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Buying housing in the finished new building: selection of apartments and developer, features design transaction, key payment methods

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If you want to become the owner of a spacious apartment in a beautiful house with a modern engineering equipment and a developed infrastructure, and with a perfectly clean "biography" (no one has been registered in it and no one has been discharged in anywhere), the output is one- to acquire Accommodation in the new building.

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Speaking about buying an apartment in a new building, we mean the house that has already been built and adopted by the State Commission, but its operation has not yet begun. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the main feature of the purchase of housing in the new building is that you can get full rights to the acquired real estate you can only after putting the house into operation. If the building is recently erected, but it is already used for its intended purpose, the acquisition of a residential premises in it will be identical to the conclusion of the sale and sale of the apartment on the secondary market.

Choosing an apartment, be sure to pay attention to the external and internal infrastructure of the building. Find out whether there is a garage or parking space, whether there are shops and stops of public transport, which elevators are installed in the house, whether the concierge services are provided and what will be located on the first non-residential floor.

Choose but carefully

If you already know what characteristics your apartment should have (number of rooms, approximate area, floor, presence or absence of balconies, adjacent or isolated living quarters, free or fixed layout IT.D.), you can start the market research and decide on the acceptable for You price. The semicomeness 1m2 housing includes:

the cost of development, coordination and approval of a residential building project (even if it is typical, it must be "tied to the area", check whether to build a house of this type on the selected territory);

payment of land in case of its purchase or rental fee of this section;

Fee for the right to build a house (it is necessary to obtain permission for its construction; Participation in state contests for development also requires some financial investments);

costs of joining centralized engineering networks;

the cost of building materials and lease of construction equipment (most developers themselves do not buy equipment due to its high costs, but use leased) or the depreciation of their own technology;

Expenses for engineering equipment and its components;

salary of the hired workers and controlling construction;

payment of advertising services;

The cost of realtor services, if the developer turns to the real estate agency for its employees to reprend apartments to potential buyers.

As a result, the price of the apartment (that is, the price of building materials, technicians, labor workers) is added another 50-70%. So the price is formed, according to 1M2 housing in the real estate market.

Remember that accommodation in one house can sell one or more companies. Therefore, it is more expedient to study different proposals. Advertised ads most often indicated not average, but the lowest cost. There is a chance that the apartment at this price does not suit you on consumer properties (for example, do not like the view from the window or the floor will not fit). Pay attention to which units the price is expressed: unconditional (rubles) or conditional. It is necessary to clarify what is the size of this conditional unit, because when recalculating it may turn out that the cost of 1m2 is significantly higher than you assumed.

So, you decided how much you are ready to spend on the purchase, and decided on the characteristics of future housing. Now it is necessary to pick up several options for apartments, stock up with a good mood, patience, capabilities (if you go to watch real estate without your households) and start watching "live".

The company representing the Interests of the Developer is obliged to give any other information about the facility for free and show the potential buyer not only a sample of the contract, but also the necessary guidelines, as well as to report on the designation of apartments to property.

How to find the developer?

As practice shows, the easiest and most effective way is to drive back new buildings in the selected area. If the finishing work in the house is not yet completed, try to repeat the visit approximately after a week - it will be possible to make sure how compliance with the requirements of SNiPs.

Many developers cooperate with existing real estate agencies or create their own. To fully appreciate the likely purchase, you can contact such specialists. Hanging "excursions" at the selected home realtor informs that it is included in its engineering and technical equipment, which finishing works are fulfilled (or are planned) how quickly all processes are going to finish. It will also show housing with the number of rooms you are interested in, tells about different types of planning (or, perhaps will demonstrate apartments with the so-called free layout provided for by the construction project). If the layout and finish are already selected, you can pay special attention to the view from the window. Although you inspect the apartment, this does not mean that you immediately, in place, are obliged to make a final decision or even conclude a contract. Prepare - formulate all the accumulated questions about your home, its infrastructure, apartments, probable neighbors. If there are some doubts, refer to the specialists of other agencies or ask the same realtor to show you accommodation in the nearest new building.

After you have chosen a suitable apartment, the most important thing is to find out who exactly erected the house, that is, to bring references to the reputation of the developer. It would be nice to clarify how many completed projects from the company does not have unfinished buildings, high-profile vessels with shareholders or problems with local authorities. To learn this, go online, ask for neighbors, friends and acquaintances who recently bought or sold accommodation. Try also to seek advice on real estate agencies - they should have their own information about developers. If a construction company has debts, any assets can be used to repay them, and then there is a risk that your purchase will be at risk.

If the information you collected about the selected developer do not leave any doubts about its honesty, you can safely request documents for a new building from this organization. According to paragraph 2 of article 221 of the Federal Law "On Participation in the Share Construction of apartment buildings ...", the developer is obliged to provide anyone to see the following documents:

construction permit;

Technical and economic substantiation of the construction project of an apartment building and (or) other real estate object;

Conclusion of the state examination of project documentation, if its implementation is established by federal law;

project documentation that includes all changes made to it;

Documents confirming the rules of developer to the land plot.

