How to create a comfortable microclimate in the house with finishing materials


It is the right finishing materials, and not humidifiers and other emergency measures will help to create and maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house. We tell how to choose them.

How to create a comfortable microclimate in the house with finishing materials 7169_1

How to create a comfortable microclimate in the house with finishing materials

What moisture is considered favorable?

Normal indoor air humidity is 40-60%. Too dry air provokes colds, attacks of bronchial asthma and exacerbation of allergies. In conditions of high humidity, pathogenic bacteria and fungi are actively multiplied, the risk of chronic skin diseases and diseases of the respiratory system increases.

Even a healthy man star

Even a healthy person, dampness brings discomfort: the smell of mold is elementary unpleasant. In addition, it potentially increases costs: in conditions of high humidity, the structural elements of the building are rapidly destroyed, the furniture is spoiled.


How to achieve favorable humidity in the room?

Optimal indicators can be laid at the interior finish, if you use modern mineral plaster. They are able to absorb excess moisture, and then as the moisture level decreases it back into the air.

So plaster for in & ...

Thus, plastering for internal works minimize moisture fluctuations in the room. So that the plaster worked, it is important to apply it competently: the maximum moisture absorption is achieved with a layer thickness of 1.5 cm.


Is it possible to affect air quality?

During the construction of the house, such indicators as the energy intensity and tightness of the premises are usually taken into account. It is they who help save resources during the operation of housing. The reverse side of such building solutions is the deterioration of air circulation. With poor ventilation in the air, dust, harmful substances and microorganisms accumulate. Therefore, it is extremely important that the finishing materials are not toxic. Mineral plaster fully comply with this requirement.

What does Baumit offer?

Consider how you can adjust the humidity and air quality by finishing on the example of the KLIMA series products. The base layer is applied by a highly permeable texture of Baumit Klimawhite. Intensively adsorb moisture and give it back during dry air, for example, in the midst of the heating season, the Baumit Klima MPI plaster is capable.

It will be perfectly cope with creating & ...

It will perfectly cope with the creation of a microclimate in such complex rooms as the bathroom, basement, garage.

Plaster is ideal for mechanical application; For manual, Klima Uni is designed. All these plaster create a natural fine-grained microporous surface. Structural surfaces are beautiful, but we are vulnerable to mold in conditions of high humidity and poor air circulation. An additional protection against mold will create a bayt klimafino lime.

It is easy to apply even on Cyrus ...

It is easily applied even on brickwork and absorb concrete bases and forms a flawlessly smooth surface suitable for any kind of finishing finish. The putty does not include harmful impurities.

The right microclimate indoors is important not only for health, but also for psychological comfort. Everyone knows that the color of the walls affects the mood - a vapor-permeable single-component paint Baumit Klima Color will create a good help.

It almost does not smell, does not cause ...

It almost does not smell, does not cause allergies and does not contain harmful substances, solvents and preservatives. Paint is ideal for children's rooms. At your disposal will be a wide selection of colors and shades.

Where are the Baumit finishing materials are tested?

To explore the impact of building materials on people's health, Baumit has built a whole VIVA research park. In his experienced homes, the usual living conditions are modeled: the level of ventilating, short-term increase in humidity after taking a shower or general cleaning, etc. 31 The sensor records the change in the health of the parameters around the clock.

Before launching in production & ...

Before launching, each product passes before running. Expert opinion is carried out at once three organizations with a world name - Austrian Institute of Construction Biology and Construction Ecology (IBO), Institute Burgenland and Vienna Medical University.


Finally, the fact of scientists. According to them, we spend at home up to 80% of your life. Is this not a reason to choose natural, breathable materials that will help create a safe environment and protect health?

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