How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips


When choosing a snow blower, you need to take into account the performance of the instrument, engine type, wheel size, and even the terrain that you plan to clean.

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How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips

It is necessary to choose snow removal techniques depending on the volume of the alleged works and the state of the retainable snow. It's one thing, when you remove the freshly fallen snow in a month in a month, and the other - when it is necessary to clear the breakfasts from a mixture of snow, ice and sand (which remains, for example, after clearing by communal communal services of general use). In the first case, it is possible to limit the simple and relatively low-power technique, and you will need a high-performance snowplow that adapted to the most severe working conditions for clearing the dawns. We tell the details and advise what a snow blower to choose for a dacha or home of permanent residence.

All about choosing a snow blower

Types of devices

What to take into account when choosing

  1. Performance
  2. Relief area
  3. The presence of replaceable buckets
  4. Snow emission system
  5. Engine
  6. Running mechanism
  7. Wheel size
  8. Snowproof mechanism
  9. Number of speeds

Tips for choosing

Care and maintenance

Types of snowpressure

All snowproofers can be divided into several types depending on their device.

By engine power

  • Electrical networks.
  • Electric rechargeable.
  • Petrol.

On the presence of a drive on wheels

  • Self-deviating.
  • Movement man.

The simplest and low-power devices are the so-called electrolopates that run from the network or from batteries. They work like this: the engine with a capacity of 1.5-2 kW rotates a horizontal shaft with blades, located in the bucket shovel. You move the shovel backwards on the clearing area, and rapidly rotating blades discard snow by 5-10 m. It is not very difficult to work tool, the weight of such devices is an average of 5-8 kg. The most attractive parameter is the low price, which can be only 4-5 thousand rubles. Sunny trifles compared to expensive self-propelled models that are tens of thousand rubles.

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Electropolopate Stiga.

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Single Snowplow Stiga.

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Electropolopate Stiga.

More complex and high-performance models are non-intended snow blowers on the wheel chassis. They are equipped with a 1.5-2.5 kW engine and more. This is mainly a technician with an electric motor running from the network, but there are and battery models (GreenWorks), and gasoline (champion). The non-intended snow blowers on the wheel chassis are already equipped with a device for directional snow ejection away from movement. This is a serious advantage compared to electrolopaths, which throw the snow right in front of them. Weigh the noncommodatine snow blowers are already solid: 15-20 kg and more.

Snow blower petrol Patriot.

Snow blower petrol Patriot.

And electrolopates, and non-self-proper snow blowers are designed for cleaning pure fresh snow with smooth surfaces of paths, yard sites, driveways of roads. To move on uneven surfaces such equipment is not very convenient. Snow cleaning blades are made of plastic resembling rubber properties (rubbing), their edges are smooth. Such blades are best suited for a neat and gentle clearing of paths laid out by stone, tiles and other materials. Even if you accidentally get the path coverage, you do not scratch it and do not damage it that it is possible if you use more powerful and professional techniques.

Self-propelled snow blowers are usually equipped with gasoline engines. This is a complex and expensive technique, in which there are almost all the nodes available from the car or tractor. Actually, if the self-propelled snow blower is equipped with a driver's seat, then it is already a rider, which can be considered a mini-tractor. There are self-propelled models from several tens to a few hundred thousand rubles.

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What to take into account when choosing

1. The productivity of the device

Performance, of course, an important characteristic for any technique, but in the case of snow blowers the situation is more complicated. The bottom line is that even small model power (2-3 kW) formally provide quite decent productivity - moving up to several tons of snow per hour - provided that you remove clean, just falling snowball with a flat smooth area. But such conditions are rather an exception than the rule. Therefore, when choosing the technique, you must first decide whether you will clean the old blind snow (especially with ice), and what are the features of the landscape, which will have to clear.

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How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_12

How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_13

Sunshine Self-Goes Snowflower

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Self-propelled snow blower

2. Relief area

If there are lifts and descents on the land plot, then it will be problematic to use non-self-proper snow blowers. Just imagine that you have to push on a snow-covered, slippery slide "trolley" weighing 30-40 kg. Wheels must be maximally prepared for adverse conditions. They preferably put the chains (many manufacturers produce them as additional equipment).

Snow blower Electric Sibrtech

Snow blower Electric Sibrtech

3. The presence of replaceable buckets

Some mini-tractors and motoblocks are equipped with replaceable clearing fixtures. As a rule, these are a variety of versions of mounted buckets, with the help of which it is possible to quickly rack the snow masses away from the clearing platform. Such devices are quite suitable for snow harvesting with wide straight tracks (rather, roads). Of course, specialized equipment is more convenient in work and is better adapted to winter conditions, but the replacement fall is much cheaper.

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4. Snow Emission System

Allocate a single and two-stage system. Single-step is simple enough. It snaps into it on the rapidly rotating impeller of the auger, which throws it away. In this system, the auger rotates 2-3 times faster than in a two-stage system. In the last auger, breaks down the snow mass and serves it for a special device - a quickly rotating impeller. Such a system is more complicated by design, but it is more reliable, since at a low speed of rotation of the auger, the risk of its breakdown is reduced or some garbage. Machines with a single-stage snow ejection system, as a rule, belong to the initial price category, and are intended for cleaning only fresh snow.

