Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter


We tell in detail about all spring events - feeding, pruning, transplant and others necessary for the full growth and lush flowering of pink bushes.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_1

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter

With the arrival of the first days of spring gardener it's time to start care of the rosary. Compliance with the rules and instructions, taking into account the climatic features of the area makes it possible to bloom at least ten years to every bustle. We will understand what kind of roses are required in the spring.

All about spring care for pink bushes

  1. Remove shelter
  2. We solve winter problems
  3. Salem
  4. Cut the branches
  5. Podkramliva
  6. We protect against disease and pests
Only healthy and well-kept bush blooms. Therefore, for the gardener it is very important to spend all the spring events in a timely manner. It is required to cut, feed, if necessary, replant or plant plants, protect against their diseases, etc. In order not to forget anything we prepared a simple check list from six items.

1 How to remove winter shelter

Flowing time depend on the time of removal of winter shelter. It is necessary to do it after the soil hides it. This is a general rule for all climatic zones. It is impossible to be late and rushing. In the first case, the plant threatens excessive moisturizing and sparing, in the second - freezing.

When to shoot

  • Southern regions - from mid-March to mid-April.
  • Moscow region - from the middle to the end of April.
  • Leningrad region - from April third trimester until mid-May.
  • Ural and Siberia - from mid-May to the beginning of June.
If roses have been open open, which is possible in the warm regions, you need to take care of the protection against the convergence. With the beginning of an intense melting, thawed grooves are digging so that the melting waters are not stood in a rigorous circle. Otherwise, the roots will begin to chant. Kostiki, which was covered with covered, should be revealed.

How to reveal the bushes right

  • The ventilation begin to spend after the snow comes down completely, it will come steadily warm weather. If this condition is performed, the shelter is slightly disclosed for three to four hours.
  • Partial discovery is carried out when the soil melts 150 mm deep into the depth. The shelter is removed from the east and from the northern side.

Through three days, the shelter is completely removed. But provided that it is dry weather without wind. It is impossible to leave bushes completely open. The root system has not yet fully woke up and works badly. Therefore, stems cannot transfer ultraviolet radiation. To prevent sunburn, they are signed. To do this, take a fir nutrition, paper, or any thin agrotectile.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_3

A few days later, when the bushes are adapted to the sunlight, the shading is cleaned. Now it takes a dip. Experienced gardeners advise to wear protective gloves and hand carefully glimpse the stem. So young shoots will remain unharmed. After that, the soil is loosened in a rigorous circle. A single-survive solution of copper mood lubricate the sections to which the cuttings were vaccinated.

  • To the gardener note: what is planted in April in the country

2 How to solve problems after wintering

After winter, all plants must be carefully examined. During this period, the foci of diseases, prompted or extinct shoots become visible. Frozen branches dry and acquire an unnatural brown-brown color. They are immediately cut out. Reddish-brown specks on shoots indicate that they "succeed." These are the consequences of the conclusion, the cause of which becomes delayed by the shelter.

First, the brown spots are homogeneous, then the middle of them becomes darker. If they do not fight with them, they quickly spread over the branch. Infected escape is cut out to a completely healthy area. Cut material is necessarily burned. The location of the cut is thoroughly treated with a fungicide with copper. It will help, for example, Copper Chlorine. If the stains have already spread throughout the plant, it is uprooted and burned.

Sometimes cracks of different sizes appear on the branches. The reason is warm autumn. The movement of juices in such conditions is slowed down, but does not stop. When the first frosts come, the liquid freezes and breaks the wood. Such defects need to be treated with copper vigorous or a solution of manganese. Cracks are embarrassed by Garden Warr. If the escape is strongly deformed, it is removed.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_5

Mold on the collapsing colors appears as a result of the absence of autumn processing. The mold flare must be removed, just wipe enough. Then handle the problem areas with iron vitrios or soapy water with the addition of copper. Sometimes it seems that the bush is dead. There is no proceeding frightened on it. Gardeners advise to move the plant. If it is walking, most likely, the root system died and no longer holds it. Otherwise, the tents will not be.

  • From the choice of place to care: the right landing of the plenty rose in the spring in an outdoor ground

3 When and how to plant roses in spring

Around the middle of April, the kidneys have not yet been crossed, it is possible to carry out a transfer and landing. First choose a place. It is advisable to plant on the south side so that it is solar and open. Unwanted cold winds. The seedlock is planted into the prepared pit, necessarily shadow. The first five days do not watered it and do not touch at all. After this time, watering is possible and subsequently feeding.

