Vinyl siding caring: 3 important advice


We tell how to wash the plastic facade correctly and repair it.

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Vinyl siding caring: 3 important advice

Vinyl siding is one of the most popular materials for the outer decoration of country houses. The estimated service life of high-quality vinyl siding is 50 years. During this time, it will not change the color, retain the plasticity and frost resistance. It does not rot and does not crack, but over time is contaminated, and sometimes it gets mechanical damage. In this case, the material is easy enough to care.

1 My Sayding

The dust on the facade is not difficult to wash off using a high pressure washing. It is recommended to direct the jet from top to bottom so that water does not penetrate through the drainage holes under the trim (this will reduce the service life of the root).

If the road with an intensive movement takes place next to the house, you will have to fight not only with dust, but also with soot from exhaust. There is no need to do without detergent - soap, car shuffle or liquid for washing dishes. First, a solution of surfactants is applied to the surface, and after about 5 minutes it is flushed along with the dirt of water jet. Resistant pollution is removed with a sponge or with the "milling cutter" nozzle, but it is necessary to be careful and not to bring nozzle closer than 30 cm to the wall.

Big Plus Vinitive Side

The big plus of vinitive siding is that it eliminates the owners of the house from the need to regularly paint the facade - it is enough to flush from the pollution walls.

To combat fungus, you can apply a chlorine or algitin solution solution - so the facade will retain the cleanliness longer. But if cultural plants are planted along the scene, this method is excluded.

What if the facade accidentally spattered paint? Fresh stains sometimes be removed by conventional sunflower oil, and then alcohol or white spirit. True, in the case of nitroemal, this means does not work, but it cannot be used by any stronger solvents - the pigment is entitled to PVC, while the stain will become even more. It is better to wait until the paint is dry, and try to consider it with a blade or grinding skin. Another option is to replace the panel.

2 Change the damaged panel

The thickness of the plastic panel is usually about 1 mm, and it is not so difficult to break through a random blow. Most often it happens in winter: in the frost PVC becomes fragile. With such a trouble, as a rule, simply change the damaged panel. The operation takes no more than half an hour, but must be carried out at air temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

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3 Repair

Problems will arise if corners or other voluntary elements are damaged, which cannot be dismantled, without disassembled the finish within the entire facade. And if siding was bought for a long time, that is, the risk is simply not found on sale the product of the desired color. Then resort to local repairs. It is possible, for example, to make a piping from cropping (in a stock owner, they must be preserved) and glue it with PVC glue with the face or the wrong side - depending on the shape and type of damage. Another option - in several stages to close the hole with silicone sealant of suitable color; In the construction hypermarket there will always be white and dark brown formulations.

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This damage arose as a result of a shovel handle with a shovel when cleaning snow.

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To replace the panel, first removed the wooden door platband.

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Then a special crochet (it is easy to make from a strip of solid, but not hardened steel) unbuttoned the lock connection.

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Removed the panel.

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Prepared a new one.

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And they screwed it to the shap and fastened the castle of the same crochet.

Even if a large fragment of the panel is broken, and your siding is no longer available, it is not necessary to change the entire front finish. You should not buy a close shade siding to repair: the panel will still stand out and spoil the appearance of the house. It is better to consult with the designer and choose a two-color solution. At the same time, it is enough that new panels come in width and form. The desired fragments, according to the sketch, are cut out with a grinder and screw the new material by performing a vertical cut-off using a n-shaped profile.

If there is a blown on the surface of the sheat in the heat, which disappears when cooling, it is necessary to unbutton two or three rows of panels and check their mobility: most likely installers pulled fasteners or mistaken when cutting siding

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