The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen


Why, according to the Method of Marie Condo, you must first visualize, and then incarnate the conceived, and how will the light makeup and shoes help you on the laces? We tell the most useful about the popular "schools" of cleaning. Choose the one you closer.

The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen 10322_1

1 Method Marie Condo

It is also called the method of Condar. Marie Condo is a guru of cleaning from Japan, there it participates in the transfer to TV, and has also released a book - "Magic cleaning. Japanese art guidance at home and in life. "

Book Marie Condo

Book Marie Condo


School Philosophy CONMARI

It is that before the start of cleaning you need to present your world - globally, and your apartment is locally in the condition that you really enjoy. What should she be to feel harmonious? Start with this view.

And then - bring the apartment to the same thing that seems perfect.

How to get out and store things?

Divide the process into two parts: first throw away all unnecessary, and then start sorting and the order of those things you left. One of the main differences in the method of cleaning the Conmari method is the division of things not in rooms, but by category. That is, we do not remove the cuisine first, but after - the living room, and we divide things on shoes, clothes, documents, books, dishes and so on.

Start with things that you are not so and the roads. Marie Condo advises acting according to the following scheme: clothes, books, documents, different (computer discs, products, in this category really enters many different things), memorable things and gifts, photos.

An example of storage of things on the & ...

Example Storage of Things by Conmari


When you finish cleaning the space, proceed to the correct storage. Marie Condo insists - to throw out and at the same time lay out things in places it is impossible, efficiency will decrease.

Here are some more theses.

  • Vertical storage, according to the Conmari method, takes less space and helps carefully and better contain things in order.
  • Store bags in other bags. And clean the bag from unnecessary every night.
  • Keep things by category - bags, dresses, sweaters.

The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen 10322_4
The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen 10322_5

The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen 10322_6

Locker condition in croups: before cleaning

The most important thing is that you need to know about cleaning in brilliant methods Marie Condo, Fly Lady, Kaizen 10322_7

And after

  • 5 Errors in cleaning that you can admit following the method of CONMARI

2 Flace Lady Method

Translated - "Flying Woman." Fans of this method also call themselves "reactive housewives." The creator of this concept of Marla Silly from the US invented its method in 1999.

Book Marlas Silil

Book Marlas Silil


Fly Lady School Philosophy

The maintenance of the household should be joy, and all the home affairs can be done "on the fly" without taking hours and days. And much attention is paid to the clothes in which cleaning is carried out. This should not be an old wistful T-shirt and stretched pants. Only good things, beautiful hairstyle, light makeup, and also - shoes on laces. It is more convenient to move around home quickly.

How advises to clean the flue lady?

Divide the apartment on the zones and all week, every day you devote this zone for 15 minutes. At first it seems that this is not enough, but in the end, for the week it turns out more than an hour of time. Important - Use the timer. Came up exactly 15 minutes.

Pay attention to "hot points". According to the Flaigh Lady method, the room will never look clean if the hot spot is not in order. For example, in the bathroom it is a sink and a mixer. In the kitchen - the absence of dirty dishes. So in these 15 minutes, turn on the work with a hot spot.

That hottest point

That hottest point


And it is important - to write lists. Get a separate notebook and write down everything you have to do at home. Do not neglect the lists. Pleasure after you will strike out from the list of affairs - one "incentive" moments.

Example of cleaning plan

Example of cleaning plan


  • 8 zones in your apartment where it is necessary to clean up this spring

3 Kaizen method

This is another practice that came from the east. Nothing amazing - they love order there. Kaizen began to apply after World War II at the Toyota factory, and he helped bring workflows to perfection.

Book Kaizsen.

Book Kaizsen.


Philosophy of School Kaizsen

It works on the principle of 5C. Caidzen cleaning must necessarily bring the result - in this whole essence. The room should become cleaner, freer and better than it was before cleaning.

How to clean?

Everything is simple. Act according to this scheme.

1. Sort

Divide things into 2 categories: the necessary and unnecessary. How? Ask yourself, do you need this subject in a specific room, do you often use it and when you last took it in hand. If the answer is negative - throw out ruthlessly.

2. Systematize

Store you need to keep it so that they can be quickly found and just use. If you constantly lose a thing, then he needs to find another place. Fold similar things to containers, but do not store things from different categories in one container. For example, documents with appliances.

Organizer for sorting ODE

Organizer for sorting clothes


3. Keep clean

Think over - what can prevent you from constantly keeping things in order. Maybe you have insufficient hangers? Or just just one trash? Sometimes it is so lazy to get up from the sofa to throw away the crumb into the kitchen bucket, and therefore we just look like it from the sofa to the floor.

4. Standarditis

And this item is about delegation of duties. Standardize the rules and promotion for members of your family, it will especially work, of course, with children.

5. Improve

It makes no sense to repeat the same actions every day that will lead to the same result. Improve, and improve the result. For example, plan a budget for buying new, more spacious furniture, buy useful storage accessories.

Dividers for shelves like Var & ...

Dividers for shelves as an option of additional storage systems


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