Mini repair in a mini apartment


Reconstruction and repair of a one-room apartment with a total area of ​​37 m2 in the house of the series and209a.

Mini repair in a mini apartment 14212_1

Mini repair in a mini apartment
The second half of the bedroom is busy to the ceiling by bookshelves, which formed a cozy niche for a table with a lamp
Mini repair in a mini apartment
New, cutting into a non-carrier gypsum concrete partition, the opening in the kitchen was separated by the same "clapboard" and edged with a wooden corner, choosing to do wood as light tone for this
Mini repair in a mini apartment
New entrance to the kitchen from the room turned into an elegant portal, not closed by a door, but decorated with wide bookshelves with multicolored roots books
Mini repair in a mini apartment
The bright wooden interior decoration took place to the same bright oak parquet. He was laid in the "Christmas tree" during the construction of the house and well preserved, so it did not change it, but only polished and covered with varnish
Mini repair in a mini apartment
Glazed wooden door with a box bought in the construction market for $ 50 and set in place for $ 30 Towards a new pier (built of drywall to the frame) have extended the nightstand, which is its location and delimits the zone separates traffic routes
Mini repair in a mini apartment
From the kitchen, through a new plastic window (from Aquarius), overlooking the old Moscow. This new window in a reduced architect the opening cost (along with installation) $ 455
Mini repair in a mini apartment
In the area of ​​the master bedroom found a place for a part of the collections of painting, graphics and applied art - painted wooden dishes from Polhov-Maidan
Mini repair in a mini apartment
The bedroom zone took shape in a small room formed by the newly elevated wall and the curtain, fortified on the brackets mounted in the ceiling. There is also a part of the home library.
Mini repair in a mini apartment
After the reconstruction of the wall, the apartment would seem to be "concluded." The feeling of cramped, as a large extended space has been opened in depth - now the apartment is viewed through the kitchen.
Mini repair in a mini apartment
For the kitchen picked up the wallpaper of the same drawing as in the room, only with another color stripes. And accordingly, the scale of these bands was chosen to the tablecloth. Far Sentences by the window, near which the buffet is standing out of red bricks, plastered, stuck and saved wallpaper, like all the kitchen

Mini repair in a mini apartment

Mini repair in a mini apartment
Plan before reconstruction
Mini repair in a mini apartment
Plan after reconstruction

Many apartments in typical houses are similar to each other as Gemini. It is about such a "odd shop" with a total area of ​​37m2 in a residential building of the I209 series today and will be discussed. Note that the proposed version of the small repair will be appropriate and with the arrangement of similar apartments in the houses of the P30 series, P44M, P46, P46M, P55, P55M, II-62A, I700A, II-18, II-68-02, II-68-03. The reconstruction of similar housing in the house of the II-68 series was described in the article "White Magic and its exposure". Here, in front of the architects there were other tasks, it was also the result

Conditions, Wishes, Redevelopment

Mini repair in a mini apartment
The loggia was not glazed, it was only separated by the same pine "clap" that the bathroom and part of the room, and protected the tree with the composition of Aquatex, but in the summer room flowers put on an open air against the background of the beautiful panorama of Moscow this little one-room apartment in the center of Moscow Architect Natalia Nikolaevna Minaicheva bought for himself almost exclusively for the sake of a beautiful view from the windows. And enthusiastically took up the draft reorganization of the new home. Apomogel her son Dmitry Fedorov, also known in Moscow architect. It was decided to do with modest facilities and to plan a minimum of changes, but such that the apartment acquires the maximum comfort, comfort and functionality. The most "small ideas" was embodied, which made it possible to place a bulk library on a small area, a collection of works of fine arts, a working area, a place to receive guests, as well as storage systems for a large number of things, not to mention the all the necessary modern city dweller home equipment.

The architecture of the resulting housing is logical and inextricably linked with its design - layout of furniture, a common decorative solution. In general, the structure of the apartment, together with walls, niches, openings, furniture and all architectural plastic, is perceived as a single organism in which each element is convenient and natural. The cabinets, "moving" here from the former housing, were modified and fitted under seats, especially for them designed, with the help of a professional worker. So each thing is perfectly inscribed in the interior.

