8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year


Spend a few thousand (and sometimes tens of thousands) to the New Year decor, and then remove it next year? Not everyone may afford it. Yes, and whether it is necessary to be so wasteful? We know which decor will serve to you after the end of the vacation. You can safely include these things in your shopping list.

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_1

1 Metal Glitter Accessories

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_2
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_3

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_4

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_5

Yellow and white metal adds a festive atmosphere, but with the same success they can be used on the everyday setting. They decorate the interior, make it visually more expensive and luxurious. And the last argument "in favor of" metals - they are in fashion, and are not going to lose relevance.

Metal vase

Metal vase



2 decorations of atypical colors

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_7
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_8

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_9

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_10

"Typical" we call red, green and blue. Discard the combination of these colors in the jewelry - use them separately or find alternate. For example, yellow-brown shades are considered a trend next year and they are quite suitable for creating a festive atmosphere.

Wase from glass covered with and

Wase from glass covered with and



3 decor, which does not apply directly to the New Year

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_12
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_13

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_14

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_15

You can decorate the house with Christmas stockings and spruce branches, and it is possible - with bowls, filled with electric garlands, which are quite realistic to apply at another time of the year. For example, in the summer to fill with dryweights, and in the fall - nuts.

Three storage tanks

Three storage tanks



4 Electric garlands

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_17
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_18

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_19

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_20

And by the way, about the garlands that we mentioned in the previous paragraph. If you like their mild light, it is not necessary to hide the decoration until the next new year. Why not hang them in the living room for creating a relaxed and cozy atmosphere?

Electric garland-canvas

Electric garland-canvas



5 Candles

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_22
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_23

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_24

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_25

Traditional decoration for the new year - candles. Those that you buy for the holiday will serve you for a long time. Choose candles in beautiful banks or unusual color. But from specific aromas - for example, needle - we advise you to refuse.

Candle Cristalinas.

Candle Cristalinas.

6 textiles

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_27

Of course, traditional Christmas prints are deer, christmas trees - will come along with the end of the New Year holidays, but there are other colors that you can use the whole year. Cage, prints with stars and flowers, knitted decor and velvet-actual in any season.

Monophonic velvet covers for pillows

Monophonic velvet covers for pillows



7 Flowers

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_29
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_30

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_31

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_32

For example, Puancettius often use professional decorators for decorating Christmas trees and houses for the new year. And its advantage is that the flowers will serve as a decor and after graduation.

Artificial Christmas flowers

Artificial Christmas flowers



8 Figurines and Figures

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_34
8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_35

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_36

8 ideas of the New Year decor, which will be relevant throughout the year 9965_37

We do not encourage to collect statuettes and meaningless decor, but if you presented something like these deer - they should surely leave them after the holidays.

Stand for decorations

Stand for decorations



  • 8 new year decor ideas that we spied at IKEA designers

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