All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming


We describe in detail about why you need feeding, which requires preliminary work and what fertilizers it is better to enter.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_1

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming

Fragrant garden strawberries love children and adults. Therefore, it grows almost on all country and garden sites. To get a rich harvest, you need to properly care for the berry. And do it not only in the spring and summer period. We will understand which care is needed strawberry in the fall: trimming and feeding for all the rules.

All about strawberry leave

Why do you need to feed the berry

Preparatory work

Than you can feed the culture

- Organic

- mineral drugs

- mixed fertilizers

Why feed strawberries in the fall

At the end of summer, the berry finishes fruiting. This happens in different times depending on the variety. So, repairing varieties can be fruit until early September. Not all gardeners know that at the end of the collection of berries it is necessary to enter nutrients. Abundant fruiting depletes bushes and soil under them. Their immunity weakens sharply, the danger of disease appearance increases.

In such conditions, the plant needs to be prepared for the winter and lay fruit kidneys. The crop of next year directly depends on the number of the latter. More than laid in wintering, the kidneys will not be. Even if the whole spring is "feeding" the berry. Therefore, it is necessary to help strawberries to recover in the shortest possible time. The easiest way to do this with the help of correctly selected items.

The first feeding of strawberries in the fall immediately after fruiting. Its goal is the speedy restoration of the plant, an increase in its resistance to diseases and pests. The second is held later, in a month and a half. It helps the berry to prepare for wintering, activates its protective mechanisms and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Especially necessary feeding to weakened plants. They are "fed" even more than two times over the autumn period. Strong bushes can be enough once.

The first processing is more often made by a liquid solution. It is poured under the root, extraxnealing drugs are used much less frequently. It is necessary to know that later the last week of September, the introduction of liquid fertilizers is not recommended. Night temperatures are already low, the root system does not have time to recycle the obtained substances. This contributes to loading and subsequent freezing of bushes.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_3

The second processing is carried out later, usually in October. For it, only dry mixes are chosen. They are sealed at the permeability of the rods or, in the case of the use of organic, mulch rows, simultaneously insulating them. You can, of course, do not feed the garden strawberries in the fall, but then in the winter there will be unreasonably large losses of plants and good harvest for the next year you do not need to wait.

  • 4 best way to store strawberry harvest

Preparatory activities

At the end of the fruiting, it is necessary to prepare strawberries to wintering.

Get rid of weeds

First you need to get rid of weeds. They compete with bushes behind moisture and nutrients, interfere with normal ventilation. Therefore, weed grass ruthlessly burst, but only if it happens at the end of summer. The problem is that when the weed removal is most often damaged roots of the berry.

If this happens in the autumn period, it may not have time to recover before the cold. Therefore, weeding in the fall is carried out otherwise. For it, suitable herbicides are used. They will destroy the weed grass and will not damage the roots of strawberries.

We carry out trimming

Purified Berry bushes need to be cut. Disputes about how to do it right, they are working for a long time, and the only correct result is not yet. Supporters of "radical measures" argue that it is necessary to remove all the blooms and old foliage. After all, it is here that spores of fungi develop and insect pests are developing, so the optimal option is to leave a low young piglet. Their opponents convincingly prove that the plant with cropped leaves will send all their strength on their restoration. Green growth will weaken a bush, he will go out in winter unprepared.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_5

The final decision, which degree of pruning to choose, remains behind the gardener. It should be understood that the leaves to some extent protect the bush from the adverse effects of cold and winds. Leave it without foliage in winter it is impossible, he will die. Consequently, if complete trimming is planned, it is carried out no later than mid-August. So culture will have time to dial the green mass to the cold. Autumn trimming is carried out otherwise. Mustache, patients and dried leaves are removed. For trimming, you will need an acute secator. It is desirable to disinfect it. Trim leaves and mustache need to be accurate movement, trying to cut them under the base. If you have to cut a leaf with obvious signs of the disease, after cutting it is necessary to disinfect the secateur so as not to distribute the disease. It is advisable to periodically do it in any case, because the symptoms of the disease may not be visible. The cut mass is folded into the bucket and immediately carry out the landings.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_6

  • 4 types of beds under the strawberries and their proper preparation in spring with their own hands

What fertilizers to enter in the fall in the fall

The main goal of autumn processing is to help plants to be able to be safely overwhelmed. Therefore, its composition is different from the one that is carried out in the spring. It is strictly not recommended to make nitrogen and containing its drugs. They activate the growth of green mass, which is dangerous in front of the cold. Having spent all the forces on rapid growth, the bustice will not be prepared for the winter and will die. The introduction of phosphorus and potassium is justified. You can do this in different ways, consider them all.


Garden strawberry loves organic blends. Therefore, feeding for strawberries in the fall after trimming is often spent only organic. Options may be several.


Most often used chicken. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:15. It is necessary to insist two to three days. Before treatment, bushes are watered so as not to burn the roots. Given that the fertilizer is very concentrated, watering is carried out between plants. Under the root pouring is not recommended. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not hit the leaves or mustache.