Working on the project, architects were guided by the following tasks: Save furniture items brought from the old apartment, and find them a worthy place; Maximum use in the tree finish; Create a convenient layout. To implement the plan, it was necessary to take care of, firstly, about the compact and functional arrangement of furniture and, secondly, about convenient routes of movement along a small space. So, for example, to find a place for the absolutely necessary hostess of the oblong table - the bedside table, they arranged a new saint. It's close to him without interfering with the passage into the room, and the table is located. That is, the width of the furniture object (50 cm) determined the size of the simpleness, it was for this distance it was necessary to move the partition. The result was won by the hallway, it acquired almost 1m2, and this area, in turn, was used to install the built-in closet.

The washing machine usually tends to arrange in the bathroom, which is quite logical, but it almost never succeeds in such small apartments. As a result, the required household appliance is usually embedded in the kitchen front. But this is not particularly aesthetic and hygienic, because in the same room the laundry and the place of cooking are connected. In this case, it was used for the installation of a washing machine, which was used earlier, before redevelopment, from the hallway to the kitchen. The old pass was covered with a wall of plasterboard, on both sides of which they put a washing machine (in the hallway, right next to the door of the bathroom) and the refrigerator (in the kitchen, in the resulting niche). The new wide opening was cut into the wall, separated the room and the kitchen. It is not equipped with a door and opens a breath outlet free space - full width of the apartment, from the wall to the wall (about 6.2 m). For a small one-room housing, such an effect is very valuable and rare.


It was removed with old wallpapers and plaster, worn out linoleum and organic, to which it was pasted, screed and created new (3.92m2), 2 cm thick, and a ceramic tile is already on it. On the border between the hallway and the bathroom staged (from the cement-sand mixture by formwork) small thresholds. It was told, like the floor in the bathroom and the hallway, ceramic tiles, only the oblong shape. The walls are renewed with plaster and additionally putty, prepared for pasting wallpaper. The cabinet brought from the old apartment is skillfully shortened and lowered, which made it possible to accurately enter it into the angle to the left of the entrance door. The side wall of the cabinet is closed by a narrow simple. He is selected by the same "clapboard" as the corridor leading to the bathroom, and its visually continues. As a result, the cabinet seems embedded in specifically for it a reserved niche, but this is a artistic illusion created.

The ceiling of the hallway did not align the plaster, and closed the plasterboard on the metallic frame, lowered the level of 4 cm. But the ceiling of the room, in contrast, it seems higher. Since many elements of the finishes are made of pure, pure and unpainted, wood, and the doors chose the same to give the apartment stylistic integrity. The glazed door installed between the hallway and the room, bought together with the box in the construction market for $ 50. There they also acquired the second, also pine, design and placed in the opening, leading from the hallway to the bathroom.


Mini repair in a mini apartment
Wooden trimming ceiling and sections of the wall gives rise to "country" memories. In a niche behind a wooden door, a washing machine connected to the plumbing communications of the kitchen was installed in the bathroom. The domestic fan "Orbit" ($ 20) with a capacity of 8 m3 / min ($ 20) with a capacity of 8 m3 / min is installed in the bathroom in the camp ($ 20) (bathroom combined with toilet). The spola beat the former ceramic tile and, aligning the surface with the cement-sandy mixture, put a new (Russian firm "Sokol"). The suspended ceiling is diagnosed with wooden "lining". She is finished and communication box. Those parts of the walls that directly adjoin the bath and washbasin are lined with a cafeter, and the plane behind the heated towel rail is painted with waterproof Tikkurila.

Wooden ceiling and the walls of the city bathroom in our time is rare, it is rather associated with life in a country house, with a country style. It is such a goal and persecuted architects. The boards of "lining" before installation were covered from all sides by the composition of Aquatex slightly yellowish tone in 2-3 layers. The polymer layer formed after drying the composition protects the wood from the effects of moisture. Mounted the trim on the same metal guides as those that keep the plasterboard of the new walls and the ceiling in the hallway. Additionally, the "lining" was strengthened with stainless cloves, driven into the grooves of each board at an angle of 45. The tree is finished and part of the corridor adjacent to the bathroom, and the wall around the doorway. The pine door was also treated with the composition of Aquatex. In short, the bathroom finishes turned out to be diverse: tile, paint and wood exist in harmonious, complementary and "mutual" neighborhood.

