Let the walls disappear!


One of the useful quality of the interior is the possibility of transformation that sliding partitions provide

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One of the useful quality of the interior is the possibility of transformation that sliding partitions provide

Sliding structures are becoming more diverse and perfect. This also applies to the materials used, and finishes, and forms, and the mechanisms of movement of the canvas. This time we will talk about the internal sliding partitions. From the sliding interroom doors, they differ primarily by dimensions. So, according to most professionals, the partition is a system of two or more cauldons with a total width of over 1800 mm and a height of 2300mm. But one canvas can be considered a partition if its dimensions exceed 2300x1200mm. There is another nuance. To make a sliding door, it is enough to equip the usual swollen canvas with a roller mechanism, which is acquired separately. The animegory is developed as a special product and equip everything necessary at the factory.

Making a partition based on the size of the Customer - the process is unprecedented. The period of waiting for the domestic model will be 1-4 weeks, imported - 1-6 months. The price of the design is made up of the cost of the canvases, mechanism and installation

Universal separator

With the help of sliding partitions, you can close a wide opening or by installing the guides from the wall to the wall, divide the room into two parts. The visor apartment-studio such partitions play the role of mobile walls. If necessary, they allow, for example, to temporarily hide the input zone, a kitchen or a bedroom. It also happens that the changed family circumstances require urgently to create an additional isolated room. Yopey, a good service will serve a sliding partition, because it is not difficult to install in an already renovated apartment, and this procedure does not imply coordination in the authorities of the housing and amendments to the BTI plan. Such products produce doors and specialized enterprises - Barausse, Casali, Comas, Deni Design, Foa, Henry Glass, Master-Lock Service Idre. A wide range of partitions offer representatives of Italian factories: Italon, Union, "New Interior" IDR.

Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

1-3. Italian companies that cooperate with leading industrial designers remain in the field of sliding partitions.

4. An important advantage of glass partitions is that they allow you to create large, visually open spaces.

Partitions are manufactured only by request; Preliminary selection can be done using an electronic or printed catalog, but then you should visit the seller's salon to get closer to the model you like. On the manufacturers sites you can find the approximate prices of 1M2 partitions in standard equipment.

Opinion of a specialist

An important role when installing the sliding partition plays the design of the opening. It must correspond to the selected architectural style. High-tech and minimalism assume the absence of framing: the opening is separated in the same way as the walls, and the guide mounted flush with the ceiling (if there is such an opportunity). Another option is to purchase a decorative mechanism made of aluminum or matte or polished stainless steel. Increased cases use the framing of the opening, made in the same style as the canvas themselves (the set for finishing the opening should be ordered with the partition). Guide and roller carriages are masked using a decorative cornice.

Cyril Drugsion, Head of the Russian Office of Barausse

Mechanical servants

When the partition is installed, only the canvas remain in sight, and the movement mechanism is usually hidden in the grooves, or niches, or for decorative screens. Meanwhile, it is the main responsibility for the durability of the design and the quality of its stroke. Roller mechanisms and sliding partitions are produced by Eclisse, Geze, Koblenz, Pettiti Giuseppe, Raumplus, Saheco, Still, Valcomp Idre.

Systems with roller suspension are practically not afraid of contaminants, so the partitions equipped with them can be placed in the passing zones. In addition, the rollers of such mechanisms have a significant diameter and are equipped with rolling bearings. Thanks to this, they have an easy course and they are able to withstand a large load. By the way, each lineup line for sliding partitions includes several modifications with different lifting capacity. If you install a heavy glass web on the rollers intended for the lung (for example, from MDF), the mechanism may fail after only a few days of operation.

Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

5, 6. Sliding partitions are widely used with wardrobe arrangements. Some domestic companies today continue to equip them with a roller support mechanism. The advantage of this design is that the canvas are completely not swing. But you have to put up with the threshold.

7. The upper guide is made of aluminum. The thickness of the walls of this profile should be at least 3mm.

8. The "Harmoshek" canvas connect with each other with the help of special "heel" loops, almost inconspicuous look.

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Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

9. The canvas from thick multilayer glass require a reliable mechanism with rolling bearings.

10. Any mechanism is equipped with a stroke limiter (stopper). Sometimes this item performs a decorative function.

11. Aluminum frames of the canvas can be painted with powder composition or anodizing (while the profile becomes matte).

12. The system with roller suspension allows you to do without the bottom guide and thereby maintaining the unity of the floor covering. This quality is highly appreciated by interior designers.