5. Engine

It is best to choose a model of well-known manufacturers, such as Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh or Honda. The engine must be adapted to the conditions of winter so that its launch in cold weather has become a problem.

Electric Daewoo Power Snowproof

Electric Daewoo Power Snowproof

6. Startup mechanism

For gasoline engines, the design of the launch mechanism is important. It can be a manual launch (the engine starts if several times strongly and sharply rush for the starting cable) or an electric starter running from the battery or from a 220 V. Hand-made launch - cheap and angrily, but it may be necessary to be considerable physical effort. The battery needs proper service and storage in a heated room. Starting starter from the network is good where there is a network nearby.

7. Wheel size

The more the wheels and the deeper the protector, the better the passability of the technique. If a truck weighing 50-60 kg will be constantly stuck in the snow, the sense of it will be a bit.

Snowplow electric carver

Snowplow electric carver

8. Snowman mechanism design

The mechanism is responsible for the direction in which the snow mass will fly. Roughly speaking, snowstock is a pipe with a guide visor. It can be turned around its axis, and the visor is to understand above or lowering below, thus adjusting the direction and the trajectory of snow flight. Adjusting the direction and trajectory of the snowstock can be done manually (you stop the snow blower and the special turning screws give a snowpower to the desired position), and it can be remotely (the corresponding levers are removed on the control panel). The second option is more expensive, but, of course, more convenient. Private case: remotely you can manage only turning the pipe. This is a good alternative, you can adjust the direction of the emission without stopping.

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9. Number of speeds

In advanced models there is a full-fledged gearbox, several speeds of movement forward and one (or even two) back. This will not affect the quality of work, but on efficiency and speed - quite.

Tips for choosing a snow blower for home and summer cottages

Before choosing a snow blower for the house, appreciate the volume of the snow mass, which is to be removed and the regularity of cleaning. Little volumes can be removed by non-commodity machines and electropolots, for large volumes you need a more powerful technique.

If you are going to remove pure snow with smooth tracks, then to minimize the risk of rooting of the tracks, we need cars with a smooth snowmaking screw. A mixture of snow and ice from the roads with a ground coating is better removed by the collectors with a toothed stun.

ELITECH electric snow blower

ELITECH electric snow blower

Reflecting on how to choose a snowplow for a private house, do not forget about the convenience of control. It is desirable that the snowpressure has heated handles on the steering wheel, as well as headlights. After all, it will be necessary to work in winter, and at this time the ODA is often frost, and it darkens very early.

Machines on a caterpillar move, of course, the most comfortable design, since the tracked technology has excellent permeability and high performance. But, of course, the cost of such models is much higher. If the self-propelled snowplow can be purchased for 20-30 thousand rubles, then the caterpillar will cost 70-80 thousand rubles at least, and the models from manufacturers such as Honda, Husqvarna, Cub Cadet is significantly more expensive. So the caterpillar option can be recommended with a large amount of work in those regions where real winter snowfalls are. Especially good caterpillars when working in areas with a complex relief, with numerous lifts and descents. And if you need to work on uneven soil, the tracked propulsion can progress simply irreplaceable.

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How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_22

How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_23

Stiga Snowplow on Crawler

How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_24

Stiga Snowplow on Wheel

Snowflower Service Tips

How to maintain a snow blower engine so that it starts in a strong frost? We asked the expert.

Andrei Uglanov, Manager Trading & ...

Andrei Uglanov, manager of the commercial sector "Garden", "Lerua Merlen Zil"

Four-stroke engines of internal combustion are installed on the vast majority of snow removal machines, but two-strokes can be found on budget models. The second-type engines are more demanding on the quality of the oil, so when maintained, you must follow the instructions and use the recommended oil type. The use of oil with greater viscosity makes it difficult to start the engine in the frost and leads to a decrease in the resource of the unit. Before the start of the season, the oil in the engine should be replaced. Gasoline applications maximize the task of starting a good gasoline engine at any temperature within the framework specified in the instructions. However, during storage with some components of the system, changes may occur, impede the start of a good engine. Before the start of the season, it is necessary to inspect these components and complete the inspection of trial launch. When the inspection is with the accelerator cable. If its movement inside the protective braid is difficult, the cable must be lubricated with liquid low-temperature oil or to be treated with WD-40 liquid. If the engine is equipped with an electrical starter, it is necessary to check the status of the contacts. It is also necessary to inspect the rubber pipes of the air intake system for cracks and check the condition of the air filter. You can complete the inspection by checking the candle or candles, visually evaluating the condition of the electrode and the insulator.

How to store fuel, candles, equipment, so that everything worked after the offseason? Candles and fuel do not require special storage conditions. A snow blower must be stored in a room with air normal humidity, prevailing a large amount of dust.

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How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_27
How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_28
How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_29

How to choose a snow blower: 9 important parameters and useful tips 11838_30

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