Colorful transformations


Modern decorative paints: silk coatings, metal, stone and other textures, different application techniques, preliminary preparation of bases before staining

Colorful transformations 12701_1

What walls are you preferred with flowing silk, soft velor, trimmed with leather or suede, and maybe from travertine, marble or metal with gold, silver, bronze chip? Similar (and others) visual effects can be created with the help of modern decorative paints, special tools and the participation of craftsmen owned by the techniques of their use.

Colorful transformations
TikkuriLaReracted on decorative paint as the color content of tin jars hopelessly outdated. Companies offering this material often say that they sell ... decorative effects, where paint is just one of the components. The average kit includes soil, database, pigments, and sometimes additional pastes, waxes, varnishes, color splashes. Yes, and the price is usually indicated not for the packaging, but for 1m2 of the finished coating.

The search engines of the Internet in response to the request "decorative coatings" give addresses of multiple sites with detailed descriptions, examples of paintings, photos of interiors. However, it is quite difficult for them to evaluate. The process of familiarization is better to start with a direct inspection, going, for example, to the store or decor center. At the first "meeting", many will be stunned by the incredible number of samples presented in various techniques and color schemes, but still be able to allocate something most interesting. During the second visit, one or two attracted coatings usually celebrate, and only for the third time they make the final choice.

Colorful transformations
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RM Distribution

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Photo 4.

Goldshell Trading

1. Ceboztyle Antico (CEBOS) with a sandy surface effect contains quartz particles.

2. Iimitation of rough lines - Swahili (Novacolor).

3. Distribution in the style of French Provence with the fingerprint-Estompe (RM Distribution).

4. Silk Damasco Silk (Candis).

Loyal landmark

"Names" of decorative paints, as a rule, indicate the visual effect created by them. Using the words "Venetian plaster", "Marble", we immediately present a colorful picture. Visualization of new coatings arises from associations with silk, sand dunes, leather reptile IT.P. These images are read in their names or names of groups of similar materials, because in the range of manufacturers there is not one coating under silk, metal, stone.

Decorative products are presented in the domestic market with such companies as "Asti" (Russia), Candis, Cebos, Fractalis, Novacolor, Tilas, Valpaint, Veneziano (All Italy), Tikkurila (Finland), Paritet Decor, RMDistribution (Oba France) . The price of 1M2 coating ranges in the range of 300-1200 rub.

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Photo 5.

Paritet Decor.

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Photo 6.

Paritet Decor.

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Photo 7.

Paritet Decor.

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Photo 8.

Paritet Decor.

5-6. Different drawings are created using a Matiere brush and paint (Paritet Decor).

7-8. Transparent paint Marrakech (Paritet Decor) with small river sand.

Hedges and velvet

For each type of decorative paints there are classic applications. So, the walls of bedrooms are recommended to decorate with coatings that imitate fabrics. The complete impression that the surface is tightened with dense silk or velvet, creates the paint Les Perles (Paritet Decor). Metallized particles included in its composition, with a change in the angle of falling light, overflow and glance as well as noble textiles.

Move modern walls in medieval, draped with silk cloth from gold and silver threads, will help the Dune coating (Novacolor). The pronounced game of light and shadows, gentle tactile sensations will give the paint Antico Damascian, the ancestral of all Candis silk coatings. Less contrast tones, the effect of "wet silk" Arabesco paint (T.I.L.A.S.) will delight lovers of calm finish.

But the choice of concrete material the creative process does not end. After all, the "silk" can be brilliant or matte, smooth or flowing, like a waterfall, pour the mother of pearl or gold. Special varnishes and waxes will make a coating even more gentle to the touch, and also give it extra strength and will provide the ability to transfer wet cleaning.

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Photo 9.


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Photo 11.

Goldshell Traiding.

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Photo 12.

Goldshell Traiding.

9. Many Color Tuscania Antica (Novacolor) paint with patina effect.

10.Mide tendency- combination of decorative color and pattern created on the finished pattern.