The main minus of the roller suspension is that the loose bottom of the canvas is swinging freely. However, in designs from one or two sash, this lack is easily eliminated by the "flags", moving along the groove in the lower end of the canvas, or small brackets covering the bottom of the sash. Those and others screw to the floor at the edge of the opening. However, these devices are useless if the partition consists of many cloths - independent or connected telescopy. In the case of partitions, the partitions are equipped with lower spring-loaded rollers with rubber rims. The synchronizer does not prevent, which allows you to move the canvas at the same time.

The "accordion" systems are the original "hybrid" of the disintegration and sliding principles of the opening. Two or more flaps fasten with each other and with a jacket loops, and the rollers moving along the guide that are attached to the pendant are screwed to the upper end. When opening the "accordion" almost completely frees the opening and does not prevent the furniture along the walls along the walls. Hospitality, these designs are very badly insulated sound, and if the quality of their execution is low, then often themselves are the source of undesirable noise: numerous loops and rollers later, couples begin to creak and rattle when driving.

As quieter

One of the main shortcomings of sliding partitions, which does not allow them to use them for a full separation of the premises, is unsatisfactory sound insulation. If you need to create a reliable barrier on the path of household noise, it makes sense when ordering, make changes to the standard part of the partition. Accomplice, it is necessary to equip the canvas with double brush seals and special mortise carriages, helping to reduce the clearance over the top end of the canvas. The width of the gap from the floor should not exceed 5mm. To fill the canvases, it is better to use dense MDF or extruded chipboard. The optimal option is two plates with a thickness of 10-16mm each, separated by a gasket from an elastic material, or a single-chamber glass glass with a safe glass filled with inert gas. The partition with double-glazed windows and double brush seals costs about 40% more expensive than as standard. But it possesses an index of air noise insulation at least 27DB, which means that the calm speech is not heard.

Movement according to the scheme

Width, height and number of cloths are determined at the order stage. There are only limit (minimum and maximal) dimensions depending on the specific model. Thus, most domestic furniture companies are capable of making canvas up to 2650mm and up to 1200mm wide. Leading European factories produce 3500x2500mm lins and even more. Note that the aspect ratio cannot be chosen arbitrarily: too high and narrow sash loses linear stability and starts to move the jerks, and the rollers risk breaking off the guide. The number of patunities is practically unlimited (only to increase the number of rails), but in private interiors, partitions consisting more than six elements are rarely installed. The latter may be independent or related to each other. Often mobile flaps are combined with stationary. Usually it is done when the motion scheme "in the opening" is selected, at which the guide is attached to the bottom surface of the pendant. Another option is to install the guide on the ceiling or wall (the motion diagram "along the wall"). Of course, for this it is necessary that there was free space next to the opening.

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Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

13. Frames of large-format canvas are strengthened by horizontal (and sometimes vertical) jumpers. Even cellular filling shields require gain.

14. If you wish, you can combine the canvas from different materials, such as glass (mirror) and fan-aligned chipboard.

15. Not ordinary, but multi-layered or tempered glass is used for cloths.

16. The deaf partitions with cellular filling have a small mass.

Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

17. CA 'NOVA (BOSCA) partition. The frames are made of wood array, and Liberty glass is used to fill.

18. Model Stripe (Rimadesio): a combination of tinted glass and horizontal lamellae from painted aluminum.

19. APRIORI (ALSTEM) Collection includes products with matte and patterned glass, as well as decorative panels.

20. Line of partitions and doors Bamboo (Laurameroni). The canvas are decorated with vertical inserts from bamboo stems.

It is very convenient and effectively the movement scheme "into the wall". It does not interfere with putting furniture as you would like to, however, it eats a useful area, because for its implementation in the opening or next to it (insertion on the wall) will need to collect a thickness of at least 140mm from metal profiles. This design is trimmed with GCL, GVL, plywood or other sheet material and are separated as the wall. Note that, for reasons of safety and ease of opening / closing, the rails on the rails are set in such a way that the part of the web (about 10 cm) remains in the opening. True, according to individual orders, special canvases with a smooth surface and a handle extending from the end are manufactured - such models can be completely removed into the pencils.

