Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs


The water pressure, temperature and noise level in the room - we tell about the important indicators that you need to pay attention to the inspection of the apartment.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_1

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs

The process of choosing an apartment can seriously delay if you do not know what to pay attention to. In order not to spend time and wipe money, make a list of the desired selection stages. We have gathered here the most important items that you can take note.

1 Temperature

Is it worth saying that the apartment should be warm. Do not be lazy to bring a thermometer with you and put it in one of the rooms (preferably a corner, if there is such). After you inspect the room, go back and check how many degrees in the room. The most comfortable indicator is from 21 to 25 degrees. If in the winter in the apartment is cold, and in the summer too hot, is a bad sign. It means that thermal insulation and air exchange is broken in the house.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_3

2 Noise level

If a number of construction or a lively highway, it is clear that it is not necessary to speak about silence. But sometimes too noisy in the house happens from completely unexpected circumstances: noisy neighbors, kindergarten or school, low floor and, in the end, bad sound insulation. When you choose an apartment, listen to the noise: If you are well audible what is happening outside, it means that the house does not have very good noise insulation. You can check it in this way: turn on the music on your phone, leave it in the apartment, and go to the corridor. Immediately it becomes clear how good you and the neighbors will hear each other.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_4

3 Quality windows

Good windows are a pledge of a comfortable microclimate indoor. They hold noise and prevent drafts. To check how high-quality windows in the apartment can simply attach a hand in them. If the glass is cold in winter or hot summer, it formed condensate or ice on it - these are bad signs. So, windows are installed incorrectly and do not breathe or freeze.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_5

4 water pressure

This issue is especially relevant for residents of the upper floors, because the higher the apartment, the worse the water pressure. Especially in Prime-Time: in the morning, when everyone goes to work and in the evenings, when they return home. If you came to watch apartment in this watch, be sure to open the crane and see how well the water comes to your floor.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_6

5 Reliable flooring

Listen, whether the floor cracks, when you go from the room to the room. Often the owners trying to save, put a new coating without cleaning and without dismantling as the old one. Empties are formed in the floor, due to which the floor can start dance or crack. Plus, the presence of an old coating under the floor is not the most hygienic solution, since there may be insects and fungus appear.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_7

6 layout

Ask the owners the original plan of the apartment and deposit with what you see in front of yourself. It is necessary to make sure that there are no illegal redevelopments, the presence of all supporting structures and the correct arrangement of wet zones. If there are violations, in the future to sell an apartment will be more difficult. In addition, the dismantling of the bearing walls probably threatens the appearance of cracks or even their partial collapse.

Do not buy an apartment if you have not checked it on these 6 signs 4828_8

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