5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid


It is important not to strive for the ideal and make plans that really fulfill. We list errors and suggest solutions that will help not perform them.

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_1

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid

The general cleaning is not just washing the floors and the total stripping of the territory, but also a wonderful way to free the space for a more comfortable life. In the end, when the old one threw the time to buy a new one, and this is already a pleasant reason for shopping. We have collected the most frequent mistakes that most makes the majority, retracting in the house. They are based on the principles of Nicole Anzia - the Guru of Raskenness from the United States. And also made a short leaf of working techniques in order to avoid them.

1 confuse the procedure

And now it is not that you first need to vacuum, and then wash the floors, but about buying storage systems that help organize space. Too often, we are in pursuit of tips on the guise of cleanliness and order and the desire to follow these tips to buy organizers thoughtlessly, without checking whether they will suit specific cabinets, shelves and needs.

What to do

First you need to get rid of old things and plan places where you put new containers. It is important to check all sizes and think that you put in boxes. And so that things are always on the ground, make a habit every day to clean up for 15 minutes. Just 15 minutes a day - and the house will sparkle. Looks like an advertising slogan? By no means a really working rule.

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5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_7

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_8

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2 Plan too much

Remove for 60 seconds - this is not about a rational approach. It is not necessary to put a goal to clean, for example, the whole apartment for the day.

What to do

It is better to do this in a few days, but more carefully and spending fewer time per day. Do you like to do everything fast? For you there is a "rule of 5 minutes." Choose the most problematic room and give it a daily 5 minutes of cleaning time. You will see how it will be transformed after some time of such cleaning.

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5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_11

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5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_13

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3 Make a few cases at the same time

If you do not think about the order and sequence of affairs, after half an hour you will already re-disassemble the same box, while others do not have enough time and strength.

What to do

Make a plan and clearly follow him. Especially when it comes to general cleaning. It is better to do it on average once a quarter. Make a list of tasks, but put a real target, because the difference between "clean the carpet" and "wash all the walls" - colossal.

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5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_16

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_17

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_18

4 Do not dispose of trash in time

Be consistent: if you decided to part with something, it is better to throw it away right away, so as not to have time to appear - and they will definitely appear.

What to do

There is an excellent habit: as soon as we bought new things in the store and brought home new things - throw away the same old one. White T-shirt instead of white t-shirt, baking dish - instead of the same shape.

5 errors in general cleaning at home and working tips to help them avoid 4686_19

5 put too high bar

Do not too desperately focus on the ideals of cleanliness and get upset if you can't create the same interior.

What to do

  • Having passed on the house, collect 27 of any things on the emission. Do it as quickly as possible without thinking.
  • And another actually working method - regular cleaning of hotspot. "Hot Points", so differently called hotspots, there is in every apartment. These are the places of cluster of trash. Divide from no less often than twice a day.

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