How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence


In a country house you can conduct a water supply from the well located on the site. We tell how to do it.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_1

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence

It is possible to conduct a water supply on the cottage from the well. For this, professional builders will not need. If the house is not an individual object and it is impossible to register, the preparation of the project and its approval is not necessary. In private buildings, where registration is possible, the same sanitary and technical standards and rules apply as in urban buildings. Schemes are different. Sometimes they include a gas boiler, a heating stream and a branched pipe, serving several rooms at once. The pressure provides the pump - one or more. Certain constraints occur during the installation of heavy plumbing due to the insufficient carrier ability of overlaps. If you need to equip a lightweight shower cabin or put a sink in the kitchen, there will be no such problems.

How to make a water pipe in the cottage from the well

Pros and cons of wells and alternatives

Elements of the system

Assembling summer water pipes

Device system for permanent residence

- Preparatory work

- gasket outdoor communications

- Inner layout

Inspection and prevention

Pros and cons of the well and alternative options


  • Mine from wide concrete rings is working smoothly.
  • With a sufficient flow, it is better to choose such a scheme, since in this case access to water will not depend on electricity. It can be taken when the equipment is turned off.
  • The degree of cleaning is usually high.


Waters may not be enough with a large consumption, especially when there are no rains for several weeks and is hot weather.

The well system has two alternatives.

Alternatives and their characteristics

  • Local pipeline used for household needs. It will take several filters to get rid of sand, yals, rust and harmful microorganisms. The submission to the site is made only at a certain time. The pressure is usually lacking. Therefore, this option should be refused immediately.
  • Artesian well. Provides a constant stream that does not require cleaning and additional training. It is more compact. It is much more difficult for it than to maintain concrete rings. The layer that feeds it is very deep. It will take special equipment and helping engineers to get to him. Conduct drilling is permitted only after the project coordinates in government instances.

If the project coordination and spending on the services of engineers and special equipment are not included in your plans, it is easier to make a water supply on the cottage from the well, especially since the system can be collected with your own hands.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_3

  • How to prepare a water supply in the country to winter

Prefabricated system elements

The simplest scheme consists of three main parts - pump, pipeline and cumulative tank, located in the attic. The tank is connected to the plumbing. In a more complex scheme, a heating boiler, heating stream and a hydroaccumulator, regulating the pressure. It is an alternative to immersion and surface pumps.

Submersible and surface devices

Their choice depends on the number of people living and their needs. The length of communication and the height for which they are planned to be carried out. It is necessary to choose the equipment with a reserve in power of about 50% - so it does not have to work at the limit of its capabilities, and it will last long.

Two types of pumps for waters for water supply

  • Submersible - the device is fixed no closer than 0.5 m from the bottom. It holds the cable. Electric wire and pipe are connected to the housing. With a low location, you need to put a filter that prevents sand and other large particles on the bottom. Some models inlet is located on top. They do not need a filter. It may be necessary to use additional cleaning at the inlet to the main pipeline, since the devices passes the solid particles with a diameter of up to 2 mm.
  • Surface - the housing is mounted on the surface, showering only the hose in the water. This design is suitable for shallow tanks. The device is not calculated on a large volume and is used mainly for watering and economic needs. It can be used for a small summer house with a tank in the attic. The hull must be protected from moisture, otherwise it will have to hide it from precipitation under a metal visor.

To simultaneously include several cranes, without fearing that the tank will empty, the submersible device should be installed. Average power - 24 l / min. It is enough to raise the fluid pole of the desired volume on the second and even the third floor.

The devices are equipped with pressure gauges measuring pressure. You can set the dry running sensor - it turns off the feed when the work is violated, for example, when trouble or damage to communications.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_5

Stationary water supply devices

The system includes the following items.
  • The damper tank is also called the hydroaccumulator. It accumulates the volume of fluid necessary for its uninterrupted feed to the plumbing, and uses it when pressure drops.
  • The pump is, as a rule, mounted near the tank. The hose or tube with a suction valve is immersed to the well.
  • Pressure switch with protective shutdown function. It turns off the energy when the pressure drops below the set level.
  • Reverse valve overlapping channel when fluid flows in the opposite direction.
  • Voltage stabilizer - it is needed in areas where the supply of electricity is unstable. The stabilizer protects against breakdowns arising from voltage jumps. With a short closure, the electric motor can overdo it.
  • Filters - If the water contains impurities that reduce its quality, it is better to set several cleaning steps.

The station can be placed in the basement of the building or the subsidy on the first floor. It should be connected to the outlet with the RCD. Such outlets are used in wet rooms. They turn off the current with a short closure.

If the station is outside the house, it should not be placed outdoors. It must be protected by the roof and walls. In this case, the equipment is connected to the electric tailor with a three-core copper cable, laid underground in the corrugated tube. The cross section is from 1.5 m. The tube is packed below the level of freezing, wrapped by geotextile. In the movable soils, the ditch falls asleep with rubble and sand.

The station can be collected in parts or buy in the finished form. Factory models differ in different parameters.

