7 ways to improve microclimate in your apartment


The indoor microclimate is an important component of a comfortable life. How to improve it and maintain in optimal condition? We give an applied list of useful tips.

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7 ways to improve microclimate in your apartment

1 Regular ventilation

No matter how trite, but many forget about the importance of regular ventilation, and after all, the "fine air" is an ideal environment for reproduction of a plurality of bacteria. And the smell indoors, where there was no ventilation for a long time, not the most pleasant.

By the way, for the influx of fresh air in the apartment can not only be answered by open windows: you can provide a special ventilation system indoors, purchase double-glazed windows with a ventilation valve (or install a similar valve on the existing) or get a brizer.

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2 air conditioning

Invaluable assistant in the regulation of air temperature indoors - air conditioning. Moreover, if the unit was previously reproached that it dries air or insufficiently cleans it, then many modern models of these shortcomings are deprived. High-quality devices are equipped with powerful filters, and many also have functions of moisturizing and air ionization.

The main thing is not to forget to regularly clean the air conditioner and change the filters.

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3 air humidifier

However, the air humidification function can be entrusted with a separate unit: the cost of many models is relatively low, moreover, the device is very mobile.

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4 Sink air

For those who are more closely approaching the issue of air purity in an apartment, an excellent helper will be washing air. It is worth such a device is not particularly cheap, but it effectively reduces the amount of dust in the house, and at the same time moisturizes the air. Some models are also equipped with a built-in ionizer.

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5 Moderate use of electrical heaters

Electric heaters and warm floors - unconditional "chopsticks" in cold and frost. However, it costs them moderately: the overwhelmed air adversely affects the state of the skin, hair, mucous eye and nose - that is, in general, negatively affects the health of all family members, especially the most young.

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6 bedroom plants

Simple, fast, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive way to significantly improve the microclimate in the apartment - add to bedroom plants.

Bonus: Live greens adds comfort to the comfort, besides, the abundance of housewives today in the trend. For those who strongly do not like to care for plants, there are unpretentious cultures, kashpo with self-polishes, as well as phytopiano and phytosnes with automatic irrigation systems.

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7 Regular cleaning

And one more, it would seem, the obvious moment for which many, however, closes their eyes. Even if you pride all sorts of ventilation and fill the house by assistant aggregates, without regular cleaning, these measures will be not so effective. Please note: it is not only about private wet cleaning (although it, of course, is extremely important).

Often, much more dust and malicious bacteria accumulates at all on the surface of the floor, Tumbers and tables: the main "dust collectors" are carpets, curtains, mattresses, upholstered furniture, pillows, blankets, bedspreads, as well as soft toys. Do not forget that it all needs periodic washing and cleaning.

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