How To Wash Painted Walls: Useful Tips for Different Paints


We tell than to wash the water-emulsion, silicone, acrylic paint, as well as alkyd and oil enamel.

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How To Wash Painted Walls: Useful Tips for Different Paints

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In the general cleaning check list, it is necessary to wash the need to wash the walls in the rooms. True, not everyone believe that it needs to be done. But if the surface is painted, wet cleaning is necessary. Dust and stains on a smooth monophonic plane are especially noticeable. Let's talk how to wash the walls and not damage the layer of finishing.

All about washing painted walls

Preparation for wrap

How to wash different types of paint

How to wash without divorce

How to remove stains

Preparation of the surface to washing

It is necessary to conduct wet cleaning of the walls as they are contaminated, but at least twice a year. Experienced hostesses advise this in the spring and autumn. For the first time after a long winter, when heating and air flows worked with dust throughout the house. The second - after the summer, when dust and dirt particles hit the street from the street.

Before you begin to wash, you need to make sure that the wet coating can dry quickly. That is, there is enough warmth in the house and there is no excessive moisture. Otherwise, as a result, you can get unpleasant divorce, dampness and even mold. Before washing painted walls, preparatory work.

1. Preparing workspace

All photos, posters and pictures hanging on the walls, clean. Similarly, we do with any other decor. We celebrate the released hooks and nails in order not to make hands about them. To do this, fasten small pieces of bright fabric on them. Furniture shift to the center of the room so that it does not interfere with the free move.

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2. We protect the floor from moisture

Along the plinths laying off the film or dense fabric. It will protect the floor covering from the unwanted exposure to dirty water. If necessary, the furniture is also protected in the same way, covered with a film.

3. Remove the dust from the coating

We carry out dry cleaning, we completely remove dust from the ceiling plinths and walls. The easiest way to do this with a vacuum cleaner included on the middle or low power. The floor brush must be removed and put a small plane base nozzle. You can use the mop with a clean cloth on it.

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Features of cleaning different types of paint

For painting, different compositions choose, therefore, care is also different. It is necessary to know exactly how the plane was painted, so as not to spoil it in the wash process. Consider the most popular compositions.

Water-emulsion paint.

The coloring pigments are dissolved in a water basis, so the finish is very sensitive to moisture. It is best to limit the dry cleaning, because there is a danger to spoil the colorful layer. If this is impossible, accurately fulfill the recommendations, like washing the walls painted with water-level paint. For processing, only a soft sponge is taken, intensive friction is prohibited.

A weak soap solution is used as a detergent. It is bred in water and whipped until the foam is appeared. Alternative - 3 tbsp. Spoons of salt or food soda per 10 liters of warm water. Wash the water-level coating is needed by minimal liquid and very neat. The paint is easily dissolved and washed off.

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Water-dispersed acrylic and silicone compositions

Polymers are present in their composition, which makes the separation layer of moisture resistant. Instructions, how to wash the wall, painted with water-emulsion with silicone or acrylic, allows you to use almost any detergent. True, aggressive chemistry is better not to take. Well coped gels for dishes, liquid or economic soap. If necessary, you can rub the coating with a little effort.

Alkyd or oil enamel

This finish forms a dense durable film on the basis. It is resistant to mechanical damage, so you can apply certain efforts to wash it. It is not recommended to apply soda or soap. For cleansing, a solution of ammonia is used. It is dissolved in water in the ratio - 1 tbsp. Spoon on a liter of liquid. Strongly contaminated areas wipe with fresh potatoes.

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How to wash the walls without divorces

Start cleaning any surfaces is needed from checking the safety of detergent. To do this, they pick it up on a sponge or rag and wipe the unauthorized fragment. By how paint behaves, determine, the drug is suitable or not. If the painted layer did not deteriorate, you can wash the entire plane.

For cleaning prepare a soft sponge. In addition to her, it will take a well-absorbed fabric or rag for wiping dry. Prepare two buckets. In one breeding solid. Most often for this in water dissolve any soap. Another universal solution is a table white vinegar. It is added from the calculation - a glass on the bucket. The second capacity is left blank.

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The laundering process starts from below. The sponge is wetted in the detergent, pressed to remove excess moisture. It is treated with the surface in the bottom upward direction. All emerging traps immediately wipe. If they get sick, it will be difficult to remove them. The polluted washcloth is squeezed over an empty bucket, completely removing the dirty liquid from it. Then the actions repeat.

Washed painted base need to rinse. At the same time, water is not needed to pour on it, especially if there is a layer of water emulsion. Therefore, clean water is gained into the tank. It wetted thoroughly washed sponge, squeeze it, process the base. Possible drips are immediately removed. In conclusion, a dry cloth is cautiously wiped out the base of dry. It is impossible to leave it with wet, you can spoil painting.

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How to remove stains

To obtain a good result, it is necessary not only to know how to wash the painted paint wall, but also how to remove spots from them. They appear for various reasons, but most often it is fat with dust and dirt sticking to it. We will analyze several ways to clean such pollution. In any case, it is necessary to remember that before processing the stain, you need to test the safety of the product on an inconspicuous fragment. Otherwise there is a risk to spoil painting or leave a divorce.

We offer several methods for removing stains.

Talc or Stachmal

Well removes fresh butter splashes or drops of food residues. Take a paper towel or a napkin, tightly pressed to the surface. Pop pollution powder, leave for a while. Waiting until fat is absorbed into starch or talc. Powder sweep the soft tassel. If necessary, wipe the rag moistened in soapy water.

Dishwashing gel

In combination with hot water, the gel helps to get rid of most contaminants. Much depends on the means. For old traces of fat, it is better to choose concentrated preparations that are well dissolved. For example, Fairy, Aos, Frosch, etc. They are applied to the dirty plot at undiluted form, leave for softening of fat residues. Most gels are safe for the base color and do not leave tracks.

After a while, the drug with the remnants of the dirt is removed with a soft cloth or rag. No need to rub intensively. The rag is careful, without extra effort move down-up. If the soap is formed too much, it must be washed. In the final, a paper towel dries the foundation.

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Alcohol will help remove ink, rust, fat residues. A dry cloth is wetted with alcohol, carefully wipe the contaminated fragment. If the dirt is old, maybe then you have to wash the wall. Alternatively use a wet napkin on an alcohol basis. It is gently wipe the dirt, trying not to damage the base.

Shaving foam

Shaving foam well dissolves a variety of pollution, especially for a fat basis. A small amount of foam is extruded directly to the evaporator wall. It is slightly smeared and leave for two or three hours, so that the stain is dissolved. The foam foam is cleaned with a soft wind, if necessary, removes its residues with a slightly damp cloth.

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New paint

The most radical way to get rid of stains - paint a spoiled fragment. It is used when no other techniques are already triggered. The contaminated area is neatly cleaned to the base, if necessary, stained and redden. It is important to understand that it is not always possible to choose the color. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be a little different.

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Rules, how to wash the painted paint wall, simple, but effective. The most important thing is to determine correctly than the base is painted. In accordance with this, the detergent preparation and processing technique is selected. Most of the paints of moisture resistant, they are well tolerant. Exception - water-emulsion. It is best for her dry cleaning.

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