All plumbing was removed, the old pipes of water laying and sewage were replaced. Standings of sanitary pipes were placed in a new blast from moisture-resistant drywall, covered by the same "clapboard". Cleaning filters and meters were put on the hot and cold water filters. The access hatch to this node will also be covered with wood. Of course, we installed new plumbing instruments, a washbasin and toilet (JIKA, Czech Republic) plus a chrome-plated heated towel rail (PB St. Petersburg). The location of the devices remains, however, the same, therefore the routes of communications did not have to change. The ceiling for finishing wood decreased by 5 cm. But there was a possibility to mount his plane built-in lights and the intake grille, and the free space between the shell and the floor slab to put another exhaust fan and duct stretched to the ventilation shaft.


Mini repair in a mini apartment
Washing cabinet made of bright, amber-solar birch, brought from the old apartment, found a place at the right wall. In accordance with its golden, shining surface, the ends of the bookshelves were also issued, separating their strips with light, also birch plywood, the main premises of the apartment is divided into several zones. In the right of the right of the entrance, behind the curtain, a small spoolnka was formed. Next to the window organized a work area with a small drawing board. On the other side of the balcony, the guest bedroom. The center of the room is a coffee table and a chair. This is the actual living area. As for the walls, they are all given under the home library: from the bottom of the top are engaged by shelves with books and a creative archive, walked by paintings, drawings. As in many Moscow families, the bookshelves are bought gradually, as the library is growing. Naturally, on finishing and dimensions, they differ slightly, and they needed to somehow "summarize", to give the composition some visual unity. And that's what decision was found: the shelves strengthened on long bars with a cross section of 6040mm, which smashed some difference in size. Asami bars attached to the walls. Then all "diluted" ends were covered with the same strips (50mm wide) thin light birch plywood. It turned out book racks that have a one-piece and stylish look.

And since the partitions in the apartment are hypsobetone, 80mm thick, it was not particularly difficult to cut the new opening. At the same time, the wall of this material is solid enough, not crumbling, reliably holds the depressed 50mm dowel-nails (in 50 cm increments), which are hanging heavy bookshelves. The same in the gypsum wall is much easier (without using diamond discs) than in the bearing concrete, lay new grooves for hidden wiring.

The old parquet, gathered by the "Christmas tree", seemed quite demolished, and decided not to change it (after all, a well-laid parquet can serve several decades). Light oaks were only slightly polished, re-covered with varnish, after which the carpet was stuck. The ceiling did not want to close the plasterboard, as in the hallway, not to reduce the height of the room. Therefore, from the slab slab was considered the old plaster, the surface was slightly leveled and, spacing, covered with the same white paint from Tikkurila in 2 layers. The ceiling acquired a quite aesthetic appearance, despite the fact that the grooves of the seams remained slightly noticeable.

The walls were sealed by German washing wallpaper, the color and pattern of which architects were selected based on the overall dwelling style. Moreover, the drawing in the entire apartment is one - these are vertical stripes, the scale of which is correlated with the ends of the book racks. Avot shade in different rooms is different: in the hallway - greenish, in the room pinkish, on the kitchen-beige. The old wooden window block together with a balcony door was replaced by ordering the plastic window block with single double-glazed windows in the domestic firm "Aquarius" of the same dimensions, with a sloping opening mechanism.


Mini repair in a mini apartment
The kitchen clearly divided the two zones - dining and working. Furniture for the working area, together with the sink, is filled to order and installed by the Foret specialists for $ 1500. Two-metering stove (Ariston) is mounted in it for $ 135 and the filtering extract (Turbo) for $ 50 here is not quite usually for a small apartment square kitchen furniture. It is usually possible to place it along one or, which happens less often and is much stronger, along two walls, in the form of the letter "G". In the same case, the architects have placed stationary items along the three walls, making the working area compact and comfortable. This became possible due to the erected wall, extinguished the niche for the refrigerator. On the other side of the new partition, the kitchen cabinet was located. Thus, three whales kitchen furniture refrigerator, a stove and washing - were comfortable for the hostess of proximity from each other, at a distance of an elongated arm or one step. Avot to place on both sides of the window two lockers (for tea and dining dishes), it was necessary to increase the simpleness, partially laying the window the window with a brick: to the edge of the pollipich, on the side of the brick. Therefore, a new plastic window with a double-glazed window and a windowsill smaller than before, sizes are needed. The brick sections of the walls were plastered, covered and sailed the same wallpaper as the whole kitchen. So now about this architectural innovation and you won't guess.

