6 "grandmother" tips on cleaning, which do not need to follow


Do you still think that Cola will save the toilet from the plaque, and the soda wash the windows? Let's try to convince you the opposite in our article.



1 wash windows soda

Very often you can meet tips for environmentally friendly and quick cleaning of windows with soda solution. Perhaps once this method was actually applied in practice due to the lack of specialized spraying in stores. But in fact you are waiting for an unpleasant effect in the form of very badly and long washed off with plastic windows of white divorces, which leaves drying soda. The optimal solution is to choose a safe detergent or go to washing with clean water and rags from microfiber.


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2 remove traces from glasses with oil and vinegar

Sometimes you can stumble upon the old tip, wipe the wooden lacquered table, on which there are divorces from the circles, a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar. Unfortunately, vinegar is a chemically enough active substance and can damage the protective lacquer layer, which is covered with a countertop. And the oil will have to rub long and it will not protect the varnish from exposure to vinegar.

Instead, use conventional clean rags, moistened in very warm water or if the stains do not go, direct the jet of hot air from the hair dryer on them.


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3 Add salt to washing machine

Once it was believed that the usual table salt, added to the washing machine, will protect things from staining, and the aggregate itself is from scale.

In fact, salt, large or finely crushed, rather breaks your washing machine than it will prevent the spread of paint from poor-quality fabric.

But the mitigation of water is a great idea, especially if you know that in your water supply it is too tough. But for this you need to use salt from manufacturers, which in the factory conditions clean it from suspension. The same rule applies to dishwashers.


4 Pull the gas member in the toilet

There is an old myth that different sodes are so aggressive that they can clean the flare and destroy the bacteria.

In fact, the number of acids that are contained in them will only suit for very slow removal of a small amount of rust. Bite or citric acid will cope with the task significantly faster and better.

Bacteria carbonated drinks are also not killed, but they contain sugar, which can remain on the surface of plumbing and become excellent food for them.


5 remove ink spots with hair varnish

This technique worked perfectly with your grandmother, because the first hair polishes contained a large number of alcohol. It is he who corps ink. Modern varnishes contain it in a much lower concentration or do not contain at all, but they can leave on the tissue stains.

It will be more efficient to dial into a small alcohol pulverizer and spray on a stain.


6 Disinfect sponges in the microwave

Another vain advice is to put sponges after cleaning or washing dishes in the microwave and try to warm up, killing bacteria. In order to really achieve the disinfecting effect, the sponge must be heated to the temperature at which it simply lights up. Therefore, it is better to clean and squeeze it at the end of each cleaning, regularly replacing it with a new one when signs of wear appeared.


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