To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country


We tell what plants need to be put in April in the garden and how to prepare a garden to this.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_1

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country

Not everyone starts to plant plants in the garden in March, but in April, it is impossible to pull with it. Therefore, it is necessary to hurry and put the soil in order, prepare a greenhouse and have time to pop up early fruits. We tell you what to put in April to get a delicious harvest on time.

Once reading? Listed 7 plants for landing in video

All about planting plants in April



Preparation of seedlings

Preparation of beds

In order to easier to work with a seedler, as well as to get a good crop, it is worth paying the time to the place of future landing.

Remove Paddance

Before sowing and planting, it is necessary to remove dry leaves from garden strawberries, as well as branches of raspberry bushes and currant, apple trees. Get rid of rotten fruits.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_3

Proceed the soil

It is necessary to do it, in the spring you can not dig deeply - sufficiently break enough. Be sure to support the soil. For example, with nitrogen fertilizers (30 grams per 1 sq. M.). Or, if you can buy fresh manure, use the following scheme: Dock not a very deep ditch of width around the meter or a little less, fill it with it with a manure, then thump it with a layer of land (about 20 cm). It will need to sing seeds.

Check greenhouses and greenhouses

If you have not yet prepared them to sow, then it's time to do it. The air in the greenhouse should warm up to 16 ° C, and the soil is up to 10-13 ° C. As soon as they have achieved such a temperature, you can land, such as seeding tomatoes. Greenhouses do not require such high indicators: at 5 ° C heat and above, you can sow greens: parsley, dill, salad, and also seeds of early radish. The harvest will appear by May holidays.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_4

  • What can land in May: 7 species of vegetables and 6 colors

What to plant in April to open ground

It is possible to plant not only greens, but also other vegetables. Therefore, mid-April is a hot time for dacha owners in the Moscow region and other regions. It is not necessary to hurry to sow either, unexpected frosts can destroy the first crop, however, it is not necessary to pull, as the soil dries, and then many sprouts will not go. About what is planted in April from frost-resistant crops is lower.

Comfortable temperature conditions for shooting

Grade Plants Temperature
Sorrel 1-2 ° C.
Radish 1-2 ° C.
Radish 1-2 ° C.
Salad 2-3 ° C.
Dill 2-3 ° C.
Cabbage 2-3 ° C.
Celery 3-4 ° C.
Boby 3-4 ° C.
Carrot 3-4 ° C.
Potatoes 5-8 ° C.

The plants mentioned in the table can be seated in the cold soil without fear, they will solve even strong night frosts.

Radish and radish

First of all, it is necessary to plant them in the country. As soon as the soil relieved, you need to sow radish. Each next crop sowing can be done when leaflets will appear on the previous one. Then from one bed for the season you will get three crops.

To go all that you plant, resort to such a scheme: Choose large seeds, soak them in a salt solution. All that pops up, remove. The remaining omit in the pits 1-2 cm, located apart from each other at a distance of 2-4 cm. Before that, the soil is moisturized and disappeared well.


At the very beginning of the month, start cooking potatoes. You need to sort the tubers: remove patients and not sprouted. Also worth it to periodically change the places in the box in which they are stored, it is necessary that they are preparing. But in no case, do not exhibit them under the sun: the straight rays are harmful to them. It is possible to germinate tubers in wet conditions: so not only eyes will appear on them, but also the roots. To plant it in April in the soil stands in 10-20 days, as soon as trees green and warm weather will be installed.

Do not squeeze this culture on the bed, where tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots and beets grew up. There is a high probability that tubers will hurt there.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_6


Usually advised to sow it before in winter, but if you didn't work out, you should do it as early as possible. The plant is rather undemandingly, so it is enough to put it in a good fertilized soil. It will grow perfectly all summer: it is only worth updating sowing every two weeks. Spring varieties sprout very quickly: after 5-7 days at temperatures above 5 ° C. In addition, the salad is not afraid of minus temperatures: it will be able to withstand up to -6 ° C during freezes.


Another long-term grade of greenery, which is not afraid of cold spring. He starts to germinate immediately after the snow melts. You can actually put it at any time of the year, but it is better to do it before. Watch that the soil is moistened, the dry plant does not like.


The seeds of this plant have a solid shell, so they will germinate slowly. It is much easier to plant them early, otherwise you will complicate my life: you have to pour a little every day. If this is not done, then in the drying soil, carrots may not be absorbed at all.

Choose an open place on the garden, not flapped by branches of trees: the plant does not like shadows. When landing, make a clear rows, place the seeds in the ground, too, in a straight line, do not scatter them.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_7


It can be sowned to the open ground immediately, as the earth fills. Sota in the spring and throughout the summer every 10-15 days, and then the greens will always have at home.


Attach his seedlings in April - it's time. However, it is desirable to germinate it from February. Roots on the garden should be placed away: at a distance of 30-45 cm. Only leaves should remain on the surface, the roots should be carefully saved.

If you missed time, then you need to prepare seeds: give them germination, then dry a little and mix with sawdust in the ratio of 1: 5. It is possible to plant pretty early as soon as the earth is warm, freezing them are not terrible. In a fertilous and dyed in two weeks, the soil put 1 gr seed for 10 square meters. m.


Another beloved by all the greens. It should be planted several times for the season: in the middle of spring and autumn. Pre-seeds better germinate. They should be placed in a loose land in the grooves depth 3 cm. Excessive moisture plant does not like, as well as greater dryness, so you need to follow the balance.

You can put it in the shadow, her parsley is not afraid. It will grow better if the cabbage, potatoes or cucumbers grew up on the garden.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_8

  • What to sow in February: 13 vegetables, colors and berries, which time to plant on the seedlings right now

What seedlings to prepare in April

Do not forget that, together with landings at the cottage in April, you need to prepare seedlings for May works. Therefore, about the middle of the month in separate containers or just a cups place the seeds of zucchini, cucumbers, patissons and pumpkins. Thanks to such works, you will get a crop much earlier and arrange plant planting.

Seedlings of grated crops (pepper, tomatoes, eggplants) can be sacing at home in April to put in May in the country. It must be checked and hardening outdoors. Also gradually reduce watering and add light so that the plants get used to the country.

To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country 3802_10

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