The floor in the kitchen before repair was closed with a linoleum, strong and almost new, with the previous owners a year before departure. I did not want to live with such a floor, and it seemed inexpedient to sidice. Found a compromise option. Linoleum was installed laminated flooring (Tarkett, Sweden; $ 8 for 1m2), imitating light wooden parquet "deck" laying. Usually under the boards of such a coating are placed plastic substrate, and here it performed the linoleum. The boards glued only among themselves, that is, they mounted the so-called "floating way." Akray pressed the plinth.

Heat and light

All wiring has been replaced. Old aluminum wires were cut and left in the walls, and instead, the parallel tracks, paved (in Stroebe, or between the frame struts plasterboard wall sections) New copper (20.75 PVA, PVA-22.5, PVA-21.5 ). The wires themselves before laying have done in corrugated plastic pipes. Summime 1 M of the new wiring cost a little more than $ 1, and work on sticking, cable laying and sealing the stroke- $ 3 (1 p. m).

In the hallway, found a comfortable place for electrical protection with automata (ABB). It is hidden from the eyes, but is easily accessible because it is located next to the entrance door, on the wall. Instoke installation of the built-in wardrobe turned out to be inside it. So, to gain access to the device, it is enough to push the door-compartment.

Both radiators of heating in the apartment are also new. Old, ugly, which presented metal plates shown on the pipe were dismantled and thrown out. Ana their place, cutting a new thread into existing pipes, installed Sira radiators for 8 sections in the kitchen and in the room.

So for 1.5 months, it was possible to equip a typical apartment, turning it from the old and uncomfortable in a new and comfortable, appropriate lifestyle and the creative spirit of the hostess. Saved, abandoning the dismantling of the floors. In total, the reconstruction and repair of the apartment in 37m2 (together with the work, materials, purchase and installation of equipment) was spent $ 9738. That is, $ 263 on 1m2 total area.

