How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting


Where to look for an apartment that take into account when inspection and how to save a little - we tell you what to do that find good removable accommodation.

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting 799_1

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting

1 Make a list of requirements for the apartment

To search for an apartment costs to accurately understand what you want from housing. First, highlight the budget. In many ways, this will determine the location of the house, proximity to the subway and the state of the apartment. Also, do not forget about additional spending, most likely, you will have to postpone the amount on the deposit.

Then come to the question more detail. Understand which floor you want, how many rooms do you need a balcony, whether the availability of household appliances and furniture is important. All these details will allow you to narrow the search and consider only those suggestions that you are satisfied. So you will save a lot of time.

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting 799_3

2 Begin to look for in advance

If you are planning moving in the near future, you should not postpone the search for housing. It may be that when you proceed to this case, there will be no decent proposals on the market. And then you will have content with worse options.

In addition, calling announcements, browsing apartments and other affiliate cases, usually occupy a lot of time. It should be for this ready and to gain patience.

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3 Use different sources to search

The most common search option for the apartment is online bulletin board. However, you should not focus only on it, try to take advantage of any available options.

Post an announcement that you are looking for an apartment in social networks. In short, specify your requirements: location, desired cost, proximity to subway or other transport infrastructure. Also, ask about proposals from friends and colleagues. Remove housing from familiar is much more profitable and cheaper. So you do not have to pay commissions to the real estate, and the risk to meet with fraudsters minimal.

Another option is to search for social networks, in district groups and forums. Owners lay out there announcements that may not fall on large bulletin boards. Also often other tenants are looking for neighbors in an empty room.

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting 799_5

4 Consider seasonality

There is a seasonality on the housing rental market: at the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall, the demand for removable apartments grows greatly. This is due to the fact that students come to major cities. Also at this time, many begin to look for a new job and move in connection with it. At this time, the owners usually increase housing prices.

It is worth considering the features of the place where you live. For example, in resort cities, prices for apartments rise at the beginning of spring, and lowered at the end of autumn.

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5 Meet the infrastructure

First of all, it is worth searching for information about the area and location of the house on the Internet. In this case, you can help local groups on social networks, forums, marks on maps and reviews about organizations. Examine what is near the house. It is worth avoiding places near the nightclubs, bars and cheap establishments. In the evenings, next to them will be dangerous. It is better if there is a small park or just a comfortable yard.

Another curious moment: houses that are located near the clinics, secure and other protected objects are safer. They are usually equipped with a large number of observation chambers. Often, about them is better than the road: municipal services are well followed.

After searching on the Internet it is worth examining the territory of the live. So you definitely make sure that there are right shops, pharmacies, shopping centers and other places in which you are used to walking.

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting 799_7

6 Check the entrance

To repair from the neighbors did not become an unexpected surprise, when examining the apartment it is worth visiting the floors on top and bottom. Check if there are no traces of building materials. Perhaps this is a minor detail, but in the future you wake up the sounds of a drill and a hammer is not very pleasant.

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7 Thoroughly inspect the apartment

An inspection of the apartment is one of the most important stages. It is not necessary to break the housing break, even if the owner is very in a hurry.

Note the condition of the walls, gender, ceiling, furniture, batteries, household appliances and plumbing. Especially pay attention to the places with high permeability: they can say a lot about the previous residents of the apartment. Damage and other defects say that many people lived here. Specify the owner, how heating works. In the bathroom, check the water pressure: if it is weak, there may be problems in the future. Also inspect the sockets and switches. Too cheap, most likely, sign that the owner saved on the electrician.

How to rent an apartment of your dreams: 8 tips for renting 799_9

8 Enclose a competent contract

The last stage before transferring money to the owner and entrance to the apartment is the conclusion of the contract. If the owner refuses to do this, housing is not taken in any case. This speaks about the unscrupulousness of the landlord. Ask him to show the original documents on the apartment. So you make sure you really have the owner. Do not trust photocopies: they can be faked.

In the contract, it is clearly registering the number of tenants, deadlines and amount of payment, do not forget to enter the terms of receipt of the deposit. Then list the responsibilities of the parties on all issues: repair of an apartment, furniture and appliances. Specify when the owner of the apartment may come, as and when will receive payment. Push the term of the contract and the size of the penalty, if one of the parties violates the agreement. A good agreement will save you from future problems and denotes the nature of the relationship with the owner of the apartment.

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