9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket


Dream of a plant for a home or office, but at your disposal there are only dark places? This dream can be done with the help of unpretentious Flora representatives from our list.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket 10517_1

1 Drazen Marginat, or Dragon Tree

A tropical plant that looks very concise, and no office will spoil, nor a modern residential interior. In very good conditions, it can grow up to 3 meters.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Dracaena Marginat, or Dragon Tree, 299 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

2 anthurium

In the people, it is also called "male happiness." This is a fairly widespread plant similar to Calla, with red flowers. In the summer it does not like direct sunlight, and it is better to place it in a half, and in the winter to put on the windowsill, especially since it takes not so much space.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Anthurium Andreanum, 999 rubles. Photo: Obi.ru.

3 spathifylum

Externally similar to the previous plant, only with white flowers. It, as opposed to the previous one, is called "female happiness." He needs a scattered light. It may exist in a half, but in this case it will bloom less.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Spathifulum Chopin, 249 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

4 Ficus

This plant is deservedly considered prestigious, and it is often given. It looks noble because of the thick greenery and soft glitter of neat leaves. The straight sun rays are contraindicated, and you can put it next to the window with a light curtain. If you understand that the light will not be enough for him (for example, it will stand in the depths of the room), you can fix the situation with the help of phyto lamps that will add your mysterious interior.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Ficus Elastic Robusta, 3999 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

5 Kalanchoe

A cozy plant from Madagascar loves his unpretentiousness, softness of leaves, and the possibility of light reproduction. It grows in the sun, and in the shade, often found in residential interiors.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Kalanchoe, 269 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

6 violet

Cute lavender flowers are indispensable on cozy kitchens and bedrooms. This flower has only one drawback - it will bloom only one year, the plant is usually one-year. It can be put on the tables and shelves near the window.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Violet batterfly, 399 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

7 Monster

Popular, but not yet the occurrence of a plant that will make your interior stylish and fashionable. Ideal for bright, minimalistic modern interiors.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Monster. Photo: unsplash.

8 palm trees (for example, cycas revolution)

Beautiful tropical decoration for modern interiors, rooms that should have rest, and living rooms. Do not be afraid that your palm is stored in the ceiling: Circas at home grows only to 30-50 cm.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Cycas revolution, 2999 rub. Photo: Obi.ru.

9 Asparagus

An unusual indoor resident whose leaves resemble feathers or algae. You can put it in a very small pot, like on this photo, and you can fill it a part of the wall - it grows pretty quickly even on the shelf on the opposite wall of the wall.

9 teothelubil plants that can be bought in the nearest hypermarket

Asparagus. Photo: Instagram @onlineBabyPlants

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