In addition, the developer is obliged to publish in the media, including the Internet, the project declaration. This is a document containing information about the developer and the object of shared construction; It is publicly available and open. Choosing an apartment in a new building, be sure to ask, where this document is published, and read his text on your own or with the help of a lawyer. If you could not find out where the project declaration is published, look for another developer.

On the benefits of gentlemen.

From pure sheet (read full version of the article)

State acceptance is a prerequisite for commissioning. While the building is officially not commissioned, apartment owners cannot issue registration at the place of residence, since the address of the house is simply not for passportists. Until the Merril, there is also an opportunity for fraud: the developer must pay for energy supply and utilities, but in practice, you have to make money and the owner of the apartment. At the same time, the latter often receives an account, which also includes penal delay. The problem is that an energy supply contract is considered concluded from the moment of the first connection to the network, regardless of whether it is drawn up in writing or not. Thus, walking into the house that did not pass the rulers, the tenants receive a "in the load" an agreement for energy supply with the conditions unknown to them, tariffs and a lifetime of payment.

Registration of the transaction

Finally, the apartment is chosen. Now it's small: complete the deal, making a contract confirming the transfer of ownership of housing to the buyer, and transfer money to the seller. Then you need to ask the developer an act of acceptance of the apartment, go with this document to the state registration authority and start the registration of your property ownership.

As for the payment method, there are several options.

Full payment of the cost of the apartment: The buyer concludes a contract of equity participation with the developer (or an investment agreement), makes money in cash to the cashier or translates them to the account of the construction company. Sometimes developers offer to pay for housing for 1mes, fixing at this time the cost of 1m2.

Installment payment: The buyer receives the right, making an initial fee (traditionally it is at least half the cost of the apartment, but some developers are ready to cooperate and pay a significantly lower amount), to pay the remaining part over the installment period. This method is different from the loan primarily by the fact that there is no fee for the use of a borrowed capital, the buyer simply makes money in several parts. True, the percentage of inflation is taken into account, since the payment is not fully made. If the installment period lasts and after putting the house into operation, the registration of ownership will be conducted with the burden. The latter will be removed as soon as the buyer pays the entire amount to the developer.

Mortgage scheme It assumes that a person takes a bank loan for the purchase of an apartment under its deposit. Votychychi from the first two payment options, where there are two participants (the buyer and the seller), with a mortgage there is always a third party. It provides a borrowed capital to the buyer, since the developer cannot issue a loan on his own. Some developers, given the situation in the real estate market, collaborate with banks. In this case, the buyer who chooses the developer immediately chooses a bank that will give him a mortgage loan. It is advantageous and the bank (there is no need to check the developer), and the acquirer, he does not have to be extremely expected to expect the Bank's decision, and the developer (it will work with a partner-proven bank). If the apartment is bought by such a scheme, the main document becomes a loan agreement of the acquirer with the Bank, and the registration of ownership of housing, as well as at the previous payment method, is issued with encumbrance.

There is a practice of booking an apartment that I liked the buyer. However, realtors are usually warned in advance that this service can be paid, the reservation acts on one apartment (less often several), and the period of housing reservation for a particular client is strictly limited and is usually not more than 3-5 days.

There is another option to purchase housing (its reliability is in doubt from specialists) - the so-called Bill Scheme , very popular a few years ago. Today it is still used, but not so often. A bill of charge is a personal securities, a written debt obligation is strictly established by the law, issued by the borrower (bill of charge) to the lender (promissory holder). It gives the latter the right to demand from the borrower paying to a certain period of money specified in the document amount.

Theoretically in the real estate market, the bill serves as a confirmation that the buyer handed over the seller a certain amount of money (usually in the amount of the value of the apartment or more of it), and the seller undertakes to redeemed this bill in the document, that is, provide housing with those characteristics (Cost, location, general and useful area, number of rooms, floor), which are indicated in the contract of sale. But the theory and practice in this case, unfortunately, quite often disagree.

A bill of schedule is not prohibited by law. However, it is often that such an option for the acquisition of living space causes many complaints, since in practice the developer does not carry any obligations on the bill. This means that this method is extremely unreliable for the buyer. There are only the cost of the bill of exchange, the repayment period, who and who is issued. Thus, the bill does not have an unequivocal connection between the transfer of money by the buyer and the responsibility of the seller to provide him with an apartment. WMOMENT repayment bills are unclean on hand. The seller can simply return the money to the buyer, and even the court will not be able to oblige him to transfer it to the apartment. In fact, a bill of schedule is a purchase of real estate under the fair word seller. To conclude an apartment purchase and sale agreement through a bill of exchange scheme only if the buyer has no doubt about the seater decency.

Thus, purchasing an apartment in a new building, it is worth not only carefully treat the choice of real estate, but also scrupulously and carefully check the developer. Then you will get a cherished living space in a short time and avoid problems with the design.

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