequence of actions.

  1. Remove the served seal. To do this, pull it out of the groove. He gets easily from it. If it does not work, we use the lace with an acute subtle tool, then pull it out.
  2. Clean the released groove from pollution and dust.
  3. We put a new cord. We start from the corner. Insert a profile in the groove, with an effort to press it with your fingers. Gradually fill the entire perimeter. In the corners we try to post the sealer smoothly, without folds and wrinkles. It is impossible too stretching.
  4. Fix the seal in the corner. After the entire profile is laid, a sharp knife or scissors cut off the rest. We refuel it into the groove and carefully wrap the rubber glue. The joke should be sealed.

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How to repair a plastic window yourself 996_11

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Problem 2. broke the handle

Excessive force when turning the handle leads to its lamb. No repair options here, it needs to be replaced by a new one. We propose a step-by-step description of the process.

  1. On the basis of the handle we find the closing plate. Gently turn it out so that the fasteners opened.
  2. Conditioned screwdriver unscrewing both fasteners.
  3. We take a handle, move it on yourself, take out from the landing place.
  4. In the released groove we put a new handle, fix the screws.
  5. Turn the decorative plate.

If the handle did not break away, but they break, it should be tightened. To do this, turn the overhead plank, free the fastening screws. Tighten them so that the item is not hacked. Close the mounting plates.

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Problem 3. Handle Jumping

If the handle has jammed when it is in the "closed" position or "open", it indicates the spontaneous triggering of the block. The element is installed in the mechanism to prevent breakdowns, but sometimes it works incorrectly. To unlock, act as follows.

How to carry out unlocking

  1. On the end side of the handle we find the metal tongue-blocker.
  2. Checking its position. If you turn at an angle to the opening window, it means that it is blocked.
  3. I turn the tongue, put it vertically.

The handle is unlocked, it can be rotated. In some cases, the block is broken or starts slipping. This is also subject to repair. You must not fully open the sash, so that the response mechanism is available. It must be unscrewed, then put a thin plastic lining on the seat. Put the node on the seat and fix fasteners.

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Changing the design can at the moment when it is fixed in the ventilation mode. This indicates problems in the shut-off element, which is called "scissors". Repair the knot so.

How to repair a crack handle on a plastic window in ventilation mode

  1. With the loops gently remove the moving frame-sash.
  2. We insert into the groove the upper part of the "scissors".
  3. Gently try to turn the handle. Perhaps it will not succumb to, then check the position of the blocker, unlock, repeat the action.
  4. Check the correctness of the design.
  5. Install the sash to the place.

Sometimes adjustment does not help. This happens when the moving knot "scissors" is hired. To correct the situation, it is lubricated by WD-40 or similar composition.

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Problem 4. Schedule Sash

Sometimes the plastic window does not close, we will examine how to repair this malfunction. The reason may be in the moving part of the window system. Then she does not fall into her place, and the sash does not close. Adjustment required. It is carried out in two directions: in horizontal and vertical. Let us consider in detail each of them.

Horizontal direction adjustment

Adjustment is carried out on top and on the bottom loop. In any case, the sequence of actions is such.

  1. Fully open the sash.
  2. Remove the decorative lining from the loop.
  3. We find adjusting grooves, insert the key hexagon into it.
  4. We rotate the hexagon clockwise to move the item to the left. And, on the contrary, for the shift to the right turn the key counterclockwise.

Adjustment of the vertical direction

The height of the lifting of the sash is adjusted, the work is performed on the bottom of the loop in such a sequence.

  1. Open the window.
  2. On the end of the bottom loop we find a decorative lining, we remove it.
  3. Insert the key hexagon in the adjusting groove under the lining.
  4. Turn the hexagon clockwise, thereby raising the design. Turn against the clock, I lower it.

After adjustments, the sash must close tightly.

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Problem 5. Spoiled glass

The hermetic system of several glass sheets is called a glass. If necessary, it can be replaced. We list when it is necessary to do.

When you need replacement

  • There are drafts that do not disappear after adjusting the clamping and replacing the seal.
  • The camera was unloaded due to glasses cracking.
  • Condensate appeared inside the chambers, the resid-like moisture maker rolls down the glass.

The package replacement is also carried out if the system properties want to improve. For example, put a design with a large number of cameras or a special noise absorbing model. In any case, start with the purchase of a new glass package. It is ordered in production, focusing on the labeling, which is applied to the old model. After the order is delivered, getting started. You need to consistently perform several operations.

Sequence of actions when replacing

  1. Remove the stroke from the vertical side of the sash. We make it a rounded spatula or a knife with a thick blade. Tools start between the frame and the stroke at a low angle. We shake the device separating the bar.
  2. Remove the stroke from the horizontal side. We act likewise. Then remove the remaining planks.
  3. Carefully take out the vacated glass. We remove it to the side.
  4. If necessary, clean the frame.
  5. We put a new double glazing. Pre-lay the straightening plates under it so that it "sat down" is as tight as possible.
  6. Install the strokes. Rake click on the frame with a little effort to a characteristic click.

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Prevention of trouble

To less often face faults, it is worth performing simple rules that will extend the performance of window structures.

  • Clean the system from contamination. Moreover, wash not only glasses, but also plastic frames, window sills, waterproofs. Be sure to clean the holes for drainage. They are located outside at the bottom of the design.
  • Care for a sealing profile at least twice a year. It is washed, dried and apply a special lubricant. It can be replaced with its pharmacy glycerin.
  • Care for accessories. All moving parts once every six months are clean and lubricated with any preparation, which contains no acids and resins.

How to repair a plastic window yourself 996_32

Small problems with plastic windows are eliminated with their own hands. Special fixtures for this will not need. In this paper, accuracy and accuracy are important, otherwise you can only aggravate the breakdown. In this case, without the help of the wizard, it will not be possible to do.

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