How to wash the glossy stretch ceiling: 3 simple steps to a brilliant result


Glossy stretch canvas are beautiful and functional, it is not by chance that they are so in demand. We tell how to properly care for such structures.

How to wash the glossy stretch ceiling: 3 simple steps to a brilliant result 9537_1

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Thirdities of masters An old ceiling coating is transformed and turns into an ideally smooth shiny surface. Satisfied owners rejoice in such a transformation and think about to wash the glossy stretch ceiling without divorce at home and is it possible to do it at all. We will analyze important rules for the care of the film cloth.

How to launder stretch gloss

Design features

Complexity of the cleaning process

How often do washing design

Means for washing

Cleaning: Three simple steps

Purity rules

Features of tension systems

The glossy ceiling coating is nothing but a suspended system from a polyvinyl chloride film. The appearance and service life of the structure depends on the quality of the latter. The best option is a dense elastic material, which can also have any desirable color. Photo printing is possible as finishes. Before installing the cloth, special attachments are cut down and applied along the edges.

On the walls are mounted profiles-baguettes in which they snap fasteners from the edges of the canvas. In order for this to be done, the material is warmed up and is stretched in this state. After cooling, it is slightly compressed and stretched, forming perfectly smooth coating. Thus, it is possible to close the non-primable draft base and all communications laid on it.

In the process of mounting the film Break & ...

In the process of installation, the film is refilled in fastening


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Possible difficulties of care are explained by the design features. We will analyze them in detail.

  • The cloth is stretched on the frame, so it can be removed from the mounts. If baguettes are fragile or masters made mistakes when installing, there is a possibility that the film will be eliminated from the latch. This is the probability when cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner, especially if it works at maximum power.
  • Film is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical damage. Even dense and rather durable material can be accidentally damaged, thin low-quality, especially. For this reason, it is not necessary to overtake to the tool or press with a rag with a hand. The appearance of elongated areas is possible. All rings, bracelets, etc. It is better to remove to accidentally do not cut through the film.
  • The brilliant surface is afraid of abrasives. Like any other smooth coating, the glossy cloth can be scratched. As a result, noticeable stripes and scuffs appear, remove which is impossible.
  • The appearance of divorces. Gloss, like glass or mirrors, is very sensitive to the cleaning drug. Some of them, such as soap, leave traces on it. You can get rid of them, only completely removing the tool, and this is not so simple. Therefore, the composition for cleaning should be chosen very carefully.

Other, purely technical difficulties are possible. For example, if the ceiling is high, it is difficult to reach it. In this case, you can take a mop, but optimally use the stepladder. Getting on it, you can easily and safely wash any hard-to-reach plot, while mop can accidentally damage the cloth.

Wash the ceiling with a mop n ...

Wash the ceiling with a mop need very carefully to accidentally damage the cloth


How often do washing coating

The secret is always a clean and shiny ceiling in proper care. This does not mean that it needs to be constantly washed. Regular cleaning is assumed, and it does not always have to be wet. The main pollutant for gloss - dust. In the bathroom, other sources are added to the kitchen or balcony. However, for most rooms, regular dry cleaning is shown. If this is neglected, the gloss will lay the dust layer, which will only increase over time.

As a result, the brilliant canvas swells and loses the paint. If from time to time to clean it from dust, wash it will be easily. All otherwise for rooms with complex conditions. In the kitchen on the coating, particles of fat and soot are sedired, in the bathroom - traces of foam and rigid water, etc. All this needs to be washed. Optimally remove the stains immediately while they are fresh. In addition, as dirty, wipe the entire surface. And do it at least once every 6-10 months.

Regular dry cleaning and moisture & ...

Regular dry cleaning and wet cleaning are needed to preserve the attractive type of ceiling


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What to wash the glossy stretch ceiling

The right choice of the drug and tools is very important, because the gloss is extremely capricious in care. Let's start with devices. Very good for these purposes Soft sponges for dishes and rags made of microfiber are suitable. It may be useful and napkin made of natural wool. It is electrified, so the dust is not spilled, but sticks to its surface. From the appropriate devices, the mops of telescopes are well suited.