Parameters of factory stations

  • Dimensions of the hydroaccumulator. Its volume is an average of 60-80 liters.
  • The volume of the pumped liquid is 1,500-4,000 l / h.
  • Power - 250-1,400 W.
  • Power consumption - as a rule, there is enough of the usual outlet. It should be noted that in the village voltage may differ from the city.
  • Pump immersion depth - up to 50 m.

It is important to pay attention to the noise level, especially when installing in a residential building.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_6

How to make a summer water pipe on the cottage from the well

It is not designed for the winter. Install it is much easier than the system capable of working all year round.

In this case, the laying of insulated communications is not required. The thread creates a conventional submersible or surface device. A shower cabin or sink can be positioned at any convenient location. External communications serve pipes and hoses laid by the soil. With underground laying, the depth must be at least 30 cm - otherwise the danger of damage to the wiring will appear. In the building use standard metal plastic reinforcement with angular couplings and tees.

When using the station, the accumulative tank in the attic will not need. The flow will come from below under the desired pressure. The cumulative top tank is mounted with a small flow, when submersible equipment is used.

For the winter it is necessary to disassemble and dry its details. The remaining moisture, turning into ice and expanding, is able to damage them. The temperature even in a warmed house left for the winter falls below zero, so the internal pipes must be empty. It is desirable to remove them, as the joints can be depositized at temperature deformations.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_7

How to mount a water system for permanent operation

Preparation of shaft

Before making a water supply on the cottage from the well, it is necessary to put it in order. The pump should be well held on a strong reliable base. The leaks from the upper layers of the soil should be eliminated - they significantly reduce water quality. Outside the wall must be protected from freezing.

As a rule, the design is concrete rings bonded between themselves. Rings roll and conduct their inspection. The trench must accommodate a person. It is root only on the one hand - the second keeps the soil.

Start with seams of seams. They are cleared, cracks are expanding, ground and closed with mortar. After grappling, the surface is covered with rubberoid and failed with bitumen mastic. The inner side is failed with liquid glass.

After waterproofing, geotextiles are proceeded. To create more efficient insulation, mineral wool plates are used, closed on both sides by polyethylene.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_8

At the final stage, the trench falls asleep with sand. From above stacked the rammed clay layer.

A special bottom filter is installed on the bottom, which improves water quality. It is fixed around the perimeter on the self-tapping screw and fall asleep with a small layer of rubble.

Laying external pipes

Outdoor reinforcement is laid below the level of primerization of the soil, adding a half-meter. This half-meter includes the cross section of the reinforcement and the sandy base that it is placed. Polypropylene and polyethylene pipes are suitable for creating a channel. They are not afraid of corrosion and well withstand mechanical loads. The model must be calculated for outdoor use.

The cross section depends on the length of the channel. With a length of about 30 m, it is 32 mm. For longer channels, the cross section of 38 mm is taken.

The reinforcement is placed on a layer of sand with a thickness of 20 cm. The angle of inclination is from 1 degree. Stoke guide to the well.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_9

Docking is carried out using a welding machine. To get a collapsible connection, a thread fittings are used. The insulation is the mineral wool, closed with impermeable film, and geotextile. Before filling the trench, they make a trial launch, watching whether there are leaks. First give a small pressure, then gradually raise it. The test lasts 1-2 hours. If it passed successfully, the sand layer 20 cm is poured on top and bury the trench.

In the northern regions, the level of freezing is very deep. In this case, the reinforcement is placed on a depth of about a meter and heated by a special cable in winter.

Inner layout

The outer channel enters the hole done in the foundation. The hole makes more pipe cross sections by twice taking into account the temperature and humidity deformations of the materials. It must have a protective hydro and thermal insulation shell, which is necessary to ensure that the moisture and temperature of the walls are transmitted to the pipe.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_10
How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_11
How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_12
How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_13
How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_14
How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_15

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_16

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_17

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_18

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_19

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_20

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_21

Inside the house in the basement, the valve is connected and the hydroaccumulator either goes up if the submersible pump is applied. If the pressure to raise the fluid post is not enough, the additional equipment is mounted.

Methods for connecting plumbing:

  • Sequential inclusion of instruments into one channel, rising into the living area. This method allows to save the inner space, but it cannot provide the volume of water required for the simultaneous operation of several plumbing devices.
  • A collector method - separate fittings stretched to each wash and shower cabin from the station.

Inspection of the system and preventive work

  • The pump is gradually clogged with sludge, clay and sand. Its gaskets are wearing with time with constant contact with solid particles. The equipment must be cleaned once a few months and carry out a planned replacement of pads, without waiting for that they will lose hermeticity. The best prevention will install filters on the bottom and the device itself.
  • Maintaining computational pressure. It averages 2.5- 4 atmosphere.
  • Inspection of the well - it should not give leaks at the top. They are well noticeable against the background of dry concrete. The upper layers contain many impurities that reduce water quality.
  • The system must be warm. With a negative temperature, the water will turn into ice. Expanding, she will bloom the pipe and dismiss the equipment.

How to make a water supply on the cottage from the well: installation of a system for seasonal and permanent residence 4096_22

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