Used as a liquid preparation. For its preparation, the korovyan is diluted with water, the ratio of 1:10. The mass is well mixed, after which it is insisted for one or two days. The finished solution is poured under the root. One bush is a liter of nutrient fluid. Getting into greens is undesirable.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_8


Fresh, not overwhelmed manure lay out between the beds on the eve of the onset of cold. The mass will decompose, turning into a substance easily digestible for plant organisms. In the process of decomposition, heat is allocated. It will warm strawberry bushes in the cold. Instead of manure uses humid. The result is similar, but without additional heating. The rate of flow of pumping organics is 10 kg per square.


Cultures, which are sown after harvest. After the appearance of the young swords, they are mounted, close in the soil. They improve its structure enriched with macro and microelements. Skilled grass is crushed, stacked between rows of strawberries, rushing the earth. Any legumes, mustard, lupine, wheat, oats or rye are sown as sitarats.


Rich in potassium and phosphorus, except them contain even more than two dozen items. Wood ash is the best, but you can also take the one that remained after burning straw, tops or leaves. The ash powder is dumped by soils near the bushes or add it with a peroxide. In a dry form, it will be brought last. The solution is used no later than the end of September. A glass of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Half liter infusion is poured under each root.

  • Ash for the garden: benefits and methods of application

Bone flour

Enrich soil with phosphorus and calcium. Powder is bold with boiling water, he must swell a little. Mass are necessarily cool, then lay it on the surface and the soil frills. The swelling powder is close to the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm. There it decomposes, feeding the root system. Unlike other fertilizers, bone flour allocates phosphorus in soils for three years.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_10


If there are no organic matter, strawberry feeding the autumn mineral fertilizers. They contain a certain amount of each element, so it is necessary to calculate the dose. Otherwise, instead of the benefit of the berry culture, it will be harmful. Another point. In the compositions with the same name, but from different manufacturers, the content of active substances may vary. Therefore, it is very important before applying to carefully examine the instructions, calculate the necessary dose and act in strict accordance with the recommendations.

The easiest to use complex drugs, where the number of active elements is carefully selected and balanced. They are universal or intended for certain cultures. All options work well. For strawberries recommend "Kemir Autumn", "Gera", "Autumn Universal", "Agrikol" and others. If desired, you can make a mixture yourself. We offer several recipes.

Recipes of mineral fertilizers

  • 4 g of nitroposki and 20 g of potash salt are stirred. Granules are poured 10 liters of warm water, interfere with complete dissolution. The resulting liquid watered berry bushes. Preferred watering is desirable so that there is no burn of root processes.
  • 10 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potash salt are poured by 12 liters of water. Stir to dissolve the granules. The solution is used for irrigation of rods.
  • 20 g of potassium salt and 20 g of ammophos are mixed and poured ten liters slightly heated water. Stir the wooden blade until the granules dissolve. Spilled a solution of aisle at the rate of two liters of fluid on the bush.
  • 60 g of potassium sulfate and 80 g of superphosphate are poured into a capacity with 20 liters of water. Interfere before dissolving fertilizer. Water plants under the root. Each of the 1.5-2 liters of nutritional solution goes.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_11

When making chemical compounds, they carefully follow that they do not fall on the stalks or leaves. Otherwise, the burn is inevitable. Fitting on a socket can lead to the death of a bush. After the first frosts begin, the liquid feeding stops. It is strictly not recommended to make nitrogen-containing drugs, even in combination with other means. It is necessary to completely eliminate the nitrate of ammonium, calcium and sodium, urea, sulfate and ammonium sulfonitrate, ammonium chloride.

Mixed fertilizers

In the fall, during the preparation of strawberries, the mixed types are made by winter. It is believed that they complement each other's action and prolong it. Preparations are combined in different combinations. We give several options.

  • 20 g of potassium chloride, 30 g of nitroposki and 250 g of ashes are mixed and dissolved in 10 liters of water. The saturated solution is made under the root of strawberry bushes in a liter for each.
  • 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potash salts are stirred to a homogeneous mass with 2.5 kg. The resulting mixture is uniformly decomposed by 1 square meter. Meter landing. Then the looping is carried out to close it at a depth of 0.1-0.15 m.
  • Ten liters of infusion of a cowboat prepared in a ratio of 1:10 are mixed with 2 tbsp. Spoons of superphosphate and glass of ash. Mass must be interfered until the pellets is completely dissolved. Under each bush pour out 250-500 grams of fluid.

All these means stimulate the kidney bookmark, of which berries will later develop, strengthen immunity and help culture to prepare for winter. For planting young seedlings prepare another mixture. Mix 10 grams of potassium chloride, 35 grams of superphosphate and 3 kg of compost. Stir to homogeneous mass. Add the composition to the well when landing. As a result, young landings are enough nutrients for a whole year. Only in some cases they will have to additionally "feed" nitrogen in the spring.

All about feeding strawberries in autumn after trimming 1734_12

We figured out what fertilizers to feed the strawberries in the fall and how to do it right. In the autumn period, additional supply of nutrients is necessary for all garden strawberries. Exception - young seedlings landed at the end of summer. They do not need to feed, because all the elements necessary for the development and growth have already been introduced into the landing. However, care is needed. The young pigle in winter is mounted with straw, peat, sawdust or compost. It will save it from the cold and severe frosts.

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