11-12. When creating trial cuts, the wizard applies various tools.

"Antique" walls

Style "Under the Starin", characteristic of European villages and towns, looks fresh and modern. The "aged" walls with cracks, stuffing, uneven color are incredibly popular. Previously, they were saddled with lime, which appeared through a layer of paint, and characteristic white specks appeared on the surface. Matte decorative paint Antiche Terre Fiorentine (Candis) will reliably recreate the appearance of antique walls.

Very unusually decorative coverage Craquelee (Paritet Decor). It mimics the vintage canvas, made by crackers, in the spirit of the reproductions of the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. The compartment includes two databases that are usually actuating in different colors. The second base layer after applying is "breaking", and the color of the first layer becomes visible in the resulting cracks. Thus, you can get a variety of color variations. Even more attractive will be coated with Vernis (Paritet Decor) of different shades and decorative Powder La Poude (Paritet Decor).

The pronounced effect of the noble old antique at the expense of a special formula of lime will give the interiors and facades of houses "Artek1" coating (Valpaint), which is distinguished by a wide color gamut. Walls decorated with this material, with a combination of several tones (both saturated and pastel) with spectacular divorces and The shots are impressive with their originality.

Opinion of a specialist

Before making a final solution when choosing a color range and decorative coating techniques, we advise you to take trials (usually in 7550 or 5037.5 cm format). First, the samples can be taken home, attach to the walls and see how they will look like natural and artificial lighting. This is important, since luminescent, halogen and incandescent lamps have different color reproduction and have a noticeable effect on color perception. Secondly, threw out the master that you intend to entrust the design of the walls will be a good check of his professionalism. If unsatisfactory result, there is an opportunity to refer to other specialists, and not waste time and means to alteration already painted surfaces. Thirdly, when buying, be sure to ask the technical description in which all information on the coating and the system of application is described in detail.

Rustam Garayev, head of school masters X-Deco

His hand - Vladyka

Special decorative walls are given not only with the help of visual effects and color solutions of colorful coatings, but also using a variety of application techniques. The desire to get something extraordinary makes to refer to unique copyright developments. The master, based on the wishes of the customer, reflects them in several variants of the paintings: a large pattern is small, multi-cut, directed chaotic. Decorative paints in this plan is extremely supportive, susceptible material from which the hands of a virtuoso can create a real miracle. The same coating sometimes looks so different that the inexperienced person thinks as if it is different paints. But also restore the beauty of the site spoiled for any reason, just repeating the shade, equipment and handwriting of the master, not at all.

We will spend the cost of 1M2 design work within 350-800 rubles., Author technologies are more expensive to 1300 rubles. Increase costs and individual room features: High ceilings, curvilinear surfaces IT.P. The price is affected by the selected effect and thickness of the layer. For example, the cost of coating from the same material, but an applied with a spatula (thick layer) or a sea sponge, may vary significantly. The technique is changed, the tool, the material consumption is reduced or increases, and the visual effect becomes different.

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Photo 13.


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Photo 16.

Goldshell Traiding.

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Photo 17.


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13-17. Easy coatings under silk and velvet as if they envelop the walls with a single web.

18-19. It is possible to strengthen the effect of light clouds with a pearl brilliance or leave the walls of matte.

20. The Tuscania Antica (Novacolor) gives the walls of sophistication and creates an aura of antiquity. It is applied with a roller or brush in one or two layers depending on the desired color intensity.

Variations on the topic

To list and describe all possible effects of decorative paints, there is not enough magazine pages. Moreover, during the design of one object, several materials and various application techniques are often used. Thus, the specialists of Tikcurila offer to create a relief on the walls with the help of fine-grained "Tunto" coverage. Its roller is distributed with a smooth layer on the surface, and then treated with a spatula, brush or a special roller, getting an original texture. On top of "TUNTO" you can apply a layer of decorative lazories "Thai". The grainy surface in combination with a pearl azure gives an interesting contrast. This is a vivid example of erasing the faces between textured decorative materials. The smaller concentration of the filler turns the composition into the paint large-in plaster.