Opinion of a specialist

The period of expectation of products manufactured by leading manufacturers in size and projects of the Customer is quite large, so the partition is often striving to order in advance, sometimes before the start of finishing work. Such an approach is fraught with serious errors, because after casting the floor screed and plastering walls, the dimming dimensions will definitely change, and it is sometimes not for the magnitude of these changes that even in force even experienced architects. So it is better not to hurry, finish the draft finish, and then cause a professional measurer. Set the design follows after the completion of all finishing works. It is emphasized that there are extremely stringent requirements for the preparation of openings for installation of interior partitions. Thus, the limit deviation from the vertical and horizontal is often only 1.5-3mm (it depends on the size of the partition). If it is more, not to avoid wide and uneven gaps in the field of floor and walls.

Sergey Evushkin, Technical Specialist of the company ITALON

Materials and design

The sliding partitions can usually consist of a visible frame (wooden or metallic) and filling from sheet material - MDF, chipboard, multilayer or tempered glass thickness of 8-12mm, plastic. Sometimes the frame is supplemented with horizontal and vertical jumpers. But the frameless canvas from furniture shields or multi-layered decorative glass are produced.

Today, designers cannot complain about monotony and the scarcity of the choice of paintings of the canvas. Many products of such famous factories such as Barausse, Bosca, Laurameroni, Romagnoli, Tre-P Tre-Piu are addressed to adherents. The frames of their models they make from a sheet (multi-layered) wood or aluminum profiles, lined with veneer or special enamel coated, superbly imitating the color and structure of the tree. To fill, use a fanwood chipboard or glass with a pattern made by sandblasting or laser engraving.

Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

21. Sometimes, to use smaller height cloth, build skeleton squeezed.

22. The design from the floor to the ceiling is most effectively.

23. Each carriage is equipped with an adjusting screw that allows you to accurately align the cloth in the mounting plane.

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Let the walls disappear!
Let the walls disappear!

24. Sometimes large-sized products are collected in place. Corner connections are performed using mortgage parts.

25. Far parts have screw connections. The quality of the assembly depends on the accuracy of the shape made at the factory.

26. When the bill is ready, installed filling from glass or plates, as well as jumpers (furniture).

Bright paints and bold shapes characteristic of the AR Deco and AR Nouveau became the leitmotif of the Arturo Forasacco Copyright Collection for the Meca partitions (Barausse) and for the Sinthesy Light (FOA) series and Dipinta (Casali) series. The main material of the models - glass, but this time decorated in stained-glass equipment, as well as using photo printing (between the two glasses, the film made with a special widescreen printer is placed; it can be transparent and opaque, colored and black and white, and the photo is chosen On the site of the manufacturer from several dozen or even hundreds of options).

The ethnic style "is friendly" a frequent wooden binding and filling from rathant or fabric. However, these traditional materials are successfully replaced with glass, such as matte with a vegetable pattern, like Albero (Casali) models, Elegance (FOA) and Canova (BOSCA).

Some of the most interesting samples in high-tech styles and minimalism - Quinta and Apriori - presented recently factories Barausse and Asstem. These models are easy to adapt to other styles, because at the request of the customer, Italian masters are able to tint the glass in any color and apply any drawing on it.

Sliding partitions organically fit into the interiors in high-tech styles and minimalism. Forming a combination of bronze, dark gray or bright stained glass with anodized aluminum


As a rule, the sliding partitions are installed after the final finish of the ceiling, walls and gender. However, there are exceptions. For example, when installing the design on the roller support, the bar, which relies the lower guide rail, it makes sense to fix on the stage of laying the floor covering or even a black floor device. In the opposite case, this ram forms a high threshold that interferes with walking. Most companies of representatives of foreign factories will take an order for the manufacture of partitions only after check out the measurer.

The top rail is attached to the wall or ceiling with the help of brackets with a step of 400-600mm. However, many leading companies (Barausse and Agoprofil) are equipped with a mechanization with a mounting bar from an engineering array or a thick-walled aluminum profile of roller rolling, which screwed directly to the ceiling or wall, and the rail is attached to them. With this method there is no risk to deform it. When the guide is installed, the canvas are equipped with carriages, hang and adjust with screws, aligning vertically

Tables See in the magazine "Ideas of your home" №10 (166) p.150, 151

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