Such a tool for cleaning will help reach every corner without using a stepladder. The nozzle is better to choose from microfiber. It must be remembered that the mop should work very carefully so as not to damage the cloth. In addition, it is desirable to stock up with paper towels that will help remove divorces and give gloss surface.

For washing glossy ceiling l & ...

To wash the glossy ceiling it is better to choose microfiber


Let's go to detergent solutions. We have drawn money rating, starting with those that give the best result to the fact that they wash is much worse.

Best tools

  • Special gloss solutions. They are intended for careful cleaning of the film from different contaminants. In this case, you can be confident in their complete challenge for the canvas.
  • Preparations for cleaning mirrors or glass. All sorts of alcohol basis, produced in the form of spray. The alcohol is perfectly dissolving pollution and does not give divorce. Safe for film.
  • Owners. A solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons on 5 liters of water. Effectively dissolves fat, so it will be a good solution to the problem than washing the glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen. Leaves divorces, so requires multiple rinsing.
  • Soap solution. For its preparation uses soap chips and water. It is worth taking neutral highly efficient varieties without fragrances. For example, baby or economic. A small amount of chips must completely dissolve in water. Leaves divorce, especially on black panels. Requires rinsing.

Best choice for washing gloss & ...

The best choice for washing glossy ceilings - Special preparations


It is worth lifying the means that cannot be used categorically. These are all abrasives, even the lightest. They scratch a smooth film, it will be impossible to correct it. In addition, all compositions based on acetone are prohibited. The latter blews the film and adversely affects its structure. It can soften, wrinkles and chances will appear. All aggressive acids and alkalis are also contraindicated.

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How to wash a glossy ceiling: three simple steps

The process of washing the gloss can be divided into three simple steps.

1. Preparation of the web

The first thing to do is remove dust from the surface. Otherwise, when contacting with water, it will turn into a dirt that will be broken through the cloth. Therefore, we start cleaning with dry cleaning. It is good to use a rag from microfiber or wool, and a mop with a similar nozzle is suitable. If a vacuum cleaner is used, it must be put on minimal power.

2. Washing the surface

We check whether there is a spot on the web. If so, first process them. At home, you can use liquid for dishes or a saturated soap solution. We applied the remedy and leave it for a while that the substance that is part of its composition could dissolve pollution. After that, clean water wash the drug. If necessary, repeat the procedure. After we got rid of stains, you can wash the entire surface.

Before proceeding with wet ...

Before starting a wet cleaning, you need to dream dust


The means in the form of spray gently spray onto the coating and wipe it with a paper towel. This is how the divorces will not remain guaranteed. If we use a soap solution, first we prepare it to work, diluting warm, but not hot water. Then foam the liquid. We wat the rag and press very well so that the gloss does not appear in the gloss. Gently wipe the entire ceiling.

Here you need to adhere to some rules. No need to make circular movements, only straight. If there is a seam, you should move along, but never across. Otherwise, divorces will be especially noticeable. Large panels are processed by plots, moving from one wall of the room to another. If the surface is divided into sections, they wash them alternately. After applying a soap solution, it must be washed off with clean water. Then whether to wipe the canvas.

3. Final treatment

To give glossy, the film is desirable to additionally process. For this, a solution of ethyl or ammonic alcohol is suitable. Divorce the remedy in the ratio of 1:10 with cool water. This composition moistened with a soft tissue that all tension coverage is evenly wiping.

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Purity Maintenance Rules

In order to keep the impeccable look of the glossy cloth for a long time, simple rules should be followed:

  • Clean the coating regularly.
  • When the spot is detected, it immediately removes it, which has been contaminated is much more complicated.
  • Put in the kitchen correctly selected hood, which will not allow a large number of soot and fat to be laid on the ceiling.
  • When cooking, cover frying pan covers in order to prevent fat splashing.

Care for film stretch ceiling is easy. It is important to clean it from dust on time, rub the stains, then wash will have much less frequently. The canvas at the same time will retain its attractive look and shine. We offer to watch a video about washing glossy designs.

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