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Photo 21.

Akzo Nobel

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Photo 22.


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Photo 24.

Akzo Nobel

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Photo 25.

Paritet Decor.

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Photo 26.

Paritet Decor.

21.This love large patterns and bright colors. Painted walls will create a festive atmosphere in the room.

22-26. Prafarets help to perform drawings that can be repeated repeated. It is important to choose such a background color so that other tones are harmonized with it.

One of the latest fashion trends is to decorate walls using templates and stencils. Curly images or ornaments revive the room, and the image creation process will deliver great pleasure. And for this not necessarily be a real artist. Stencils fix on the surface with a painting ribbon or special glue. Punching tools is used to brush, foam tampon or a sponge, and to obtain a relief drawer. In this case, the drawing can be applied using a thick layer of decorative plaster. Bright cheerful pictures perfectly fit into the children's interior. Those who care about the health of their child should pay attention to Kids Room (trademark Dulux, Akzo Nobel, the Netherlands). This matte acrylic water-based water-based paint contains silver ions that have a bactericidal effect. The finished coverage is not terrible active games of children, it has a high resistance to abrasion from contact with furniture, hands, toys, not afraid of blowing ball and exposure to other sports shells. Any contamination (fat, food, watercolor paint) is easy to remove a napkin with a detergent or brush.

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Photo 27.


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Photo 28.


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Photo 30.


27-28. Approaching paint, create not only individual patterns, but also whole pictures.

29. The designing pattern of the template resembles an ornament on the wallpaper.

30. CeboCrea Reference (CEBOS) applied by a special roller mimiches the texture of the tree.

Multicolor, or flock, paints are considered the most simple in application and repair. Confetti coating (Paritet Decor) is the capsules of the same color, "floating" inside the paint of another color; Thanks to the special structure, these components are never mixed. A similar mosaic pattern creates a mosaic lacquer (Tikkurila) due to the addition of multicolored plastic particles into it.

Opinion of a specialist

When choosing decorative paint, it is worthwhile to ask the consumer properties of the finished coating: the degree of wear resistance and resistance to washing. For example, the paint "nonbiography" ("Asti"), which creates the effect of light air clouds or fog, is made on a water basis, there is no smell. The colorful layer is characterized by high strength. Therefore, it is often acquired for children's design. Painted surfaces without problems carry daily "rally" toy machines, and traces of pencils, handles, markers on aqueous and alcohol basis it is easy to remove with a napkin moistened in a soap solution. Most decorative paints have even emergencies (leaks, bays), but only if the walls were properly prepared under the color: plastered and primed up with high-quality compositions. With prolonged exposure to water, water swells a layer of putty or plaster under the paint, and drips may appear on the surface.

Roman Shashkov, Deputy Director of Goldshel Trading


Who to entrust the design of the walls? This is a difficult question, especially when the customer knows which decorative effects can be achieved. He saw the samples, trottered and, accordingly, imposes quite certain requirements for the performance of work. There are several options. First, fulfill the painting on your own, with a small amount of work. (Professional brigades do not like to be taken for such orders.) Moreover, many companies offering decorative paints carry out free master classes, where they are trained by the main techniques and techniques of coating. Secondly, instead of their studies, you can send your master or order the training of members of the finishing brigade at the facility. Isvs of the same nonprofessionals engaged in such a craft to feed the family, it is unlikely to create a masterpiece. Therefore, those who appreciate their time and want to get a guaranteed result, it is worth contacting the specialists only. Recommend them to decor centers, they can offer the services of a regular designer. He will make a project design for 5-10 thousand rubles. Depending on the complexity of the work.

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Photo 31.


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Photo 34.


31-33. Krasnas Valpaint create the effects of denim, the coatings "chameleon" with a pearl gloss, silk with a flower pattern.

