8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus


Unsuccessful table, poor lighting and lack of trash - avoid errors, because of which the exchange rate is not written and the annual report is not being prepared.

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_1

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus

1 no place for garbage

The desktop constantly accumulates unnecessary documents, old drafts, packaging from food, and if you walk every time in the kitchen, to throw them, focus hard.

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_4

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_5

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_6

Get a neat trash and shredder next to your workplace, so that the storage work is compact.

Basket Erichkrause Steel.

Basket Erichkrause Steel.

2 Bad lighting

If the lighting over the work table is dim, then when performing monotonous and boring work you will be clone into sleep. It is also difficult to focus if the only light source is a chandelier with your back, as you will throw the shadow on everything that lies in front of you.

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_13

Finish the workplace with a bright high lamp on hinges, which is fastened with the edge of the table and can be fitted and aimed at any segment you need.

Table lamp

Table lamp

3 no pleasant little things

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_15
8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_16
8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_17

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_19

8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_20

Do not force the entire table with photos within the framework of stationery accessories and souvenirs. But also comply with the sterile emptiness is also no need. Add two or three little things to workplace that inspire you to work and learn from a new one: Favorite books of specialists in your area, small motivational poses, photos of places where you go on vacation.

Photo Frame Philippi BEO.

Photo Frame Philippi BEO.

4 Chaotic storage

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_23
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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_27

Tangibly pleasant to sit down for a clean spacious table with a pack of pure paper and pencils in the stand and immediately start working, than to spend every time the time to guide the order. Start boxes for documents, stands for the office, magnetic or cork board for trifles and notes, and do not forget to restore order at the end of the day so that the next morning it was more pleasant to continue to work.

Tray for documents

Tray for documents

5 Deaf Wall

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_30
8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_31

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_34

Frequently often working tables put in bulk to the wall, especially in small rooms. This decision can create a psychological discomfort and a sense of a closed grace. Try moving the table to the window or at least push away from the wall and sit face to the room.

6 Uncomfortable chair

On the Internet you can find a large number of photographs of beautiful jobs, which will be inconvenient to work because of the unsuitable chairs. Do not sacrifice the sake of aesthetics and pick a fairly high chair with a comfortable back and seat.

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_40

Signs of a good working chair

  • It does not have to have armrests: they are needed to rely, when you sit down or get up. If when working your elbows will lie on them, the body will accept an unnatural position.
  • The chair should be high enough so that your legs calmly relied on the floor: did not hang in the air and did not get raged in the knees.
  • It can be with a back or without it, if you detect the posture yourself. If there is a back, then during operation you must rely on it with the entire surface of the back, and not only the blades or lower back.

Computer chair

Computer chair

  • How to choose a computer chair for home: detailed check list

7 is not able to visualize the goal

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8 errors in the design of the workplace that do not allow you to focus 6053_44
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It does not matter what you work on: Prepare for the exam, learn something new, prepare a working draft. It is important that sitting at the workplace, you could see your ultimate goal and stages on the way to it. To do this, you can use simple paper wall gliders, drawing boards or wall calendar.

Cork board

Cork board

8 Incorrect table

The desk should be high enough so that you calmly sit behind him, putting on the surface bent in the elbows. The area depends on your needs: if your only tool is a laptop, you need not so much space. If you write something, draw or draw, look for an option with a suitable countertop on which everything you need will fit.

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It is also important that you should be where to put legs during operation, so low models or options with a multitude of a drawer are not suitable.



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