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $ Name of materials number Price, $ Cost, $ Total, $
Creation and alignment of the outdoor screed 3.92m2 five 19,6 Self-leveling composition of "BIRS 16" ("Experimental plant of dry mixtures", Russia) 240 kg 0.04. 9.6 29.
Walling 6,6M2 7. 46. Plasterboard with mounting profiles ("Knauf Gypsum", Russia) 6,6M2 10 66. 112.
Laying electrocable 10m2 3. thirty Electric cable with hose 10m2 one 10 40.
Floor Floor Ceramic Tiles 3.92m2 eleven 43. Ceramic tile (Sokol, Russia) 3.92m2 2,3. nine 52.
Installing a washing machine 1 PC. nineteen nineteen Washing Machine (Indesit, Italy) 1 PC. 350. 350. 369.
Blowing wallpaper 9m2. 2.7 24. Wallpaper (Rasch, Germany) 9m2. 3. 36. 60.
Ceiling trimming plasterboard 3.92m2 10 40. Plasterboard with mounting profiles "Knauf Gypsum" 3.92m2 10.6 42. 82.
Coloring ceiling 3.92m2 3,4. 13 Paint Water-Emulsion (Tikkurila, Finland) 3.2 L. 3. 12 25.
Electric installation work 3 points four 12 Wiring Products (AVA, Germany) 3 points 10 thirty 42.
Installation of electric boiler with machine guns 1 set. thirty thirty ABV shield and automata 1 set. thirty thirty 60.
Installing the door block 1 PC. thirty thirty Door block glazed 1 PC. fifty fifty 80.
Finishing walls "Cold Tage" 1,8m2. 3. 5,4. "Lining" 1,8m2. 3. 5,4. eleven
TOTAL 313. TOTAL 650.
TOTAL 960.
Plastering ceiling 18.7M2. eleven 206. Plaster "Rotband" ("Knauf Gypsum") 114 kg 0.25. 29. 235.
Wall shockting 27m2 10 270. Stucco "Rotband" 135 kg 0.25. 34. 304.
Coloring ceiling 18.7M2. 3,4. 64. Water-emulsion paint Tikkurila 15 L. four 60. 124.
Installation of bookshelds 33 pcs. 2. 66. Dowel-nails (Russia) 1 set. 7. 7. 73.
Electric installation work 6 points four 24. Electric installation AVV 6 points 10 60. 84.
Installation of radiators 16 sections 6. 96. Radiators (Sira, Italy) 16 sections 14.5 232. 328.
Installing the window block 1 PC. - 00. Window block (Aquarius, Russia) 1 PC. 545. 545. 545.
Blowing wallpaper 27m2 3. 81. Wallpaper Rasch 27m2 3. 81. 162.
TOTAL 807. TOTAL 1048.
TOTAL 1855.
Erecting sections of brick walls 1,5m2 7. 10.5 Ceramic Brick (Russia) 25 pcs. 0,2 five sixteen
Construction of walls of plasterboard 6m2. 10 60. Plasterboard with mounting profiles "Knauf Gypsum" 6m2. 10 60. 120.
Installing the window block 1 PC. - 00. Window block "Aquarius" 1 PC. 455. 455. 455.
Flooring 9,6M2. 6. 58. Laminated floor covering (Krono, Switzerland) 9,6M2. eight 77. 135.
Plastering ceiling 9,6M2. eleven 106. Stucco "Rotband" 60 kg 0.25. fifteen 121.
Coloring ceiling 9,6M2. 3,4. 33. Water-emulsion paint Tikkurila 8 L. four 32. 65.
Wall shockting 24m2 12 288. Stucco "Rotband" 168 kg 0.25. 42. 330.
Coloring walls 27m2 3. 81. Acrylic paint Tikkurila 21.6 L. four 86,4. 167.
Installation of kitchen furniture 1komple. - 00. Kitchen furniture (Forema, Russia) 1komple. 1500. 1500. 1500.
Installation of the refrigerator 1 PC. - 00. Refrigerator "Stinol 242Q" (Russia) 1 PC. 250. 250. 250.
Installation plate 1 PC. - 00. Two-meter cooker (Ariston, Italy) 1 PC. 135. 135. 135.
Setting an exhaust 1 PC. - 00. Hood (Turbo, Italy) 1 PC. fifty fifty fifty
Installation of radiators 8 sections 6. 48. Radiators Sira. 8 sections 10 80. 128.
TOTAL 685. TOTAL 2787.
TOTAL 3472.
Alignment of outdoor screed 2,6m2 five 13 Self-leveling byrssic composition 16 52 kg 0.04. 2. fifteen
Bath installation 1 PC. 80. 80. Cast iron bath (JAsob Delafon, France) 1 PC. 241. 241. 321.
Installation of toilet 1 PC. 45. 45. Toilet (IDO, Finland) 1 PC. 150. 150. 195.
Installation of washbasin 1 PC. thirty thirty Washbasin IDO. 1 PC. 150. 150. 180.
Installation of towel rail 1 PC. fifty fifty Heated towel rail "PB St. Petersburg" 1 PC. 70. 70. 120.
Installation of the electric fan. 1 PC. 10 10 Electristant "Orbit" (Eldin, Russia) 1 PC. twenty twenty thirty
Laying outdoor tile 2,6m2 eleven 28.6 Ceramic tile "Falcon" 2,6m2 nine 24. 53.
Laying wall tile 9m2. fifteen 135. Ceramic tile "Falcon" 9m2. nine 81. 216.
Ceiling trim "Cold Tag" 2,6m2 6. sixteen "Lining" (Russia) 2,6m2 3. eight 24.
Finishing walls "Cold Tage" 2,5m2 3. 7.5 "Lining" 2,5m2 3. 7.5 fifteen
Electric installation work 6 points four 24. Electric installation AVV 6 points 10 60. 84.
TOTAL 439. TOTAL 1253.
TOTAL 1692.
The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Mini repair in a mini apartment 14212_19

Architect: Natalia Minaicheva

Architect: Dmitry Fedorov

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