9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail


Collected ideas that will help you properly organize storage, highlight more space for the necessary things and reduce their search results.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_1

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail

Storeroom unloads an apartment and makes an interior abandoned. All unnecessary items can be stored on the shelves behind the closed door and do not worry about their aesthetics. But that the storage room was comfortable, it is important to provide several points in its filling. About popular mistakes in organizing this room are told in the article.

1 abandon modular systems

Stationary shelves are quite convenient, but modular systems with the possibility of transforming for changing needs - an indispensable filling of the pantry. If you have the ability to equip space with such systems, do it. So you will save yourself from global alterations and redevelopments in the future.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_3
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_4

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_5

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_6

  • 6 important recommendations for those who organize pantry in the apartment

2 do not plan the room

It seems that planning the storage room is easy: to equip the shelves, drawers and fold things there in an arbitrary order. In fact, the situation may be more complicated: all items that you were going to store can not get into the premises. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the number of things in advance, measure them and highlight the required place to accommodate. To do this, you need a layout plan, without it, storage can turn into chaos.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_8
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_9

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_10

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_11

3 Do not allocate things in importance

Use the following method: All items that are regularly needed must be placed not higher than you can get an elongated hand. If you neglect this rule, it will be uncomfortable to use the storage room. You will have to regularly substitute the step to get to things upstairs, while the low shelves will be occupied by unnecessary objects.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_12
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_13

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_14

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_15

4 abandon additional lighting

The backlight of the boxes and shelves is very important, it facilitates the search for the right thing. Storage in the storage room without additional light, especially with insufficient general lighting, inconvenient. In search of the necessary you will spend much more time than if you immediately see all the contents of the box or shelf.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_16
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_17

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_18

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_19

5 Use only opaque containers

Storage is recommended to do the most viewed. If possible, choose a transparent plastic, a grid or, at least boxes and cans and labels. Without them, you can easily confuse and will look for the right thing for a long time.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_20
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_21

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_22

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_23

  • 8 cool new products from IKEA for convenient storage in the apartment

6 abandon accessories saving space

Make a bet on accessories, saving place. For example, on organizers that are conveniently folded on each other, hinged baskets for drawers or vacuum packages. In the latter, the storage of bulk textiles will be much more compact. These accessories will help free more space for storing other things and allow more rational to spend a place in the storage room.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_25
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_26

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_27

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_28

7 leave empty space

Storeroom is a relatively small room. That is why all its space should work at the maximum. You should not add all items on the central shelves, and the corners and the upper tiers are left empty. Try to use every centimeter with benefit. Upstairs, you can organize the storage of things that you use rarely, for example, spare chemicals or groceries.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_29
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_30

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_31

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_32

8 give up vertical storage

Storage "In the Column" frees more space and allows compact to have things. It is possible to organize it with the help of special accessories, boxes and organizers: it is more convenient to fold on each other.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_33
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_34

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_35

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_36

9 Do not use the surface of the door

Do not forget that the door canvas is at least a pair of dozens of centimeters of free space. It also applies to the entrance door to the storage room, and small doors from the boxes. Man with hooks, shelves on suckers or suspensions. These places are ideal for storing small things.

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_37
9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_38

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_39

9 Errors in the organization of the pantry, because of which the correct storage will fail 9792_40

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