6 ways to protect the apartment from hacking while you relax in the country


You can ask to look after the apartment of the neighbors or install the security tracking system for the house - choose one of the ways that we tell.

6 ways to protect the apartment from hacking while you relax in the country 8452_1

6 ways to protect the apartment from hacking while you relax in the country

Despite the fact that, according to the police, the number of apartment corners from year to year is numerically reduced, after all, they still account for about a quarter of all registered crimes. In Moscow and the field of such crimes take up to 25,000 per year, in St. Petersburg - about ten times less. At the same time, the number of encroachments on housing increases in months, when part of the townspeople leave apartments and temporarily moved to the cottages - by about 15-20%.

It is significant that not always the kidnappers penetrate the wealthy apartments - often the cases when people of medium wealth become victims of criminals. The main criterion is the availability of the target target.

Methods that use thieves for the implementation of criminal ideas, a lot. This is the selection of keys, and hacking, and penetration through a window or a window. How to be to protect the apartment from the visit of the unborn guests?

6 ways to protect the apartment from hacking while you relax in the country 8452_3

  • How to prepare an apartment for departure on vacation: 10 things you need to do

1 Make friends with neighbors

If you trust the living with you in the same house, the entrance, on the staircase, you can contact your neighbors for help. Handing them the keys to the apartment, ask in the evenings to come and include the light, take correspondence and receipts from the mailbox and receipt to utilities, and not only water the flowers. This will create the "effect of the presence" of the owners and will mislead the houses. After all, the first bait for villains are windows - not only with delights, but also constantly dark.

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2 Do not talk about yourself too much

To have benevolent neighbors, of course, good, but also personal caution does not hurt. Try to avoid talking with any people, including from the nearest environment, about the availability and places of storage in the apartment of money and values. The source of information for detractors can be both your social networks.

Perennial observations show that sometimes the naiveness of the hosts of housing (especially the people of the middle-aged age) can play with them a dick joke. Leave the keys to the apartment for relatives in the mailboxes or in shields for electrical meters are unforgivable: uninvited guests are discovered with ease.

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3 Pay attention to unusual signs and marks

Carefulness is never unnecessary. According to the observations of law enforcement officers, sometimes you have to meet with such phenomena as conditional designations. The criminals leave them on the walls of the house, next to the doors of apartments. Thus, they note whether, in their opinion, invade these dwellings. These characters should alert the tenants - do not wait here.

At the time of the actual stealing, the kidnappers often stick their eyes in the doors of neighboring apartments. According to such a sign, it is quite accurate to determine that residents and their property threaten danger. Having received a message from the neighbors about the threat, hurry to return home. County business will never redo, and the house requires attention and care.

4 Contact a security company

Today, prudent owners of housing include insurance contracts. You can also contact the security company. The basic kit for the protection of the apartment will cost about 15,000 rubles, plus the monthly subscription.

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5 Strengthen the window

Residents of the first and recent floors make sense to establish anti-burglar windows. This design includes:

  • Additional location points - to enhance the structure, their number increases to five;
  • Mushroom pensions allow the design to withstand the load to 1.5 tons;
  • reinforced retaliatory, loops and hooks for anti-burglar windows made of high-strength steel;
  • Protection against crashing the lock: The locking mechanism is equipped with a lining of alloyed steel with a length of at least 300 mm.

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6 Create the effect of presence

You can create a presence effect using a regular timer by connecting to it, for example, a score or music center. Simple models will include music and light at the same time.

The weekly timer will help complicate the task: it appears with the ability to change the time of inclusion depending on the date.

Smart socket is another gadget that will create the effect of presence. With it, you can enable the device at a distance at any time.

Device protection against apartment anti-bodies, which simulates dogs, is a small radar, which registers the movement behind the door. As soon as someone is suitable for the apartment, Lai is heard. The device works from the network, but you can use batteries.

Practice shows that absolutely reliable ways to protect the house have not yet come up. However, there are several correct solutions that allow you to cope with the problem most efficiently. According to security analysts, protect the dwelling from the unreadable guests helps the following actions:

  • Installation of real alarm, acting on the opening, breaking the brake, volume;
  • Metal door equipment (preferably with anti-vandal effect);
  • equipping windows with locks;
  • joint with neighbors decision on hiring concierge;
  • Payment for monitoring services provided by neighbors on the floor;
  • Installing the video surveillance system;
  • Insurance of property from theft;
  • Installation near the door of the bellows (LED or Siren);
  • Placement on the door stickers about security.

6 ways to protect the apartment from hacking while you relax in the country 8452_9

The article was published in the journal "Tips of Professionals" No. 5 (2019). You can subscribe to the printed version of the publication.

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