Spring eyepiece is considered the most productive, because it has done to get to the cold. It is better growing with a trip in the cool time of the year, and in the event of failure in the summer you can pick up a bush. Consider, for example, how to instill a rose on a rose hips in the spring. There are no restrictions in the choice of techniques, but most of the gardeners prefer the "Corre's" method and in "Butt". Rosehip is cut under the stump, on which a longitudinal cut of the bark is made. So, to go deep into the stem. Then a small cross section is performed. Prepared eyes are inserted into place, fixed.

The quality of the vaccination material is of great importance. Therefore, it is important to take care in advance how to keep the cuttings of roses to spring. They are harvested late in autumn or in winter. Keep wrapped in a film in the cold: in the basement, refrigerator or affected in the snow.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_7

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4 How to trim roses in spring

Pink bushes in spring must be trimmed. Moreover, pruning is made in two stages. First perform sanitary and only then forming. The purpose of sanitary trim is the removal of old or deformed branches. Immediately remove the shoots that grow inside. For grafted plants, it is important to completely remove all the sprouts that appeared below the vaccination site. All sections are immediately processed by a diamond greens or a garden garden.

Sanitary trimming rules

  • Shrub trim every spring.
  • All manipulations are performed before the kidneys are dissolved.
  • Correctly perform a slice of 5-6 mm above a healthy kidney strictly at an angle of 45 °.
  • For processing take the secret, necessarily sharp. After processing one plant, it is disinfected.

Forming trimming is performed later. Its goal is to activate the growth of shoots and the formation of an attractive crown. The early flowering varieties are formed in April, when the leaves are not yet. Soil-level, plenty and tea-hybrid varieties are cut into May.

Types of forming trimming

  • Weak. Ten kidney remain on the branch. They subsequently develop in the shoots of small size, so come with park and curly varieties. Blossom comes in June.
  • Average. Leave seven kidneys. The branches that appeared are longer than after weak. But they will bloom later. So treat almost all varieties.
  • Strong. There are three kidneys. They give powerful long branches. Blossom is late for a month.

The last type of trimming is not suitable for plenty varieties. They do not have time to bloom. Old bushes are cut into this way. This allows them to update, gives the effect of rejuvenation. For each of the varieties you need a certain type of trimming. So, for chabras, stramb and parks shows only weak. On the removable leave six kidneys. Soil cutters are subjected to sanitary trimming, as they grow - rejuvenating.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_9

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5 than feed roses in the spring

In the spring period, pink bushes need additional nutrition, which includes phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen and potassium. You can feed mineral, organic or complex fertilizers. By choosing the composition, be sure to study the instructions and make feeding in accurately according to it. The universal mineral mixture is made independently. Mix ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate in equal parts.

  • 10 best spring fertilizers for roses

The resulting composition is made to the rolling soil at the rate of 30 g per square meter. The technique is used for wet soil. If it is dry, it is necessary to fertilize under the root. Then prepare liquid feeding. The mixture is dissolved in water before irrigating. A good option than to feed roses in the spring for lush flowering - organic fertilizers. A layer of soil with a height of 50-100 mm under the bush is removed. It is covered with humus or compost.

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6 How to protect plants from pests and diseases

Spring care necessarily includes preventive pest protection measures. So that they are effective, start not immediately, but after four or five steadily warm sunny days. Before the first processing of the soil in the rosary loose. Insects get out of the ground will make it on a unwinding area, where they are processed. It is designed for soil. A week later, the second, already for plants and soil.

The preparations of comprehensive action are selected, most often copper-containing. For plants, insecticidal and fungicidal agents are required. It is important to properly prepare the composition in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. You can use folk techniques. For example, good protection against diseases is a mixture of water with kerosene: 10 liters of water 1 teaspoon kerosene.

Care for roses in the spring: a simple check list from 6 points to perform after winter 4403_13

Proper care for roses in spring after winter is very important. It gives the opportunity to leave the winter hook and go to the active growth and flowering phase. The novice gardener may seem troublesome holding all the necessary events. However, it is impossible to neglect them. Pink bushes at the cottage will thank for the care of lush bright colors.

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