Autumn or Spring: We understand when it is better to plant trees


We tell about the advantages of planting fruit and coniferous trees in spring and autumn and understand when to plant specific types of seedlings.

Autumn or Spring: We understand when it is better to plant trees 6445_1

Autumn or Spring: We understand when it is better to plant trees

In fact, a single answer to the question when it is better to plant trees, no. The fact is that the weather is different from year to year, and the soil in different places, and every seedling is individual. We tell how not to be mistaken.

All about when planting seedlings:

When planting fruit trees
  • Features of planting in autumn
  • Pros and cons of the spring landing

When it is better to plant coniferous trees

Rules landing

When planting fruit crops

The decision on landing is worth taking, weighing all the pros and cons of each time of the year.

In autumn

Such a landing has a number of advantages.

Pluses of autumn landing

  • The nurseries are just beginning to offer the fresh trees, the prices are lower, and the choice is much more. In addition, some sellers can immediately demonstrate the obtained fruits of a particular variety.
  • The Earth at this time of the year is already wet, loosened - the trouble will be less.
  • The roots will grow until the soil temperature is cooled to four degrees. So the seedlings will have time to grow and fit on the plot. And in the spring, their growth will begin for several weeks before the newly planted - the latter will need time to be rooted.
  • In general, the hassle in the fall in the country stretch is still less than in front of the summer. Therefore, you will have more time on the garden class.

In the southern regions and countries where there are no frosts, it is better to plant fruit trees in the fall. Warm winter and lack of risk of freezing guarantees good shoots.


In the central district it is worth considering the following dangers for shoots:
  • Strong frost and snowfall - stress for a young plant. Therefore, without additional care, not all of them can survive this time.
  • In the cold time, rodents can nibble a bark.

Suitable types and varieties

In the conditions of the coming winter in the middle band of Russia and in the Urals, the zoned varieties are lighted, those that were derived in a particular region. If we talk about what specific types are easier to carry frost, it is winter-hardy varieties of pears and an apple tree, a mulberry and some varieties of plums. The bushes of raspberries, currant and gooseberry are good.

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The disembarkation time depends on a specific year. The warmer autumn, the longer it is. Sometimes in the middle lane of Russia, the plots are replenished with sprouts in November.

  • A whole month from mid-September - in the middle lane of Russia and in the Urals.
  • All September - in the northern regions and Siberia.
  • In the south, the longest period, it lasts from the beginning of October and to the middle or even the end of November.

It is very important that the seedlings are in a state of biological peace - when foliage has already slept.

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How to save seedlings to spring if you missed the landing period

So, when better to transplant trees, if time is missing? It is impossible to plant later, you need to wait for spring. The main thing is to save the sprout. Most often dackets use three ways for this.

  1. Wintering in the cellar. The roots moisturize and put a tree into a container with peat or sawdust. It is important that the ambient temperature is not raised above ten degrees and did not fall below zero. There should be no dry and air: it is desirable to provide humidity at 90%. Watering the system once a week - two.
  2. Snowman - wintering on the street in the snow. Excellent way to keep small trees and shrubs. To do this, they are wrapped in spunbond, put them in several polyethylene packages and sprinkled with snow. At the same time, the snow cap layer should be no lower than 15 cm, and better - more. It is thanks to him that the temperature regime is maintained. Therefore, in a honest winter, it will not be possible to use this way.
  3. Capture is suitable for those who have no cellar. Save at home plants intended for cultivation on the street will not work, they will die until spring. The essence of the drawing is that the seedlings are placed in the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm and sprinkled soil. It is important to plant them at an angle of 45 degrees, the top south, the root system - north. The trunk falls asleep about half to protect the sprout from the frost. At the same time, the soil is sprinkled with layers, moisturizing each.

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Before deciding when it is better to plant seedlings of fruit trees, pay attention to the features of the disembarkation in the spring.


  • The probability of frostbite of sprout is practically absent. It is not terrible to them in the spring and strong cold wind.
  • As a rule, at this time the summer houses are in the site more often, and therefore monitor the process of suggesting much easier.
  • For the winter you can think about the planning plan, prepare the soil and trace the health of seedlings.


  • Little selection of plants compared to autumn sales. Yes, and quality often leaves much to be desired.
  • If summer is hot, you will have to carefully care for shoots, water them almost every day, and sometimes to stream from direct sunlight.

Types of plants

At this time, heat-loving plants are good. These include individual varieties of pears and apple trees, apricot, peach and cherry.

If you live in the Northern District, in the spring it is worth landing any variety derived south. As a rule, such a tree do not differ in frost resistance.

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Unlike the autumn period, the deadlines are compressed. This is due, first of all, with the weather: in many regions of Russia, especially in the south, spring passes very quickly. And the dacrooms are literally a week when the thermometer's column is not lowered at night below zero and does not rise above fifteen degrees.

Reduce the landing period and the plants themselves. As soon as the leaves begin to unfold, their survival rate decreases sharply. And this means that the tree will hurt, slowly grow and may begin to be froning for several seasons later.

So, when it is better to plant trees: in autumn or spring? Depends on the region. As mentioned above, the southern summer residents are more often made in autumn. And in the northern regions, put the landing in the spring, buying shoots in autumn and retaining them in winter.

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When it is better to plant coniferous trees

Conifers planted as fall and spring. There are no clear rules, and everyone chooses independently. However, as practice shows, the plants landed in the winter are coming up faster and grow stronger.

But be careful with the trees that are not resistant to cold. These include some types of cedar, cypressovik, Eastern Thuja and Italian Pine. While juniper, some varieties of pine, fir and ate are able to overvaluate without shelter.

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Rules landing plants

First - you need to determine the landing site. The most suitable side is considered Southern, so the garden will get enough light, and this is the necessary conditions for a good harvest.

  • Be careful with the arrangement of trees. Higher can be planted a little north, and the lowered - south.
  • Do not land a tree and near the house, communications and pillars. The minimum distance is from 4 meters, since the roots of the plant can damage even the foundation of the building, tall even further - from 20 meters.
  • Not all kinds of fruits are well getting around with their neighbors, they can allocate in the soil the destructive substances for relatives. This refers to peach, he cannot coherent with the cherry; Apricot laid next to Peach will grow badly, try to avoid. But the same peaches perfectly feel in the company with apple trees and pears. But they stand at a distance of at least 4 meters.

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All plants plant in pits that are prepared in advance. If this happens in the fall, then dig it in 2-3 weeks, even better - month; If in the spring - prepare a well from autumn.

  • The width of the pocket depends on the size of the root system. For the bone, it is 40x60 cm, for seeds - 80x100 cm. But if the roots have grown, these parameters should be increased.
  • The top layer of the soil is the most fertile. It can not be mixed with the bottom, since only land rich in minerals is suitable for snowing.
  • The bottom of the pit needs to be laid drainage. To do this, you can use crushed stone, gravel or pebbles. This is especially important if the land is heavy.

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Landing instructions

If the roots of the tree dried, they need to be pre-wet, lowering into the water for a day. In addition, it is necessary to remove completely dried areas, to trim damaged.

  • When landing the roots align, follow their position.
  • If the side is windy, it is recommended to install a support peg.
  • Pulling asleep by a tree with a nutrient mixture from the top layer of the soil and the reworked manure. It is impossible to use fresh manure, he will burn roots.
  • It is also important to determine correctly and install the root neck - the place in which the barrel goes to the root. It should be at the soil level, not higher and no lower.
  • Fall asleep, escape is necessarily watered. But they do at the beginning when the roots are poured with a nutrient mixture by 10-15 cm.

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