How to maintain order at your workplace if you have "creative nature"


The level of your disorder on the table rose to the level at which you can no longer find a thing for him yesterday? Exhale. You need to easily optimize the process of pointing the order, and our tips will help you.

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

1 Determine this condition of the table in which you can work comfortably

Do not try to remake yourself completely, and, inspired by pictures from the Internet, try to keep the perfect cleanliness on the table, which in your reality can exist no more than an hour. Catch the moment in which you are satisfied with the appearance of your table and it is convenient for you to work: all things in place, it is easy to reach them, nothing distracts. Perhaps this moment does not come immediately after cleaning, but a little after. Take a picture of your table and focus on this state of the workplace.

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have
How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

2 Leave on the table or next to it objects for inspiration

Examine yourself: Perhaps you like a variety, and in minimalist spaces you are bored? And do you need bright items and pictures in order to make yourself see for some time in one place? Choose several items that you like, and decorate them the desktop. Mudboard is another excellent solution: on the board in front of the table can be created by some chaos that will bring you benefits.

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have
How to maintain order at your workplace if you have
How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

3 Make a lightweight cleaning at the end of each working day or after each session

Just throw off the papers and candles, the rest of the food, check, did not make something that should not be on it. This will help avoid the accumulation of trash.

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have
How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

4 Do not discount unnecessary items in organizers and boxes

Before you shove a button or a strange paper into an organizer or place where no one ever sees it, think if you can't find her place right now? You still have to ever raise these ruins, and during this time, perhaps the subject will lose its relevance.

5 Think whether you have enough storage locations

Rate the number of papers, notebooks and other office, which you need for work. Do you have where to keep it all? Is it equipped with drawers or baskets for papers, newsmers and boxes for trifles?

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have
How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

How to maintain order at your workplace if you have

6 Watch how your productivity change after you decide to maintain order

Be sure to track positive changes that will follow when you decide to start living differently. Mark the cases that you have managed to do the day, your new achievements. Praise yourself for them and rejoice even by an intermediate result.

Finally, look at the video about how to make a pretty desktop organizer with your own hands.

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