34. The original texture of crocodile skin is very pleasant to the touch.

The designer gets acquainted with the object, picks up the colors and variants of staining for each apartment room. After approval of the project, he is embodied by the Master-finishing. The customer can bring to the decor center only the plan of the apartment, where the walls of the walls are indicated (minus windows and doors), the ceiling of the word, what is supposed to paint. In this case, it is necessary to tell about the style of the design of the apartment, about the materials with which the coating should harmonize. It is very important to clearly formulate wishes so that the designer understand what you want. For classic interior, some offers, for the style of High-tech- Other. Based on the knowledge of the characteristics of the paints, the technician of application, and sometimes acting as a psychologist, he offers the most interesting and easy way to achieve the goal.

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Photo 35.


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Photo 38.

"France Decor"

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Photo 39.

Paritet Decor 35-36. Krasnaya "Nebiya" ("Asti") with white and colored splashes combined in color with the main background.

37.New of ATF Ori E Argenti (Candis) with gold or silver overflows in combination with one or several basic colors.

38. Rococo (Valpaint) under natural marble decorate not only walls, but also interior parts: eaves, friezes, columns.

39. Close of applying water-resistant paint MARRAKECH (Paritet Decor) is very wide: kitchens, bathrooms, hallway IT.P.

Preparation of the foundation

Wanting to get an unusual design decoration of the walls, one should not forget about the preparatory work. Requirements for preliminary preparation of bases before staining are set out in SNIP3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings". They will serve as a reliable reference point if you want to check the correctness and quality of the operations performed. Their essence lies in the following: the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned from dirt, dust, old decorative coatings (wallpapers, peeling or weakly holding paint), it is cleaned if necessary. Deep irregularities, cracks align with plaster, for finishing alignment use putty. Alternate the surface is grinning and carefully dust.

Hide the shortcomings

In most of our apartments, the walls and corners are far from ideal. Decorative paints can hide the existing shortcomings or, on the contrary, make them more noticeable. For example, textured (embossed) paints hide small base defects. For pre-preparation of the surface, there is often enough layer of plaster or base putty. Under smooth monophonic coatings, it is necessary to further align the foundation. To do this, use fine finish putty, especially if it is supposed to use glossy coatings that make colors brighter, saturated, dynamic. But in this case the slighted shortcomings of preliminary training are manifested. On the walls and ceilings stained with matte paints, the light is softly dissipated, hiding small irregularities of the substrate. Therefore, it is worth consulting with experts, which paint is better to choose.

Having a pre-thought-out plan-project, knowing which paints, which way and in what places will be put on the walls, a specialist designer will help adjust the conduct of preparatory work. Under some formulations, the surface is enough just to plaster, which means it can be saved on materials and abandon unnecessary processes. Under the other, in addition to plaster, you need a layer of fine finish putty. Sometimes you have to take into account factors such as the age of the building and even its location. For example, the walls of the house, which stands next to the tram paths, which are a source of constant vibrations, are separated by highly elastic plasters and putty. This makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of cracks and deterioration of colorful coating.

Receptions decorative coloring

(from Tikkurila)

Colorful transformations
Colorful transformations
Colorful transformations
Colorful transformations
Colorful transformations

Single walls enliven paint another shade applied to a brush, a sponge or cloth (A, B). An interesting pattern on the surface of the walls can be obtained using special rollers (B) and by pressing the sea sponge (d). The textured surface with relief grooves arises as a result of using the method of multidirectional movement (D) - such a reception masks small defects of the base.

On the base prepared for a specific paint applies a soil-ordinary public or part of a set of decorative coating. All subsequent actions are made in accurately according to the instructions set forth in the technical documentation for paint. Strictly maintaining technological interruptions between the application of the base and decorative layers.

Pay attention to the so-called total coating time. For the specified period, it gains the necessary strength, waterproof paints cease to respond to moisture. The interval is individual for each paint and can be from 4 to 25-30 days. This time, with the walls, you need to handle neatly.

The editorial board thanks Akzo Nobel, X-Deco, "Goldeshel Trading", "Decorum-elite", "Design Intercraska", "France Decor" for help in the preparation of material.

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